Worked on draft church-encoding-in-javascript

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
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Collin J. Doering 2015-08-10 16:55:28 -04:00
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@ -6,11 +6,188 @@ description: Encoding various types using only variables and functions
tags: general
In this post I will briefly explain the [untyped lambda calculus][], then go on to explain
[church encoding][]. Following that, we will look at an implementation of church encoding using
javascript; in this article we will focus on encoding booleans as well as natural numbers, as
they are the simplest to understand. We will then provide functions to operate on our
representation as well as functions to marshal to and from our representation to javascripts.
Along the way we will also cover the topic of [currying][], as it will be used extensively in
the javascript implementation. In the future I hope to go over pairs, lists, and perhaps some
other types which are more complicated but for the time being booleans and natural numbers
should provide a good enough introduction to [church encoding][].
TLDR: Using only functions of one argument and variables (and assuming infinite space), one can
compute any computable function. Here we will implement booleans and natural numbers using only
functions and variable bindings to functions; we also implement functions to operate on those
types (Eg. and, or, xor, not, add, subtract, multiply, etc…).
As I was learning church encoding and lambda calculus I implemented church encodings of various
types along with functions that operate on those types. I did this in a few of my favorite
languages; namely in [Haskell](, [Racket](,
and [Lazy Racket](, though the implementations were
to varying degrees of completion. Now many Haskell and Racket programmers are more likely to be
aware of the lambda calculus and church encoding. However, I think most javascript programmers
likely have never heard of the concept and would benefit by taking a moment to bend their
Before we get started into the 'meat' of this article, I need to explain curried functions as
they are used extensively in the javascript implementation of church encoded booleans and
natural numbers. If you already know what a curried function is, feel free to skip this
Suppose you are given the challenge of writing a function that takes two arguments and returns
its first. This is easy in every language, and javascript is no exception. Now consider how
you would do it if you had the following restrictions:
1. You can only use lambda functions and variables
2. Lambda functions can only take one argument. It cannot be an object or array with some
expected structure. For example, accepting an array and expecting the arguments to be at
index 0 and 1 respectively is considered a violation.
At first glance this may seem like a impossible task, but no need to fret. The solution: write
a function that accepts the first argument but then returns a function which will accept the
second argument and throw it away.
``` {.javascript .code-term .numberLines }
var lconst = function (x) {
var ret = function {y) {
return x;
return ret;
On line 2-5 we use a variable `ret` to temporarily store a function to accept the 'second'
argument; we then return this function. The function itself closes over the argument to the
outer function and returns it. I could have written `return function (y) { return x; };`
instead of lines 1-3 but prefer the added readability of newlines; but to do this and avoid
javascripts automatic semicolon insertion we have to temporarily store the function in a
variable. This is because semicolons are inserted automatically after return statements in
javascript. For more details on javascripts automatic semicolon insertion see section 7.9.1 of the
[ECMAScript 2015 language specification](
Now lets see our `lconst` function in action:
``` {.javascript .code-term}
lconst(1)(2); // 1
lconst("Alonzo")("Church"); // "Alonzo"
var alwaysZero = lconst(0); // undefined
alwaysZero(1); // 0
alwaysZero("Alonzo"); // 0
TODO: Finish explanation about curried functions
Now that we have gone over curried functions, we need to take a gander at the lambda calculus
before we get started with church encoding and its implementation in javascript. Here I will
describe it in terms of javascript, but I highly recommend taking the time to read the wiki
page on the subject as it does a better job describing it then I can. Particularly, my
description of the reduction rules are quite rough and lack rigor, but a full description of
the lambda calculus is beyond the scope of this article.
The lambda calculus' syntax can be given by three simple rules. A lambda term is any
one of the following:
~ A single letter symbol (Eg. `x`)
Lambda Abstraction
~ if `t` is a lambda term and `x` is a variable, then `λx.t` is a lambda term
~ if `t` and `s` are lambda terms, then `(t s)` is a lambda term
Now that we can specify a lambda term we now have to talk about how they can be reduced. There
are three types of reduction.
α-conversion (alpha)
~ Also called alpha-renaming, allows bound variable names to be changed. For example,
`λx.λy.x` can be alpha converted to `λa.λb.a` or `λy.λx.y` among others. By changing the
bound variables, the original meaning of the lambda expression is retained. That is, both
`λx.λy.x` and `λa.λb.a` both can be thought of as curried functions of two arguments that
return their first argument.
β-reduction (beta)
η-conversion (eta)
When a two lambda terms can be reduced to the same expression by α-conversion we say they are
α-equivalent. β-equivalence and η-equivalence can be defined similarly.
TODO: Talk about lambda term reduction α-conversion (alpha), β-reduction (beta), η-conversion (eta)
Some lambda terms are used commonly, and have standard names. Here are some examples
- The `id` function (identity), that is a function that returns its argument. In the lambda
calculus its given as `λx.x` whose corresponding javascript is as follows.
``` {.javascript .code-term }
function id (x) {
return x;
- The `const` function, which is a curried function of two arguments that returns its first
argument. It is given in the lambda calculus as `λx.λy.x` and can be written in javascript as
follows. Note however, that the function given in javascript can not have the name `const` as
its a reserved word in javascript; instead we use `lconst`.
TODO reference lconst js definition above
- Similar to the `const` function but with no standard name, what I'll call `constid` is a
curried function of two arguments that returns its second argument (unlike `const` which
returns the first one). It is given by `λx.λy.y` in the lambda calculus and can be written in
javascript as follows.
``` {.javascript .code-term}
var constid = function (x) {
var ret = function (y) {
return y;
return ret;
Notice that the `constid` function can be obtained by applying `const` to `id` in the lambda
calculus (`const id`). Similarly in javascript, the `lconst` function can be applied to the
`id` to obtain `constid`.
``` {.javascript .code-term}
var constid = lconst(id);
Now by this point you are likely scratching your head a little. How in the world can just
functions and variable bindings alone allow us to represent booleans, and nature numbers; let alone
have the ability to express any turing computable function.
((λx.λy.x) id)
≡ (λ
≡ (λy.λa.a)
≡ constid
``` {.javascript .code-term .numberLines}
@ -397,3 +574,7 @@ for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
Find a way to include source files without having to copy-paste them into the article.
[untyped lambda calculus]:
[church encoding]: