
425 lines
18 KiB
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TupleSections, FlexibleContexts #-}
-- (C) Copyright Collin Doering 2013
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- File: site.hs
-- Author: Collin J. Doering <>
-- Date: Oct 11, 2013
-- Description: The static site generator for my personal technical blog
import Hakyll
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid (mconcat,(<>))
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Map (toList)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import System.Random
import System.FilePath (takeBaseName)
import System.Process
import System.Exit
import System.IO (hGetContents)
Major changes! See full log. * Changes ** Hakyll "site.hs" *** Added the ability to have per-page templates (for all "pages/*") *** "pages/*" can now be sectioned off into blocks A section is a logical division of a page. It removes the requirement for pages that have multiple sections to have some html in the markdown for the page or to move some of the markdown content to the template. Both of which are un-maintainable. There are two types of sections, both with slightly different syntax's. A _global section_ is a section who's content will be included in all sections (regardless of ordering). This is handy for including links and footnotes that might be needed in more then one section or non-section . It is not accessible from the Context obtained from genSectionContext. To indicate where a global section begins and ends use "$section$" and "$endsection$" respectively (without quotes). Formally: $section$ <body> $endsection$ A _named section_ is a section of a document that can be accessed by a given name from the context obtained from the function genSectionContext. To specify a named section use the following syntax: $section("<name>")$ <body> $endsection$ where <name> is the name of the section (any character except \") and <body> is the section body Anything that is not a section is referred to as a non-section. These are still important as they will include all content of the global sections of the document as well as the non-section itself. To be a little more formal a non-section is everything between "$end-section$" and ("$section$ or $section("<name>")$"). **** Example: mypage.markdown page title ========== $section("column-one")$ This is text that can be formatted in the individual page template located at "templates/pages/mypage.haml". Here is a link from a global section. See [Home][]. $endsection$ This is some text in between two sections or a section and the top or bottom of the page. It can be accessed by $body<n>$ where <n> its position from the top of all non-sections starting from 0. Here i can also use $section$ [Home]: $endsection$ ***** To see more visit - "pages/<name>" where the sectioned page markdown is written - "templates/pages/<name>.haml" where the individual page template is stored/loaded from - "templates/page.haml" the generic page wrapper ** Miscellaneous *** Reorganized the file structure - created folder "image-src" for image-sources - created folder "lib" for libraries that will be needed on the server - moved jQuery and Skeleton to lib and made appropriate - created folder "fonts" for FreeMono and FreeSans font files which are now used via css @font-face - create folder "css" and setup "site.hs" to minimize all css files and publish them to idRoute - created folder "sass" which contains a variety of s[ac]ss files along with a file named "default.s[ax]ss" which will be processed by sass to include any other s[ac]ss files that are needed and output "default.css" to the site root *** cleaned up .gitmodules ** Javascript - fixed processing of urls - temporarily disabled nojs version of site as its under heavy development Note: still need to merge changes made to default version into the nojs one; specifically having "templates/pages/*.haml" be applied to there respective page before "templates/page.haml" is applied to the result ** Styling - switched to using sass (with a side bourbon) instead of css leaving css folder and processing for convenience - slimmed the site of the nav-loading image - updated favicon (rounded corders, preparing to support more sizes) - updated the logo-banner - added new images for tab page ** Templates - converted all "templates/**" to haml and made the apropriate adjustments in site.hs - added "templates/pages/*" which contains individual templates per page in "pages/*" ** Known Issues **** Sections cannot contain $section$ or $section("<name>")$ or $sectionend$ in them (this is an issue with escaping in the parser) **** pagination has been attempted but no solution yet **** haven't been able to generate two sets of tag-pages (one for the default version and the other for the nojs version **** opening a internal link in a new tab in any browser will load the snippet that would normally loaded by by ajax Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2013-12-11 04:31:48 +00:00
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Control.Applicative()
pandocReaderOptions :: ReaderOptions
pandocReaderOptions = def
{ readerExtensions = extensionsFromList
[ Ext_footnotes
, Ext_inline_notes
, Ext_pandoc_title_block
, Ext_yaml_metadata_block
, Ext_table_captions
, Ext_implicit_figures
, Ext_simple_tables
, Ext_multiline_tables
, Ext_grid_tables
, Ext_pipe_tables
, Ext_citations
, Ext_raw_tex
, Ext_raw_html
, Ext_tex_math_dollars
, Ext_latex_macros
, Ext_fenced_code_blocks
, Ext_fenced_code_attributes
, Ext_backtick_code_blocks
, Ext_inline_code_attributes
, Ext_markdown_in_html_blocks
, Ext_escaped_line_breaks
, Ext_fancy_lists
, Ext_startnum
, Ext_definition_lists
, Ext_example_lists
, Ext_all_symbols_escapable
, Ext_intraword_underscores
, Ext_blank_before_blockquote
, Ext_blank_before_header
, Ext_strikeout
, Ext_superscript
, Ext_subscript
, Ext_auto_identifiers
, Ext_header_attributes
, Ext_implicit_header_references
, Ext_line_blocks ]
pandocWriterOptions :: WriterOptions
pandocWriterOptions = defaultHakyllWriterOptions
{ writerHTMLMathMethod = MathJax ""
, writerEmailObfuscation = NoObfuscation -- ReferenceObfuscation
myConfig :: Configuration
myConfig = defaultConfiguration
{ deployCommand = "echo 'Deploying website...' && " ++
"aws s3 sync _site/ s3://$S3_BUCKET &&" ++
"echo 'Done!'"
