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2021-11-26 06:46:49 +00:00
#+TITLE: Source Code for[[][ Shebang Lambda Slang]]
2021-11-26 02:56:38 +00:00
#+AUTHOR: Collin J. Doering
[[][#! Lambda Slang]] is the personal technical blog of *Collin Doering*, built using software that
[[][respects our freedoms]].
* Features
- [[][Single Page Application (SPA)]]
- Utilizes CSS 3
- Uses HTML5 Application Cache for offline viewing of website
* Tools
The creation of this website was made possible by the following open source tools and
- [[][Hakyll]] is used to generate site from static files
- [[][Clay]] is used for CSS pre-processing
- [[][Skeleton]] is used for CSS boilerplate
- [[][MathJax]] is used for rendering mathematics
- [[][JQuery]] and [[][JQuery-address]] are used for various DOM manipulations
- [[][Inkscape]] and the [[][Gimp]] were used to create various images/artwork
- [[][Gnu Free Fonts]], specifically *FreeMono* is used as main font
- [[][Gnu Emacs]] because there is no place like home; and no greater editor!
* License
Simply put, you're welcome to use the code used to generate this site though there are a few
- Any images and artwork that embody the likeness of "#! Lambda Slang" are not to be distributed or
used and are strictly copyright
- The content of pages and posts can be used with attribution, providing you aren't making money off of it
Various licenses ([[][GPLv3]], [[][Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License]], and [[][Creative Commons BY-NC-ND
License]]) are deployed dependent on which part of the site is in question. Please see the
[[./LICENSE][LICENSE]] file for full details.
2021-11-26 06:46:49 +00:00
* TODO Guix Development Environment
:header-args: :session dev
** Build Site
#+begin_src shell :results drawer :async
guix shell -CP -E LANG -E GUIX_LOCPATH -m manifest.scm -- bash -c './site clean; ./site build'
** Modify haskell sources
#+begin_src shell
guix time-machine -C channels.scm -- shell -CNP -E LANG -E GUIX_LOCPATH -Df guix.scm -m manifest.scm
2021-11-26 02:56:38 +00:00
* TODO Building
[[][Guix]] is used to manage dependencies for this project.
A simple wrapper script ~site~ is provided that also takes care of building the static site
and offering access to hakyll commands.
#+begin_src shell
./site build
./site watch
* Deploying
Terraform is used to deploy this site. Its configuration files are located in ~./infra~. Three
workspaces are currently available, including:
- default (unused)
- staging
- production
For example, this is how to deploy the production version of the site:
#+begin_src shell
cd infra
terraform workspace select production
terraform plan --var-file=production.tfvars --out local.plan
terraform apply local.plan
* Known Issues
If you have an issue while browsing [[][my blog]] please file a issue in the [[][blog-rekahsoft-ca]]
issue tracker.
** TODO Allow external code files to be included in pages and blog entries
** TODO Remove the use of application cache now that most major browsers are pulling support
** TODO Completely replace all references to stack
** TODO Fix analytics (pywiki is no longer in use, find and use something else)
** TODO Modernize javascript in [[file:js/default.js][js/default.js]]
** TODO Allow posts (and pages?) to be written in org-mode
** TODO Fix rendering of mathjax
** TODO Setup automated deployment from ci
** TODO Add missing terraform backend files to repository
** TODO Figure out fast workflow for modifying haskell sources without rebuilding guix package
*** TODO [[./clay][clay sources]]
*** TODO [[./src][hakell sources]]