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Major changes! See full log. * Changes ** Hakyll "site.hs" *** Added the ability to have per-page templates (for all "pages/*") *** "pages/*" can now be sectioned off into blocks A section is a logical division of a page. It removes the requirement for pages that have multiple sections to have some html in the markdown for the page or to move some of the markdown content to the template. Both of which are un-maintainable. There are two types of sections, both with slightly different syntax's. A _global section_ is a section who's content will be included in all sections (regardless of ordering). This is handy for including links and footnotes that might be needed in more then one section or non-section . It is not accessible from the Context obtained from genSectionContext. To indicate where a global section begins and ends use "$section$" and "$endsection$" respectively (without quotes). Formally: $section$ <body> $endsection$ A _named section_ is a section of a document that can be accessed by a given name from the context obtained from the function genSectionContext. To specify a named section use the following syntax: $section("<name>")$ <body> $endsection$ where <name> is the name of the section (any character except \") and <body> is the section body Anything that is not a section is referred to as a non-section. These are still important as they will include all content of the global sections of the document as well as the non-section itself. To be a little more formal a non-section is everything between "$end-section$" and ("$section$ or $section("<name>")$"). **** Example: mypage.markdown page title ========== $section("column-one")$ This is text that can be formatted in the individual page template located at "templates/pages/mypage.haml". Here is a link from a global section. See [Home][]. $endsection$ This is some text in between two sections or a section and the top or bottom of the page. It can be accessed by $body<n>$ where <n> its position from the top of all non-sections starting from 0. Here i can also use $section$ [Home]: $endsection$ ***** To see more visit - "pages/<name>" where the sectioned page markdown is written - "templates/pages/<name>.haml" where the individual page template is stored/loaded from - "templates/page.haml" the generic page wrapper ** Miscellaneous *** Reorganized the file structure - created folder "image-src" for image-sources - created folder "lib" for libraries that will be needed on the server - moved jQuery and Skeleton to lib and made appropriate - created folder "fonts" for FreeMono and FreeSans font files which are now used via css @font-face - create folder "css" and setup "site.hs" to minimize all css files and publish them to idRoute - created folder "sass" which contains a variety of s[ac]ss files along with a file named "default.s[ax]ss" which will be processed by sass to include any other s[ac]ss files that are needed and output "default.css" to the site root *** cleaned up .gitmodules ** Javascript - fixed processing of urls - temporarily disabled nojs version of site as its under heavy development Note: still need to merge changes made to default version into the nojs one; specifically having "templates/pages/*.haml" be applied to there respective page before "templates/page.haml" is applied to the result ** Styling - switched to using sass (with a side bourbon) instead of css leaving css folder and processing for convenience - slimmed the site of the nav-loading image - updated favicon (rounded corders, preparing to support more sizes) - updated the logo-banner - added new images for tab page ** Templates - converted all "templates/**" to haml and made the apropriate adjustments in site.hs - added "templates/pages/*" which contains individual templates per page in "pages/*" ** Known Issues **** Sections cannot contain $section$ or $section("<name>")$ or $sectionend$ in them (this is an issue with escaping in the parser) **** pagination has been attempted but no solution yet **** haven't been able to generate two sets of tag-pages (one for the default version and the other for the nojs version **** opening a internal link in a new tab in any browser will load the snippet that would normally loaded by by ajax Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2013-12-11 04:31:48 +00:00
title: A New Post
author: Collin J. Doering
date: 2013-12-18
description: An Article about nothing really
updated: 2013-12-07
tags: general, programming, linux
Run a manual sweep of anomalous airborne or electromagnetic readings. Radiation levels in our atmosphere have increased by 3,000 percent. Electromagnetic and subspace wave fronts approaching synchronization. What is the strength of the ship's deflector shields at maximum output? The wormhole's size and short period would make this a local phenomenon. Do you have sufficient data to compile a holographic simulation?
Exceeding reaction chamber thermal limit. We have begun power-supply calibration. Force fields have been established on all turbo lifts and crawlways. Computer, run a level-two diagnostic on warp-drive systems. Antimatter containment positive. Warp drive within normal parameters. I read an ion trail characteristic of a freighter escape pod. The bomb had a molecular-decay detonator. Detecting some unusual fluctuations in subspace frequencies.