, previewPort = 3000
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Get a random number generator before going into Rules monad
stdGen <- getStdGen
hakyllWith myConfig $ do
match ("action/**" .||. "files/**" .||. "images/**" .||. "fonts/**" .||. "robots.txt") $ do
route idRoute
compile copyFileCompiler
match "css/**" $ do
route idRoute
compile compressCssCompiler
match "lib/Skeleton/*.css" $ do
route $ gsubRoute "Skeleton" (const "css")
compile compressCssCompiler
match "templates/**" $ compile $ getResourceBody >>= saveSnapshot "original"
>> templateCompiler
-- Generate tags
tags <- buildTags ("posts/**" .&&. hasNoVersion) (fromCapture "tags/*1.html")
-- Generate paginate
paginatedPosts <- buildPaginateWith
(fmap (paginateEvery numPaginatePages) . sortRecentFirst)
("posts/**" .&&. hasNoVersion)
(\n -> fromCapture "blog*.html" (show n))
pageIds <- getMatches ("pages/**" .&&. complement "pages/blog.markdown")
fontIds <- getMatches "fonts/**"
imageIds <- getMatches "images/**"
cssIds <- getMatches "css/**"
jsIds <- getMatches "js/**"
libIds <- getMatches "lib/**"
clayIds <- getMatches "clay/**.hs"
let manifestIds = clayIds ++ fontIds ++ imageIds ++ pageIds ++ cssIds ++ libIds ++ jsIds
clayDeps <- makePatternDependency $ fromList clayIds
manifestDeps <- makePatternDependency $ fromList manifestIds
2021-11-22 02:28:44 +00:00
-- TODO: this needs to be re-thought out when guix is used instead of stack
-- rulesExtraDependencies [clayDeps] $ create ["default.css"] $ do
-- route idRoute
-- compile $ makeItem =<< (unsafeCompiler $ do
-- (_, hout, _, ph) <- createProcess $ shell "stack build blog-rekahsoft-ca:gencss"
-- exitCode <- waitForProcess ph
-- if exitCode == ExitSuccess
-- then readProcess "stack" ["exec", "gencss", "--", "compact"] ""
-- else case hout of
-- Nothing -> fail "Error running 'stack build blog-rekahsoft-ca:gencss'"
-- Just hout' -> hGetContents hout' >>= fail)
rulesExtraDependencies [manifestDeps] $ create ["manifest.appcache"] $ do
route idRoute
compile $ do
manifestCacheRoutesMaybe <- sequence $ liftM getRoute (fontIds ++ pageIds ++ imageIds ++ cssIds ++ libIds ++ jsIds)
let randomNum = random stdGen :: (Int, StdGen)
randomStr = show . abs . fst $ randomNum
manifestStart = [ "CACHE MANIFEST"
, "# " ++ randomStr ]
manifestCacheSingles = [ "/default.css" ]
paginatedPostsCache = take 2 $ map (\(n,_) -> "/blog" ++ (show n) ++ ".html") $ toList $ paginateMap paginatedPosts
tagsCache = concatMap (\(t,ids) -> take 2 $ ["/tags/" ++ t ++ show n ++ ".html" | n <- [1..length $ paginateEvery numPaginatePages ids]]) $ tagsMap tags
manifestCacheFromIds = filter (not . null) $ fmap (maybe "" ("/"++)) manifestCacheRoutesMaybe
manifestCache = manifestCacheFromIds ++ tagsCache ++ paginatedPostsCache
manifestNetwork = [ "NETWORK:"
, "*"
, "http://*"
, "https://*" ]
makeItem . unlines $ manifestStart ++ [""] ++
manifestCacheSingles ++ manifestCache ++ [""] ++
manifestNetwork ++ [""]
Major changes! See full log. * Changes ** Hakyll "site.hs" *** Added the ability to have per-page templates (for all "pages/*") *** "pages/*" can now be sectioned off into blocks A section is a logical division of a page. It removes the requirement for pages that have multiple sections to have some html in the markdown for the page or to move some of the markdown content to the template. Both of which are un-maintainable. There are two types of sections, both with slightly different syntax's. A _global section_ is a section who's content will be included in all sections (regardless of ordering). This is handy for including links and footnotes that might be needed in more then one section or non-section . It is not accessible from the Context obtained from genSectionContext. To indicate where a global section begins and ends use "$section$" and "$endsection$" respectively (without quotes). Formally: $section$ <body> $endsection$ A _named section_ is a section of a document that can be accessed by a given name from the context obtained from the function genSectionContext. To specify a named section use the following syntax: $section("<name>")$ <body> $endsection$ where <name> is the name of the section (any character except \") and <body> is the section body Anything that is not a section is referred to as a non-section. These are still important as they will include all content of the global sections of the document as well as the non-section itself. To be a little more formal a non-section is everything between "$end-section$" and ("$section$ or $section("<name>")$"). **** Example: mypage.markdown page title ========== $section("column-one")$ This is text that can be formatted in the individual page template located at "templates/pages/mypage.haml". Here is a link from a global section. See [Home][]. $endsection$ This is some text in between two sections or a section and the top or bottom of the page. It can be accessed by $body<n>$ where <n> its position from the top of all non-sections starting from 0. Here i can also use $section$ [Home]: $endsection$ ***** To see more visit - "pages/<name>" where the sectioned page markdown is written - "templates/pages/<name>.haml" where the individual page template is stored/loaded from - "templates/page.haml" the generic page wrapper ** Miscellaneous *** Reorganized the file structure - created folder "image-src" for image-sources - created folder "lib" for libraries that will be needed on the server - moved jQuery and Skeleton to lib and made appropriate - created folder "fonts" for FreeMono and FreeSans font files which are now used via css @font-face - create folder "css" and setup "site.hs" to minimize all css files and publish them to idRoute - created folder "sass" which contains a variety of s[ac]ss files along with a file named "default.s[ax]ss" which will be processed by sass to include any other s[ac]ss files that are needed and output "default.css" to the site root *** cleaned up .gitmodules ** Javascript - fixed processing of urls - temporarily disabled nojs version of site as its under heavy development Note: still need to merge changes made to default version into the nojs one; specifically having "templates/pages/*.haml" be applied to there respective page before "templates/page.haml" is applied to the result ** Styling - switched to using sass (with a side bourbon) instead of css leaving css folder and processing for convenience - slimmed the site of the nav-loading image - updated favicon (rounded corders, preparing to support more sizes) - updated the logo-banner - added new images for tab page ** Templates - converted all "templates/**" to haml and made the apropriate adjustments in site.hs - added "templates/pages/*" which contains individual templates per page in "pages/*" ** Known Issues **** Sections cannot contain $section$ or $section("<name>")$ or $sectionend$ in them (this is an issue with escaping in the parser) **** pagination has been attempted but no solution yet **** haven't been able to generate two sets of tag-pages (one for the default version and the other for the nojs version **** opening a internal link in a new tab in any browser will load the snippet that would normally loaded by by ajax Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2013-12-11 04:31:48 +00:00
match "css/**" $ do
route idRoute
compile compressCssCompiler
match "lib/Skeleton/*.css" $ do
route $ gsubRoute "Skeleton" (const "css")
Major changes! See full log. * Changes ** Hakyll "site.hs" *** Added the ability to have per-page templates (for all "pages/*") *** "pages/*" can now be sectioned off into blocks A section is a logical division of a page. It removes the requirement for pages that have multiple sections to have some html in the markdown for the page or to move some of the markdown content to the template. Both of which are un-maintainable. There are two types of sections, both with slightly different syntax's. A _global section_ is a section who's content will be included in all sections (regardless of ordering). This is handy for including links and footnotes that might be needed in more then one section or non-section . It is not accessible from the Context obtained from genSectionContext. To indicate where a global section begins and ends use "$section$" and "$endsection$" respectively (without quotes). Formally: $section$ <body> $endsection$ A _named section_ is a section of a document that can be accessed by a given name from the context obtained from the function genSectionContext. To specify a named section use the following syntax: $section("<name>")$ <body> $endsection$ where <name> is the name of the section (any character except \") and <body> is the section body Anything that is not a section is referred to as a non-section. These are still important as they will include all content of the global sections of the document as well as the non-section itself. To be a little more formal a non-section is everything between "$end-section$" and ("$section$ or $section("<name>")$"). **** Example: mypage.markdown page title ========== $section("column-one")$ This is text that can be formatted in the individual page template located at "templates/pages/mypage.haml". Here is a link from a global section. See [Home][]. $endsection$ This is some text in between two sections or a section and the top or bottom of the page. It can be accessed by $body<n>$ where <n> its position from the top of all non-sections starting from 0. Here i can also use $section$ [Home]: $endsection$ ***** To see more visit - "pages/<name>" where the sectioned page markdown is written - "templates/pages/<name>.haml" where the individual page template is stored/loaded from - "templates/page.haml" the generic page wrapper ** Miscellaneous *** Reorganized the file structure - created folder "image-src" for image-sources - created folder "lib" for libraries that will be needed on the server - moved jQuery and Skeleton to lib and made appropriate - created folder "fonts" for FreeMono and FreeSans font files which are now used via css @font-face - create folder "css" and setup "site.hs" to minimize all css files and publish them to idRoute - created folder "sass" which contains a variety of s[ac]ss files along with a file named "default.s[ax]ss" which will be processed by sass to include any other s[ac]ss files that are needed and output "default.css" to the site root *** cleaned up .gitmodules ** Javascript - fixed processing of urls - temporarily disabled nojs version of site as its under heavy development Note: still need to merge changes made to default version into the nojs one; specifically having "templates/pages/*.haml" be applied to there respective page before "templates/page.haml" is applied to the result ** Styling - switched to using sass (with a side bourbon) instead of css leaving css folder and processing for convenience - slimmed the site of the nav-loading image - updated favicon (rounded corders, preparing to support more sizes) - updated the logo-banner - added new images for tab page ** Templates - converted all "templates/**" to haml and made the apropriate adjustments in site.hs - added "templates/pages/*" which contains individual templates per page in "pages/*" ** Known Issues **** Sections cannot contain $section$ or $section("<name>")$ or $sectionend$ in them (this is an issue with escaping in the parser) **** pagination has been attempted but no solution yet **** haven't been able to generate two sets of tag-pages (one for the default version and the other for the nojs version **** opening a internal link in a new tab in any browser will load the snippet that would normally loaded by by ajax Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2013-12-11 04:31:48 +00:00
compile compressCssCompiler
match "templates/**" $ compile $ getResourceBody >>= saveSnapshot "original"
>> templateCompiler
-- Generate tag pages
forM_ (tagsMap tags) $ \(tag, identifiers) -> do
paginatedTaggedPosts <- buildPaginateWith
(fmap (paginateEvery numPaginatePages) . sortRecentFirst)
(fromList identifiers)
(\n -> fromCapture (fromGlob $ "tags/" ++ tag ++ "*.html") (show n))
paginateRules paginatedTaggedPosts $ \pageNum pattern -> do
route $ gsubRoute " " (const "-") `composeRoutes` setExtension "html"
compile $ do
posts <- recentFirst =<< loadAllSnapshots pattern "content"
navCtx <- genNavContext "pages/blog.markdown"
let ctx = taggedPostCtx tags <>
paginateContext paginatedTaggedPosts pageNum <>
constField "tag" tag <>
listField "posts" (taggedPostCtx tags) (return posts)
indexCtx = if pageNum <= 2
then appCacheCtx <> navCtx
else navCtx
makeItem ""
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/tag-page.html" ctx
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" indexCtx
rulesExtraDependencies [tagsDependency tags] $ do
create [fromFilePath $ "tags/" ++ tag ++ ".xml"] $ do
route $ gsubRoute " " (const "-") `composeRoutes` setExtension "xml"
compile $ loadAllSnapshots (fromList identifiers) "content"
>>= fmap (take 10) . recentFirst
>>= renderAtom (feedConfiguration $ Just tag) (bodyField "description" <> defaultContext)
Major changes! See full log. * Changes ** Hakyll "site.hs" *** Added the ability to have per-page templates (for all "pages/*") *** "pages/*" can now be sectioned off into blocks A section is a logical division of a page. It removes the requirement for pages that have multiple sections to have some html in the markdown for the page or to move some of the markdown content to the template. Both of which are un-maintainable. There are two types of sections, both with slightly different syntax's. A _global section_ is a section who's content will be included in all sections (regardless of ordering). This is handy for including links and footnotes that might be needed in more then one section or non-section . It is not accessible from the Context obtained from genSectionContext. To indicate where a global section begins and ends use "$section$" and "$endsection$" respectively (without quotes). Formally: $section$ <body> $endsection$ A _named section_ is a section of a document that can be accessed by a given name from the context obtained from the function genSectionContext. To specify a named section use the following syntax: $section("<name>")$ <body> $endsection$ where <name> is the name of the section (any character except \") and <body> is the section body Anything that is not a section is referred to as a non-section. These are still important as they will include all content of the global sections of the document as well as the non-section itself. To be a little more formal a non-section is everything between "$end-section$" and ("$section$ or $section("<name>")$"). **** Example: mypage.markdown page title ========== $section("column-one")$ This is text that can be formatted in the individual page template located at "templates/pages/mypage.haml". Here is a link from a global section. See [Home][]. $endsection$ This is some text in between two sections or a section and the top or bottom of the page. It can be accessed by $body<n>$ where <n> its position from the top of all non-sections starting from 0. Here i can also use $section$ [Home]: $endsection$ ***** To see more visit - "pages/<name>" where the sectioned page markdown is written - "templates/pages/<name>.haml" where the individual page template is stored/loaded from - "templates/page.haml" the generic page wrapper ** Miscellaneous *** Reorganized the file structure - created folder "image-src" for image-sources - created folder "lib" for libraries that will be needed on the server - moved jQuery and Skeleton to lib and made appropriate - created folder "fonts" for FreeMono and FreeSans font files which are now used via css @font-face - create folder "css" and setup "site.hs" to minimize all css files and publish them to idRoute - created folder "sass" which contains a variety of s[ac]ss files along with a file named "default.s[ax]ss" which will be processed by sass to include any other s[ac]ss files that are needed and output "default.css" to the site root *** cleaned up .gitmodules ** Javascript - fixed processing of urls - temporarily disabled nojs version of site as its under heavy development Note: still need to merge changes made to default version into the nojs one; specifically having "templates/pages/*.haml" be applied to there respective page before "templates/page.haml" is applied to the result ** Styling - switched to using sass (with a side bourbon) instead of css leaving css folder and processing for convenience - slimmed the site of the nav-loading image - updated favicon (rounded corders, preparing to support more sizes) - updated the logo-banner - added new images for tab page ** Templates - converted all "templates/**" to haml and made the apropriate adjustments in site.hs - added "templates/pages/*" which contains individual templates per page in "pages/*" ** Known Issues **** Sections cannot contain $section$ or $section("<name>")$ or $sectionend$ in them (this is an issue with escaping in the parser) **** pagination has been attempted but no solution yet **** haven't been able to generate two sets of tag-pages (one for the default version and the other for the nojs version **** opening a internal link in a new tab in any browser will load the snippet that would normally loaded by by ajax Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2013-12-11 04:31:48 +00:00
let pageRoute = gsubRoute "pages/" (const "") `composeRoutes` setExtension "html"
match ("pages/*" .&&. complement "pages/blog.markdown") $ version "nav-gen" $ do
route $ pageRoute
compile $ pandocCompiler
match "pages/blog.markdown" $ version "nav-gen" $ do
route $ constRoute "blog1.html"
compile $ pandocCompiler
paginateRules paginatedPosts $ \pageNum pattern -> do
route idRoute
compile $ do
posts <- recentFirst =<< loadAllSnapshots pattern "content"
navCtx <- genNavContext "pages/blog.markdown"
let ctx = taggedPostCtx tags <>
paginateContext paginatedPosts pageNum <>
listField "posts" (taggedPostCtx tags) (return posts)
indexCtx = if pageNum <= 2
then appCacheCtx <> navCtx
else navCtx
makeItem ""
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/pages/blog.html" ctx
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" indexCtx
match ("pages/*" .&&. complement "pages/blog.markdown") $ do
route $ pageRoute
compile $ do
posts <- recentFirst =<< loadAllSnapshots "posts/**" "content"
-- Get the current Identifier
curId <- getUnderlying
let pageFilePath = toFilePath curId
pageName = takeBaseName pageFilePath
recentPosts = take 5 posts
pageTemplate = "templates/pages/" ++ pageName ++ ".html"
-- Generate navigation context
navCtx <- genNavContext pageFilePath
let masterCtx =
listField "recentPosts" (taggedPostCtx tags) (return recentPosts) <>
listField "posts" (taggedPostCtx tags) (return posts) <>
tagCloudField "tagCloud" 65 135 tags <>
indexCtx = navCtx <> appCacheCtx
sectionCtx <- getResourceBody >>= genSectionContext
pg <- loadSnapshot (fromFilePath pageTemplate) "original"
>>= applyAsTemplate (sectionCtx <> masterCtx)
(makeItem . itemBody) pg
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" indexCtx