``` {.haskell .code-term .numberLines}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
-- File: rdm.hs
-- Date: 02/10/2010
-- Author: Collin J. Doering <>
-- Description: Random source file to experiment while learning haskell
import System.IO
import Data.List
import Data.Foldable (foldr')
import Data.Function
import System.Posix.User
import Control.Monad
nameSpam :: IO ()
nameSpam s = putStrLn $ fst $ foldr (\x (a, i) -> (take i (repeat x) ++ a, i - 1)) ("", length s) s
printTriangle :: Char -> Int -> IO ()
printTriangle c i = pTriangle c 1
where pTriangle c j
| j > i = return ()
| otherwise = putStrLn (take j (repeat c)) >>
pTriangle c (j + 1)
printTriangle' :: Char -> Int -> IO ()
printTriangle' _ 0 = return ()
printTriangle' c i = putStrLn (take i (repeat c)) >> printTriangle' c (i - 1)
printTriangle'' :: Char -> Integer -> IO ()
printTriangle'' c n = putStrLn $ foldr' (\i a -> (take i $ repeat c) ++ "\n" ++ a) "" [1..n]
factorial :: Integer -> Integer
factorial x = if x <= 1 then 1
else x * factorial (x - 1)
-- The factorial function using fix points
factorial' = fix (\f x -> if x <= 1 then 1 else x * f(x - 1))
factorial'' = fix (\f acc x -> if x <= 1 then acc else f (acc * x) (x - 1)) 1
factorial1 :: Integer -> Integer
factorial1 0 = 1
factorial1 xs = xs * factorial1 (xs - 1)
squareList :: [Double] -> [Double]
squareList lst = if null lst then []
else (square (head lst)):(squareList (tail lst))
where square x = x * x
squareList1 :: [Double] -> [Double]
squareList1 [] = []
squareList1 (x:xs) = (square x):(squareList1 xs)
where square x = x * x
squareList2 = map (\x -> x * x)
fib :: Integer -> Integer
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib x = fib (x-1) + fib (x-2)
-- Playing with datatypes
data Posn = Posn2D { x :: Int, y :: Int }
| Posn3D { x :: Int, y :: Int, z :: Int }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- Real World Haskell Exercises
data List a = Cons a (List a)
| Nil
deriving (Show)
listToBIL :: List a -> [a]
listToBIL (Cons a xs) = a:(listToBIL xs)
listToBIL Nil = []
myLength :: [a] -> Integer
myLength [] = 0
myLength x = 1 + myLength (drop 1 x)
myLength1 :: [a] -> Integer
myLength1 lst = let myLength1Help [] acc = acc
myLength1Help (_:xs) acc = myLength1Help xs (acc + 1)
in myLength1Help lst 0
myLength2 :: [a] -> Int
myLength2 lst = myLength2' lst 0
where myLength2' [] a = a
myLength2' (_:xs) a = myLength2' xs (a + 1)
meanOfList :: [Double] -> Double
meanOfList lst = meanSum lst 0 0
where meanSum [] s l
| l /= 0 = s / l
| otherwise = 0
meanSum (x:xs) s l = meanSum xs (s + x) (l + 1)
listToPalindrome :: [a] -> [a]
listToPalindrome [] = []
listToPalindrome x = x ++ reverse x
isPalindrome :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
isPalindrome x
| mod len 2 == 0 && take (div len 2) x == reverse (drop (div len 2) x) = True
| otherwise = False
where len = length x
foldrmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
foldrmap fn = foldr (\x y -> (fn x):y) []
--foldrmap fn = foldr ((:) . fn) []
foldrcopy :: [a] -> [a]
foldrcopy = foldr (:) []
foldrappend :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
foldrappend a b = foldr (:) b a
foldrlength :: [a] -> Int
foldrlength = foldr (\x y -> y + 1) 0
foldrsum :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
foldrsum = foldr (+) 0
--myfoldr fn init lst = myFoldrHelper ...
myMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
myMap f xs = [f x | x <- xs]
myMap1 :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
myMap1 _ [] = []
myMap1 f (x:xs) = f x : myMap1 f xs
mapWithFilter :: (a -> b) -> (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [b]
mapWithFilter f p xs = [f x | x <- xs, p x]
mapWithFilter1 :: (a -> b) -> (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [b]
mapWithFilter1 _ _ [] = []
mapWithFilter1 f p (x:xs)
| p x = f x : mapWithFilter1 f p xs
| otherwise = mapWithFilter1 f p xs
mapWithFilter2 :: (a -> b) -> (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [b]
mapWithFilter2 f p = map f . filter p
-- A neat little closure
myFlip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
myFlip f = \a b -> f b a
compose :: (a -> b) -> (c -> a) -> (c -> b)
compose f g = \x -> f(g(x))
disemvowel :: String -> String
disemvowel = unwords . filter p . words
where p = flip elem "AaEeIiOoUu" . head
-- questions from
greeter = do
putStrLn "Hello there! May i ask your name?"
name <- getLine
if name == "no"
then putStrLn "Well, sorry i asked..goodbye!"
else putStrLn ("Well hello there " ++ name ++ ", it's nice to meet you!")
-- The above greeter "de-sugared"
greeter2 :: IO ()
greeter2 = putStrLn "Hello there! May i ask your name?"
>> getLine
>>= \name -> if name == "no"
then putStrLn "Well, sorry i asked..goodbye!"
else putStrLn ("Well hello there " ++ name ++ ", it's nice to meet you!")
safeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a
safeHead [] = Nothing
safeHead (x:xs) = Just x
myTail :: [a] -> [a]
myTail [] = []
myTail (_:xs) = xs
-- Old version..why not make it for all monads?
-- myLiftM :: (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b
-- myLiftM f a = a >>= \x -> return (f x)
{- Here is a generic version of myLiftM, which has the same behavior as liftM.
Though the standard library chose to use do notation rather then the monadic
bind function (>>=), they are actually the same once the do notation is
de-sugared. Finally, notice the only thing that got changed here was the type
myLiftM :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
myLiftM f a = a >>= \x -> return (f x)
--nthDigit :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
--nthDigit n i = floor(10 * (f - floor(f)))
-- where f = n/10^(i+1)
-- Implementation of a Maybe like type
data Perhaps a = PNone
| PJust a
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
instance Functor Perhaps where
fmap _ PNone = PNone
fmap f (PJust x) = PJust (f x)
instance Monad Perhaps where
(PJust a) >>= f = f a
PNone >>= _ = PNone
return a = PJust a
instance MonadPlus Perhaps where
mzero = PNone
mplus (PJust a) _ = PJust a
mplus PNone (PJust a) = PJust a
mplus _ _ = PNone
-- Simple Binary Tree type
data Tree a = Empty
| Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Ord m => Ord (Tree m) where
_ >= Empty = True
(Node a _ _) >= (Node b _ _) = a >= b
_ >= _ = False
_ <= Empty = True
(Node a _ _) <= (Node b _ _) = a <= b
_ <= _ = False
leaf :: a -> Tree a
leaf x = Node x Empty Empty
balanced :: Ord a => Tree a -> Bool
balanced Empty = True
balanced nd@(Node _ ls rs) = nd >= ls && nd <= rs && balanced ls && balanced rs
depth :: Tree a -> Int
depth Empty = 0
depth (Node _ ls rs) = 1 + max (depth ls) (depth rs)
-- A parser type
type Parser a = String -> [(a,String)]
-- Questions from Book "Programming in Haskell"
-- Excercises 5.8
-- Given an even list returns a pair of its halves
halve :: [a] -> ([a],[a])
halve xs
| length xs `mod` 2 == 0 = (take halfLen xs, drop halfLen xs)
| otherwise = ([],[])
where halfLen = (length xs `div` 2)
safeTailA :: [a] -> [a]
safeTailA xs = if null xs then [] else tail xs
safeTailB :: [a] -> [a]
safeTailB xs
| null xs = []
| otherwise = tail xs
safeTailC :: [a] -> [a]