match "posts/**" $ do
route $ setExtension "html"
compile $ do
indexCtx <- genNavContext "pages/blog.markdown"
pandocCompilerWith pandocReaderOptions pandocWriterOptions
>>= saveSnapshot "content"
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/partials/post.html" (taggedPostCtx tags)
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" indexCtx
create ["atom.xml"] $ do
route idRoute
compile $ do
let feedCtx = postCtx <> bodyField "description"
blogPosts <- loadAllSnapshots ("posts/**" .&&. hasNoVersion) "content"
>>= fmap (take 10) . recentFirst
renderAtom (feedConfiguration Nothing) feedCtx blogPosts
forM_ [("js/**", idRoute),
("lib/JQuery/*", gsubRoute "JQuery" $ const "js")] $ \(p, r) ->
match p $ do
route r
compile $ compressCssCompiler
-- Functions & Constants --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Major changes! See full log. * Changes ** Hakyll "site.hs" *** Added the ability to have per-page templates (for all "pages/*") *** "pages/*" can now be sectioned off into blocks A section is a logical division of a page. It removes the requirement for pages that have multiple sections to have some html in the markdown for the page or to move some of the markdown content to the template. Both of which are un-maintainable. There are two types of sections, both with slightly different syntax's. A _global section_ is a section who's content will be included in all sections (regardless of ordering). This is handy for including links and footnotes that might be needed in more then one section or non-section . It is not accessible from the Context obtained from genSectionContext. To indicate where a global section begins and ends use "$section$" and "$endsection$" respectively (without quotes). Formally: $section$ <body> $endsection$ A _named section_ is a section of a document that can be accessed by a given name from the context obtained from the function genSectionContext. To specify a named section use the following syntax: $section("<name>")$ <body> $endsection$ where <name> is the name of the section (any character except \") and <body> is the section body Anything that is not a section is referred to as a non-section. These are still important as they will include all content of the global sections of the document as well as the non-section itself. To be a little more formal a non-section is everything between "$end-section$" and ("$section$ or $section("<name>")$"). **** Example: mypage.markdown page title ========== $section("column-one")$ This is text that can be formatted in the individual page template located at "templates/pages/mypage.haml". Here is a link from a global section. See [Home][]. $endsection$ This is some text in between two sections or a section and the top or bottom of the page. It can be accessed by $body<n>$ where <n> its position from the top of all non-sections starting from 0. Here i can also use $section$ [Home]: $endsection$ ***** To see more visit - "pages/<name>" where the sectioned page markdown is written - "templates/pages/<name>.haml" where the individual page template is stored/loaded from - "templates/page.haml" the generic page wrapper ** Miscellaneous *** Reorganized the file structure - created folder "image-src" for image-sources - created folder "lib" for libraries that will be needed on the server - moved jQuery and Skeleton to lib and made appropriate - created folder "fonts" for FreeMono and FreeSans font files which are now used via css @font-face - create folder "css" and setup "site.hs" to minimize all css files and publish them to idRoute - created folder "sass" which contains a variety of s[ac]ss files along with a file named "default.s[ax]ss" which will be processed by sass to include any other s[ac]ss files that are needed and output "default.css" to the site root *** cleaned up .gitmodules ** Javascript - fixed processing of urls - temporarily disabled nojs version of site as its under heavy development Note: still need to merge changes made to default version into the nojs one; specifically having "templates/pages/*.haml" be applied to there respective page before "templates/page.haml" is applied to the result ** Styling - switched to using sass (with a side bourbon) instead of css leaving css folder and processing for convenience - slimmed the site of the nav-loading image - updated favicon (rounded corders, preparing to support more sizes) - updated the logo-banner - added new images for tab page ** Templates - converted all "templates/**" to haml and made the apropriate adjustments in site.hs - added "templates/pages/*" which contains individual templates per page in "pages/*" ** Known Issues **** Sections cannot contain $section$ or $section("<name>")$ or $sectionend$ in them (this is an issue with escaping in the parser) **** pagination has been attempted but no solution yet **** haven't been able to generate two sets of tag-pages (one for the default version and the other for the nojs version **** opening a internal link in a new tab in any browser will load the snippet that would normally loaded by by ajax Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2013-12-11 04:31:48 +00:00
feedConfiguration :: Maybe String -> FeedConfiguration
feedConfiguration title = FeedConfiguration
{ feedTitle = title'
, feedDescription = "My encounters with math, programming, science and the world!"
, feedAuthorName = "Collin J. Doering"
, feedAuthorEmail = ""
Major changes! See full log. * Changes ** Hakyll "site.hs" *** Added the ability to have per-page templates (for all "pages/*") *** "pages/*" can now be sectioned off into blocks A section is a logical division of a page. It removes the requirement for pages that have multiple sections to have some html in the markdown for the page or to move some of the markdown content to the template. Both of which are un-maintainable. There are two types of sections, both with slightly different syntax's. A _global section_ is a section who's content will be included in all sections (regardless of ordering). This is handy for including links and footnotes that might be needed in more then one section or non-section . It is not accessible from the Context obtained from genSectionContext. To indicate where a global section begins and ends use "$section$" and "$endsection$" respectively (without quotes). Formally: $section$ <body> $endsection$ A _named section_ is a section of a document that can be accessed by a given name from the context obtained from the function genSectionContext. To specify a named section use the following syntax: $section("<name>")$ <body> $endsection$ where <name> is the name of the section (any character except \") and <body> is the section body Anything that is not a section is referred to as a non-section. These are still important as they will include all content of the global sections of the document as well as the non-section itself. To be a little more formal a non-section is everything between "$end-section$" and ("$section$ or $section("<name>")$"). **** Example: mypage.markdown page title ========== $section("column-one")$ This is text that can be formatted in the individual page template located at "templates/pages/mypage.haml". Here is a link from a global section. See [Home][]. $endsection$ This is some text in between two sections or a section and the top or bottom of the page. It can be accessed by $body<n>$ where <n> its position from the top of all non-sections starting from 0. Here i can also use $section$ [Home]: $endsection$ ***** To see more visit - "pages/<name>" where the sectioned page markdown is written - "templates/pages/<name>.haml" where the individual page template is stored/loaded from - "templates/page.haml" the generic page wrapper ** Miscellaneous *** Reorganized the file structure - created folder "image-src" for image-sources - created folder "lib" for libraries that will be needed on the server - moved jQuery and Skeleton to lib and made appropriate - created folder "fonts" for FreeMono and FreeSans font files which are now used via css @font-face - create folder "css" and setup "site.hs" to minimize all css files and publish them to idRoute - created folder "sass" which contains a variety of s[ac]ss files along with a file named "default.s[ax]ss" which will be processed by sass to include any other s[ac]ss files that are needed and output "default.css" to the site root *** cleaned up .gitmodules ** Javascript - fixed processing of urls - temporarily disabled nojs version of site as its under heavy development Note: still need to merge changes made to default version into the nojs one; specifically having "templates/pages/*.haml" be applied to there respective page before "templates/page.haml" is applied to the result ** Styling - switched to using sass (with a side bourbon) instead of css leaving css folder and processing for convenience - slimmed the site of the nav-loading image - updated favicon (rounded corders, preparing to support more sizes) - updated the logo-banner - added new images for tab page ** Templates - converted all "templates/**" to haml and made the apropriate adjustments in site.hs - added "templates/pages/*" which contains individual templates per page in "pages/*" ** Known Issues **** Sections cannot contain $section$ or $section("<name>")$ or $sectionend$ in them (this is an issue with escaping in the parser) **** pagination has been attempted but no solution yet **** haven't been able to generate two sets of tag-pages (one for the default version and the other for the nojs version **** opening a internal link in a new tab in any browser will load the snippet that would normally loaded by by ajax Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2013-12-11 04:31:48 +00:00
, feedRoot = ""
} where title' = maybe defaultTitle ((defaultTitle ++ "; Specifically on the topic of ") ++) title
defaultTitle = "Technical Musings of a Minimalist"
genNavContext :: String -> Compiler (Context String)
genNavContext ident = do
pages <- sortByM pageWeight =<< loadAll ("pages/*" .&&. hasVersion "nav-gen")
let (pagesFirst, pagesLast') = flip span pages $ \x ->
(toFilePath . itemIdentifier $ x) /= ident
pageMid = [head pagesLast']
pagesLast = if not . null $ pagesLast' then tail pagesLast' else []
indexCtx = listField "pagesFirst" defaultContext (return pagesFirst) <>
listField "pageMid" defaultContext (return pageMid) <>
listField "pagesLast" defaultContext (return pagesLast) <>
return indexCtx
numPaginatePages :: Int
numPaginatePages = 6
Major changes! See full log. * Changes ** Hakyll "site.hs" *** Added the ability to have per-page templates (for all "pages/*") *** "pages/*" can now be sectioned off into blocks A section is a logical division of a page. It removes the requirement for pages that have multiple sections to have some html in the markdown for the page or to move some of the markdown content to the template. Both of which are un-maintainable. There are two types of sections, both with slightly different syntax's. A _global section_ is a section who's content will be included in all sections (regardless of ordering). This is handy for including links and footnotes that might be needed in more then one section or non-section . It is not accessible from the Context obtained from genSectionContext. To indicate where a global section begins and ends use "$section$" and "$endsection$" respectively (without quotes). Formally: $section$ <body> $endsection$ A _named section_ is a section of a document that can be accessed by a given name from the context obtained from the function genSectionContext. To specify a named section use the following syntax: $section("<name>")$ <body> $endsection$ where <name> is the name of the section (any character except \") and <body> is the section body Anything that is not a section is referred to as a non-section. These are still important as they will include all content of the global sections of the document as well as the non-section itself. To be a little more formal a non-section is everything between "$end-section$" and ("$section$ or $section("<name>")$"). **** Example: mypage.markdown page title ========== $section("column-one")$ This is text that can be formatted in the individual page template located at "templates/pages/mypage.haml". Here is a link from a global section. See [Home][]. $endsection$ This is some text in between two sections or a section and the top or bottom of the page. It can be accessed by $body<n>$ where <n> its position from the top of all non-sections starting from 0. Here i can also use $section$ [Home]: $endsection$ ***** To see more visit - "pages/<name>" where the sectioned page markdown is written - "templates/pages/<name>.haml" where the individual page template is stored/loaded from - "templates/page.haml" the generic page wrapper ** Miscellaneous *** Reorganized the file structure - created folder "image-src" for image-sources - created folder "lib" for libraries that will be needed on the server - moved jQuery and Skeleton to lib and made appropriate - created folder "fonts" for FreeMono and FreeSans font files which are now used via css @font-face - create folder "css" and setup "site.hs" to minimize all css files and publish them to idRoute - created folder "sass" which contains a variety of s[ac]ss files along with a file named "default.s[ax]ss" which will be processed by sass to include any other s[ac]ss files that are needed and output "default.css" to the site root *** cleaned up .gitmodules ** Javascript - fixed processing of urls - temporarily disabled nojs version of site as its under heavy development Note: still need to merge changes made to default version into the nojs one; specifically having "templates/pages/*.haml" be applied to there respective page before "templates/page.haml" is applied to the result ** Styling - switched to using sass (with a side bourbon) instead of css leaving css folder and processing for convenience - slimmed the site of the nav-loading image - updated favicon (rounded corders, preparing to support more sizes) - updated the logo-banner - added new images for tab page ** Templates - converted all "templates/**" to haml and made the apropriate adjustments in site.hs - added "templates/pages/*" which contains individual templates per page in "pages/*" ** Known Issues **** Sections cannot contain $section$ or $section("<name>")$ or $sectionend$ in them (this is an issue with escaping in the parser) **** pagination has been attempted but no solution yet **** haven't been able to generate two sets of tag-pages (one for the default version and the other for the nojs version **** opening a internal link in a new tab in any browser will load the snippet that would normally loaded by by ajax Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2013-12-11 04:31:48 +00:00
postCtx :: Context String
postCtx = dateField "date" "%B %e, %Y" <>
teaserField "teaser" "content" <>
Major changes! See full log. * Changes ** Hakyll "site.hs" *** Added the ability to have per-page templates (for all "pages/*") *** "pages/*" can now be sectioned off into blocks A section is a logical division of a page. It removes the requirement for pages that have multiple sections to have some html in the markdown for the page or to move some of the markdown content to the template. Both of which are un-maintainable. There are two types of sections, both with slightly different syntax's. A _global section_ is a section who's content will be included in all sections (regardless of ordering). This is handy for including links and footnotes that might be needed in more then one section or non-section . It is not accessible from the Context obtained from genSectionContext. To indicate where a global section begins and ends use "$section$" and "$endsection$" respectively (without quotes). Formally: $section$ <body> $endsection$ A _named section_ is a section of a document that can be accessed by a given name from the context obtained from the function genSectionContext. To specify a named section use the following syntax: $section("<name>")$ <body> $endsection$ where <name> is the name of the section (any character except \") and <body> is the section body Anything that is not a section is referred to as a non-section. These are still important as they will include all content of the global sections of the document as well as the non-section itself. To be a little more formal a non-section is everything between "$end-section$" and ("$section$ or $section("<name>")$"). **** Example: mypage.markdown page title ========== $section("column-one")$ This is text that can be formatted in the individual page template located at "templates/pages/mypage.haml". Here is a link from a global section. See [Home][]. $endsection$ This is some text in between two sections or a section and the top or bottom of the page. It can be accessed by $body<n>$ where <n> its position from the top of all non-sections starting from 0. Here i can also use $section$ [Home]: $endsection$ ***** To see more visit - "pages/<name>" where the sectioned page markdown is written - "templates/pages/<name>.haml" where the individual page template is stored/loaded from - "templates/page.haml" the generic page wrapper ** Miscellaneous *** Reorganized the file structure - created folder "image-src" for image-sources - created folder "lib" for libraries that will be needed on the server - moved jQuery and Skeleton to lib and made appropriate - created folder "fonts" for FreeMono and FreeSans font files which are now used via css @font-face - create folder "css" and setup "site.hs" to minimize all css files and publish them to idRoute - created folder "sass" which contains a variety of s[ac]ss files along with a file named "default.s[ax]ss" which will be processed by sass to include any other s[ac]ss files that are needed and output "default.css" to the site root *** cleaned up .gitmodules ** Javascript - fixed processing of urls - temporarily disabled nojs version of site as its under heavy development Note: still need to merge changes made to default version into the nojs one; specifically having "templates/pages/*.haml" be applied to there respective page before "templates/page.haml" is applied to the result ** Styling - switched to using sass (with a side bourbon) instead of css leaving css folder and processing for convenience - slimmed the site of the nav-loading image - updated favicon (rounded corders, preparing to support more sizes) - updated the logo-banner - added new images for tab page ** Templates - converted all "templates/**" to haml and made the apropriate adjustments in site.hs - added "templates/pages/*" which contains individual templates per page in "pages/*" ** Known Issues **** Sections cannot contain $section$ or $section("<name>")$ or $sectionend$ in them (this is an issue with escaping in the parser) **** pagination has been attempted but no solution yet **** haven't been able to generate two sets of tag-pages (one for the default version and the other for the nojs version **** opening a internal link in a new tab in any browser will load the snippet that would normally loaded by by ajax Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2013-12-11 04:31:48 +00:00