safeTailC [] = []
safeTailC (x:xs) = xs
-- Did a version using the Maybe type for entertainment
safeTail :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
safeTail [] = Nothing
safeTail (x:xs) = Just xs
myReplicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
myReplicate i e = [x | _ <- [1..i], x <- [e]]
pythagoreans :: Int -> [(Int,Int,Int)]
pythagoreans i = [(x,y,z) | x <- [1..i], y <- [1..i], z <- [1..i], x^2 + y^2 == z^2]
scalarProduct :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int
scalarProduct xs ys = sum [x * y | (x,y) <- zip xs ys]
-- Excercise 7.8
toPowerOf :: Int -> Int -> Int
x `toPowerOf` 0 = 1
x `toPowerOf` n = x * (x `toPowerOf` (n-1))
myAnd :: [Bool] -> Bool
myAnd [] = True
myAnd (x:xs)
| x = myAnd xs
| otherwise = False
myAndFoldr :: [Bool] -> Bool
myAndFoldr = foldr (&&) True
myConcat :: [[a]] -> [a]
myConcat [] = []
myConcat (x:xs) = x ++ myConcat xs
myReplicateR :: Int -> a -> [a]
myReplicateR 0 _ = []
myReplicateR n e = e : myReplicateR (n-1) e
nthElem :: [a] -> Int -> a
nthElem (x:xs) 0 = x
nthElem (x:xs) n = nthElem xs (n-1)
nthElem [] _ = undefined
nthElemSafe :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe a
nthElemSafe (x:xs) 0 = Just x
nthElemSafe (x:xs) n = nthElemSafe xs (n-1)
nthElemSafe [] _ = Nothing
myElem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
myElem _ [] = False
myElem e (x:xs)
| e == x = True
| otherwise = myElem e xs
merge :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
merge [] [] = []
merge [] ys = ys
merge xs [] = xs
merge (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x < y = x:merge xs (y:ys)
| x == y = x:y:merge xs ys
| otherwise = y:merge (x:xs) ys
msort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
msort [] = []
msort [x] = [x]
msort xs = merge (msort (take halflen xs)) (msort (drop halflen xs))
where halflen = length xs `div` 2
-- Other random functions
increasing :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
increasing [] = False
increasing (x:xs) = inc xs x True
where inc [] _ bl = True
inc (_:_) _ False = False
inc (x:xs) a True = inc xs x (a < x)
-- Could implement the error handling for the empty list case below
-- using Maybe instead of error resulting in a type:
-- mymax :: Ord a => [a] -> Maybe a
mymax :: Ord a => [a] -> a
mymax [] = error "A empty list has no maximum"
mymax (x:xs) = aux xs x
where aux [] y = y
aux (x:xs) y
| x > y = aux xs x
| otherwise = aux xs y
-- A seemingly nicer implementation of mymax above
mymax2 :: Ord a => [a] -> Maybe a
mymax2 [] = Nothing
mymax2 (x:xs) = Just $ foldr' lrgr x xs
where lrgr a b
| a > b = a
| otherwise = b
flatten :: [[a]] -> [a]
flatten [] = []
flatten (x:xs) = x ++ flatten xs
-- Note: the definition below is the same as: flatten' = foldr (++) []
flatten' :: [[a]] -> [a]
flatten' xss = flat xss []
where flat [] acc = acc
flat (y:ys) acc = let nacc = acc ++ y
in nacc `seq` flat ys nacc
-- Implementation of the square root function using fixed points *doesn't work*
sqrt' x = fix (\f y -> if ((y * y) - x) / x <= 0.0001 then y else y / x) x
-- Learning from
data ShowBox = forall s. Show s => SB s
instance Show ShowBox where
show (SB a) = show a
type HList = [ShowBox]
heterogeniusList :: HList
heterogeniusList = [SB 1, SB ['a'..'c'], SB 'd', SB 3]
-- How do i pattern match on (SB a) when a would be a list of depth n
-- Is it possible to restrict ShowBox to only hold non-list values?
-- flattenHList :: HList -> HList
-- flattenHList [] = []
-- flattenHList (x:xs) =
-- Questions from the haskell wiki
-- url:
-- 1
myLast :: [a] -> a
myLast lst = lst !! (len - 1)
where len = length lst
myLast2 :: [a] -> a
myLast2 [] = error "No last element!"
myLast2 (x:[]) = x
myLast2 (x:xs) = myLast2 xs
-- Blank main function (can test things here)
main :: IO ()
main = undefined