taggedPostCtx :: Tags -> Context String
taggedPostCtx tags = tagsField "tags" tags <> postCtx
appCacheCtx :: Context String
appCacheCtx = constField "appcache" "true"
pageWeight :: (Functor f, MonadMetadata f) => Item a -> f Int
pageWeight i = fmap (maybe 0 read) $ getMetadataField (itemIdentifier i) "weight"
sortByM :: (Monad m, Ord k) => (a -> m k) -> [a] -> m [a]
sortByM f xs = liftM (map fst . sortBy (comparing snd)) $
mapM (\x -> liftM (x,) (f x)) xs
-- Page section parser
Major changes! See full log. * Changes ** Hakyll "site.hs" *** Added the ability to have per-page templates (for all "pages/*") *** "pages/*" can now be sectioned off into blocks A section is a logical division of a page. It removes the requirement for pages that have multiple sections to have some html in the markdown for the page or to move some of the markdown content to the template. Both of which are un-maintainable. There are two types of sections, both with slightly different syntax's. A _global section_ is a section who's content will be included in all sections (regardless of ordering). This is handy for including links and footnotes that might be needed in more then one section or non-section . It is not accessible from the Context obtained from genSectionContext. To indicate where a global section begins and ends use "$section$" and "$endsection$" respectively (without quotes). Formally: $section$ <body> $endsection$ A _named section_ is a section of a document that can be accessed by a given name from the context obtained from the function genSectionContext. To specify a named section use the following syntax: $section("<name>")$ <body> $endsection$ where <name> is the name of the section (any character except \") and <body> is the section body Anything that is not a section is referred to as a non-section. These are still important as they will include all content of the global sections of the document as well as the non-section itself. To be a little more formal a non-section is everything between "$end-section$" and ("$section$ or $section("<name>")$"). **** Example: mypage.markdown page title ========== $section("column-one")$ This is text that can be formatted in the individual page template located at "templates/pages/mypage.haml". Here is a link from a global section. See [Home][]. $endsection$ This is some text in between two sections or a section and the top or bottom of the page. It can be accessed by $body<n>$ where <n> its position from the top of all non-sections starting from 0. Here i can also use $section$ [Home]: $endsection$ ***** To see more visit - "pages/<name>" where the sectioned page markdown is written - "templates/pages/<name>.haml" where the individual page template is stored/loaded from - "templates/page.haml" the generic page wrapper ** Miscellaneous *** Reorganized the file structure - created folder "image-src" for image-sources - created folder "lib" for libraries that will be needed on the server - moved jQuery and Skeleton to lib and made appropriate - created folder "fonts" for FreeMono and FreeSans font files which are now used via css @font-face - create folder "css" and setup "site.hs" to minimize all css files and publish them to idRoute - created folder "sass" which contains a variety of s[ac]ss files along with a file named "default.s[ax]ss" which will be processed by sass to include any other s[ac]ss files that are needed and output "default.css" to the site root *** cleaned up .gitmodules ** Javascript - fixed processing of urls - temporarily disabled nojs version of site as its under heavy development Note: still need to merge changes made to default version into the nojs one; specifically having "templates/pages/*.haml" be applied to there respective page before "templates/page.haml" is applied to the result ** Styling - switched to using sass (with a side bourbon) instead of css leaving css folder and processing for convenience - slimmed the site of the nav-loading image - updated favicon (rounded corders, preparing to support more sizes) - updated the logo-banner - added new images for tab page ** Templates - converted all "templates/**" to haml and made the apropriate adjustments in site.hs - added "templates/pages/*" which contains individual templates per page in "pages/*" ** Known Issues **** Sections cannot contain $section$ or $section("<name>")$ or $sectionend$ in them (this is an issue with escaping in the parser) **** pagination has been attempted but no solution yet **** haven't been able to generate two sets of tag-pages (one for the default version and the other for the nojs version **** opening a internal link in a new tab in any browser will load the snippet that would normally loaded by by ajax Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2013-12-11 04:31:48 +00:00
genSectionContext :: Item String -> Compiler (Context a)
Major changes! See full log. * Changes ** Hakyll "site.hs" *** Added the ability to have per-page templates (for all "pages/*") *** "pages/*" can now be sectioned off into blocks A section is a logical division of a page. It removes the requirement for pages that have multiple sections to have some html in the markdown for the page or to move some of the markdown content to the template. Both of which are un-maintainable. There are two types of sections, both with slightly different syntax's. A _global section_ is a section who's content will be included in all sections (regardless of ordering). This is handy for including links and footnotes that might be needed in more then one section or non-section . It is not accessible from the Context obtained from genSectionContext. To indicate where a global section begins and ends use "$section$" and "$endsection$" respectively (without quotes). Formally: $section$ <body> $endsection$ A _named section_ is a section of a document that can be accessed by a given name from the context obtained from the function genSectionContext. To specify a named section use the following syntax: $section("<name>")$ <body> $endsection$ where <name> is the name of the section (any character except \") and <body> is the section body Anything that is not a section is referred to as a non-section. These are still important as they will include all content of the global sections of the document as well as the non-section itself. To be a little more formal a non-section is everything between "$end-section$" and ("$section$ or $section("<name>")$"). **** Example: mypage.markdown page title ========== $section("column-one")$ This is text that can be formatted in the individual page template located at "templates/pages/mypage.haml". Here is a link from a global section. See [Home][]. $endsection$ This is some text in between two sections or a section and the top or bottom of the page. It can be accessed by $body<n>$ where <n> its position from the top of all non-sections starting from 0. Here i can also use $section$ [Home]: $endsection$ ***** To see more visit - "pages/<name>" where the sectioned page markdown is written - "templates/pages/<name>.haml" where the individual page template is stored/loaded from - "templates/page.haml" the generic page wrapper ** Miscellaneous *** Reorganized the file structure - created folder "image-src" for image-sources - created folder "lib" for libraries that will be needed on the server - moved jQuery and Skeleton to lib and made appropriate - created folder "fonts" for FreeMono and FreeSans font files which are now used via css @font-face - create folder "css" and setup "site.hs" to minimize all css files and publish them to idRoute - created folder "sass" which contains a variety of s[ac]ss files along with a file named "default.s[ax]ss" which will be processed by sass to include any other s[ac]ss files that are needed and output "default.css" to the site root *** cleaned up .gitmodules ** Javascript - fixed processing of urls - temporarily disabled nojs version of site as its under heavy development Note: still need to merge changes made to default version into the nojs one; specifically having "templates/pages/*.haml" be applied to there respective page before "templates/page.haml" is applied to the result ** Styling - switched to using sass (with a side bourbon) instead of css leaving css folder and processing for convenience - slimmed the site of the nav-loading image - updated favicon (rounded corders, preparing to support more sizes) - updated the logo-banner - added new images for tab page ** Templates - converted all "templates/**" to haml and made the apropriate adjustments in site.hs - added "templates/pages/*" which contains individual templates per page in "pages/*" ** Known Issues **** Sections cannot contain $section$ or $section("<name>")$ or $sectionend$ in them (this is an issue with escaping in the parser) **** pagination has been attempted but no solution yet **** haven't been able to generate two sets of tag-pages (one for the default version and the other for the nojs version **** opening a internal link in a new tab in any browser will load the snippet that would normally loaded by by ajax Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2013-12-11 04:31:48 +00:00
genSectionContext = fmap mconcat . sequence . map makeField . unSections . readSections . itemBody
where makeField (k, b) = constField k . itemBody <$> (makeItem b >>= readPandocWith pandocReaderOptions >>= return . writePandocWith pandocWriterOptions)
Major changes! See full log. * Changes ** Hakyll "site.hs" *** Added the ability to have per-page templates (for all "pages/*") *** "pages/*" can now be sectioned off into blocks A section is a logical division of a page. It removes the requirement for pages that have multiple sections to have some html in the markdown for the page or to move some of the markdown content to the template. Both of which are un-maintainable. There are two types of sections, both with slightly different syntax's. A _global section_ is a section who's content will be included in all sections (regardless of ordering). This is handy for including links and footnotes that might be needed in more then one section or non-section . It is not accessible from the Context obtained from genSectionContext. To indicate where a global section begins and ends use "$section$" and "$endsection$" respectively (without quotes). Formally: $section$ <body> $endsection$ A _named section_ is a section of a document that can be accessed by a given name from the context obtained from the function genSectionContext. To specify a named section use the following syntax: $section("<name>")$ <body> $endsection$ where <name> is the name of the section (any character except \") and <body> is the section body Anything that is not a section is referred to as a non-section. These are still important as they will include all content of the global sections of the document as well as the non-section itself. To be a little more formal a non-section is everything between "$end-section$" and ("$section$ or $section("<name>")$"). **** Example: mypage.markdown page title ========== $section("column-one")$ This is text that can be formatted in the individual page template located at "templates/pages/mypage.haml". Here is a link from a global section. See [Home][]. $endsection$ This is some text in between two sections or a section and the top or bottom of the page. It can be accessed by $body<n>$ where <n> its position from the top of all non-sections starting from 0. Here i can also use $section$ [Home]: $endsection$ ***** To see more visit - "pages/<name>" where the sectioned page markdown is written - "templates/pages/<name>.haml" where the individual page template is stored/loaded from - "templates/page.haml" the generic page wrapper ** Miscellaneous *** Reorganized the file structure - created folder "image-src" for image-sources - created folder "lib" for libraries that will be needed on the server - moved jQuery and Skeleton to lib and made appropriate - created folder "fonts" for FreeMono and FreeSans font files which are now used via css @font-face - create folder "css" and setup "site.hs" to minimize all css files and publish them to idRoute - created folder "sass" which contains a variety of s[ac]ss files along with a file named "default.s[ax]ss" which will be processed by sass to include any other s[ac]ss files that are needed and output "default.css" to the site root *** cleaned up .gitmodules ** Javascript - fixed processing of urls - temporarily disabled nojs version of site as its under heavy development Note: still need to merge changes made to default version into the nojs one; specifically having "templates/pages/*.haml" be applied to there respective page before "templates/page.haml" is applied to the result ** Styling - switched to using sass (with a side bourbon) instead of css leaving css folder and processing for convenience - slimmed the site of the nav-loading image - updated favicon (rounded corders, preparing to support more sizes) - updated the logo-banner - added new images for tab page ** Templates - converted all "templates/**" to haml and made the apropriate adjustments in site.hs - added "templates/pages/*" which contains individual templates per page in "pages/*" ** Known Issues **** Sections cannot contain $section$ or $section("<name>")$ or $sectionend$ in them (this is an issue with escaping in the parser) **** pagination has been attempted but no solution yet **** haven't been able to generate two sets of tag-pages (one for the default version and the other for the nojs version **** opening a internal link in a new tab in any browser will load the snippet that would normally loaded by by ajax Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2013-12-11 04:31:48 +00:00
readSections :: String -> [Section String String]
readSections s = case parse sections "" s of
Left err -> error $ "Cannot parse sections: " ++ show err
Right t -> t
data Section k a = NonSection a
| Section k a
| GlobalSection a
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor (Section k) where
fmap f (NonSection b) = NonSection $ f b
fmap f (Section k b) = Section k (f b)
fmap f (GlobalSection b) = GlobalSection $ f b
unSections :: [Section String String] -> [(String, String)]
unSections = snd . foldr unSection (0, []) . filter (not . isGlobalSection) . applyGlobalSections
where unSection :: Section String String -> (Integer, [(String, String)]) -> (Integer, [(String, String)])
unSection (NonSection b) (n, ys) = (n + 1, ("body" ++ show n, b) : ys)
Major changes! See full log. * Changes ** Hakyll "site.hs" *** Added the ability to have per-page templates (for all "pages/*") *** "pages/*" can now be sectioned off into blocks A section is a logical division of a page. It removes the requirement for pages that have multiple sections to have some html in the markdown for the page or to move some of the markdown content to the template. Both of which are un-maintainable. There are two types of sections, both with slightly different syntax's. A _global section_ is a section who's content will be included in all sections (regardless of ordering). This is handy for including links and footnotes that might be needed in more then one section or non-section . It is not accessible from the Context obtained from genSectionContext. To indicate where a global section begins and ends use "$section$" and "$endsection$" respectively (without quotes). Formally: $section$ <body> $endsection$ A _named section_ is a section of a document that can be accessed by a given name from the context obtained from the function genSectionContext. To specify a named section use the following syntax: $section("<name>")$ <body> $endsection$ where <name> is the name of the section (any character except \") and <body> is the section body Anything that is not a section is referred to as a non-section. These are still important as they will include all content of the global sections of the document as well as the non-section itself. To be a little more formal a non-section is everything between "$end-section$" and ("$section$ or $section("<name>")$"). **** Example: mypage.markdown page title ========== $section("column-one")$ This is text that can be formatted in the individual page template located at "templates/pages/mypage.haml". Here is a link from a global section. See [Home][]. $endsection$ This is some text in between two sections or a section and the top or bottom of the page. It can be accessed by $body<n>$ where <n> its position from the top of all non-sections starting from 0. Here i can also use $section$ [Home]: $endsection$ ***** To see more visit - "pages/<name>" where the sectioned page markdown is written - "templates/pages/<name>.haml" where the individual page template is stored/loaded from - "templates/page.haml" the generic page wrapper ** Miscellaneous *** Reorganized the file structure - created folder "image-src" for image-sources - created folder "lib" for libraries that will be needed on the server - moved jQuery and Skeleton to lib and made appropriate - created folder "fonts" for FreeMono and FreeSans font files which are now used via css @font-face - create folder "css" and setup "site.hs" to minimize all css files and publish them to idRoute - created folder "sass" which contains a variety of s[ac]ss files along with a file named "default.s[ax]ss" which will be processed by sass to include any other s[ac]ss files that are needed and output "default.css" to the site root *** cleaned up .gitmodules ** Javascript - fixed processing of urls - temporarily disabled nojs version of site as its under heavy development Note: still need to merge changes made to default version into the nojs one; specifically having "templates/pages/*.haml" be applied to there respective page before "templates/page.haml" is applied to the result ** Styling - switched to using sass (with a side bourbon) instead of css leaving css folder and processing for convenience - slimmed the site of the nav-loading image - updated favicon (rounded corders, preparing to support more sizes) - updated the logo-banner - added new images for tab page ** Templates - converted all "templates/**" to haml and made the apropriate adjustments in site.hs - added "templates/pages/*" which contains individual templates per page in "pages/*" ** Known Issues **** Sections cannot contain $section$ or $section("<name>")$ or $sectionend$ in them (this is an issue with escaping in the parser) **** pagination has been attempted but no solution yet **** haven't been able to generate two sets of tag-pages (one for the default version and the other for the nojs version **** opening a internal link in a new tab in any browser will load the snippet that would normally loaded by by ajax Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2013-12-11 04:31:48 +00:00
unSection (Section k b) (n, ys) = (n, (k, b) : ys)
unSection (GlobalSection _) _ = error "Internal error! This should never happen!"
isGlobalSection :: Section k a -> Bool
isGlobalSection (GlobalSection _) = True
isGlobalSection _ = False
applyGlobalSections :: [Section k String] -> [Section k String]
applyGlobalSections xs = flip map xs $ fmap $ trim . (++globalSectionBody)
where globalSectionBody = let gs = foldr unGlobalSection [] xs in
if null gs then gs else "\n" ++ gs
unGlobalSection (GlobalSection b) ys
| null ys = b
| otherwise = b ++ "\n" ++ ys
unGlobalSection _ ys = ys
-- **TODO** parser has error with escapes within pages; that is $$someExample$$ and $$section("example")$$
Major changes! See full log. * Changes ** Hakyll "site.hs" *** Added the ability to have per-page templates (for all "pages/*") *** "pages/*" can now be sectioned off into blocks A section is a logical division of a page. It removes the requirement for pages that have multiple sections to have some html in the markdown for the page or to move some of the markdown content to the template. Both of which are un-maintainable. There are two types of sections, both with slightly different syntax's. A _global section_ is a section who's content will be included in all sections (regardless of ordering). This is handy for including links and footnotes that might be needed in more then one section or non-section . It is not accessible from the Context obtained from genSectionContext. To indicate where a global section begins and ends use "$section$" and "$endsection$" respectively (without quotes). Formally: $section$ <body> $endsection$ A _named section_ is a section of a document that can be accessed by a given name from the context obtained from the function genSectionContext. To specify a named section use the following syntax: $section("<name>")$ <body> $endsection$ where <name> is the name of the section (any character except \") and <body> is the section body Anything that is not a section is referred to as a non-section. These are still important as they will include all content of the global sections of the document as well as the non-section itself. To be a little more formal a non-section is everything between "$end-section$" and ("$section$ or $section("<name>")$"). **** Example: mypage.markdown page title ========== $section("column-one")$ This is text that can be formatted in the individual page template located at "templates/pages/mypage.haml". Here is a link from a global section. See [Home][]. $endsection$ This is some text in between two sections or a section and the top or bottom of the page. It can be accessed by $body<n>$ where <n> its position from the top of all non-sections starting from 0. Here i can also use $section$ [Home]: $endsection$ ***** To see more visit - "pages/<name>" where the sectioned page markdown is written - "templates/pages/<name>.haml" where the individual page template is stored/loaded from - "templates/page.haml" the generic page wrapper ** Miscellaneous *** Reorganized the file structure - created folder "image-src" for image-sources - created folder "lib" for libraries that will be needed on the server - moved jQuery and Skeleton to lib and made appropriate - created folder "fonts" for FreeMono and FreeSans font files which are now used via css @font-face - create folder "css" and setup "site.hs" to minimize all css files and publish them to idRoute - created folder "sass" which contains a variety of s[ac]ss files along with a file named "default.s[ax]ss" which will be processed by sass to include any other s[ac]ss files that are needed and output "default.css" to the site root *** cleaned up .gitmodules ** Javascript - fixed processing of urls - temporarily disabled nojs version of site as its under heavy development Note: still need to merge changes made to default version into the nojs one; specifically having "templates/pages/*.haml" be applied to there respective page before "templates/page.haml" is applied to the result ** Styling - switched to using sass (with a side bourbon) instead of css leaving css folder and processing for convenience - slimmed the site of the nav-loading image - updated favicon (rounded corders, preparing to support more sizes) - updated the logo-banner - added new images for tab page ** Templates - converted all "templates/**" to haml and made the apropriate adjustments in site.hs - added "templates/pages/*" which contains individual templates per page in "pages/*" ** Known Issues **** Sections cannot contain $section$ or $section("<name>")$ or $sectionend$ in them (this is an issue with escaping in the parser) **** pagination has been attempted but no solution yet **** haven't been able to generate two sets of tag-pages (one for the default version and the other for the nojs version **** opening a internal link in a new tab in any browser will load the snippet that would normally loaded by by ajax Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2013-12-11 04:31:48 +00:00
sections :: Parsec String a [Section String String]
sections = many (section <|> globalSection <|> nonSection)
section :: Parsec String a (Section String String)
section = do
key <- sectionStart
body <- sectionBody
void $ sectionEnd
Major changes! See full log. * Changes ** Hakyll "site.hs" *** Added the ability to have per-page templates (for all "pages/*") *** "pages/*" can now be sectioned off into blocks A section is a logical division of a page. It removes the requirement for pages that have multiple sections to have some html in the markdown for the page or to move some of the markdown content to the template. Both of which are un-maintainable. There are two types of sections, both with slightly different syntax's. A _global section_ is a section who's content will be included in all sections (regardless of ordering). This is handy for including links and footnotes that might be needed in more then one section or non-section . It is not accessible from the Context obtained from genSectionContext. To indicate where a global section begins and ends use "$section$" and "$endsection$" respectively (without quotes). Formally: $section$ <body> $endsection$ A _named section_ is a section of a document that can be accessed by a given name from the context obtained from the function genSectionContext. To specify a named section use the following syntax: $section("<name>")$ <body> $endsection$ where <name> is the name of the section (any character except \") and <body> is the section body Anything that is not a section is referred to as a non-section. These are still important as they will include all content of the global sections of the document as well as the non-section itself. To be a little more formal a non-section is everything between "$end-section$" and ("$section$ or $section("<name>")$"). **** Example: mypage.markdown page title ========== $section("column-one")$ This is text that can be formatted in the individual page template located at "templates/pages/mypage.haml". Here is a link from a global section. See [Home][]. $endsection$ This is some text in between two sections or a section and the top or bottom of the page. It can be accessed by $body<n>$ where <n> its position from the top of all non-sections starting from 0. Here i can also use $section$ [Home]: $endsection$ ***** To see more visit - "pages/<name>" where the sectioned page markdown is written - "templates/pages/<name>.haml" where the individual page template is stored/loaded from - "templates/page.haml" the generic page wrapper ** Miscellaneous *** Reorganized the file structure - created folder "image-src" for image-sources - created folder "lib" for libraries that will be needed on the server - moved jQuery and Skeleton to lib and made appropriate - created folder "fonts" for FreeMono and FreeSans font files which are now used via css @font-face - create folder "css" and setup "site.hs" to minimize all css files and publish them to idRoute - created folder "sass" which contains a variety of s[ac]ss files along with a file named "default.s[ax]ss" which will be processed by sass to include any other s[ac]ss files that are needed and output "default.css" to the site root *** cleaned up .gitmodules ** Javascript - fixed processing of urls - temporarily disabled nojs version of site as its under heavy development Note: still need to merge changes made to default version into the nojs one; specifically having "templates/pages/*.haml" be applied to there respective page before "templates/page.haml" is applied to the result ** Styling - switched to using sass (with a side bourbon) instead of css leaving css folder and processing for convenience - slimmed the site of the nav-loading image - updated favicon (rounded corders, preparing to support more sizes) - updated the logo-banner - added new images for tab page ** Templates - converted all "templates/**" to haml and made the apropriate adjustments in site.hs - added "templates/pages/*" which contains individual templates per page in "pages/*" ** Known Issues **** Sections cannot contain $section$ or $section("<name>")$ or $sectionend$ in them (this is an issue with escaping in the parser) **** pagination has been attempted but no solution yet **** haven't been able to generate two sets of tag-pages (one for the default version and the other for the nojs version **** opening a internal link in a new tab in any browser will load the snippet that would normally loaded by by ajax Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2013-12-11 04:31:48 +00:00
return $ Section key body
sectionStart :: Parsec String a String
sectionStart = between (try $ string "$section(") (string ")$") sectionId
sectionId :: Parsec String a String
sectionId = between (char '"') (char '"') (many1 (noneOf "\""))
sectionEnd :: Parsec String a String
sectionEnd = string "$endsection$"
sectionBody :: Parsec String a String
sectionBody = try escapedDollar <|> many1 (noneOf "$")
escapedDollar :: Parsec String a String
escapedDollar = try (between (char '$') (char '$')
(try ((sectionStart >>= (\s -> return $ "$section(\"" ++ s ++ "\")$")) <|>
sectionEnd <|> string "$section$"))) <|>
try sectionEnd <|>
(string "$$" *> return "$")
globalSection :: Parsec String a (Section k String)
globalSection = GlobalSection <$> between (string "$section$") sectionEnd sectionBody
nonSection :: Parsec String a (Section k String)
nonSection = many1 (many1 (noneOf "$") <|> try escapedDollar) >>= return . NonSection . concat