--- title: Home author: Collin J. Doering date: 2013-10-12 weight: 1 --- $section("tools")$ Tools ===== ----- This website was proudly made with open source software! Specifically: - [Hakyll][] - [Clay][] - [Skeleton][] - [JQuery][] - [JQuery-address][] - [MathJax][] - [Inkscape][] - [Gimp][] - [Gnu Emacs][] - [Gnu Free Fonts][] $endsection$ $section("license")$ Terms of Use ============ ------------ This site is _Copyright 2016-2021 © - Collin Doering_ and is distributed under the following terms. 1. All rights reserved on the "#! λ Slang" name, as well as on the [banner image](/images/logo-banner.svg), favicons([1](/images/favicon.ico), [2](/images/favicon.ico.png)) and any other image/artwork that embodies the likeness of "#! λ Slang" 2. Not withstanding (1), all images and artwork are licensed under the [Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License][] 3. Unless otherwise noted, all "_content_" on [#! λ Slang](/) is licenced under the [Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License][] 4. Any "_content_" "_delimited as source-code_" is licensed under the [GPLv3][] unless otherwise specified 5. Not withstanding (1), (2), or (3), the [Hakyll][] configuration and all files required to build this site are available under the [GPLv3][], [here](http://git.rekahsoft.ca/blog-rekahsoft-ca) Definitions ----------- 1. "_Content_" is any html accesible from [#! λ Slang](/), as well as all the "_markdown sources_" used to produces said html. 2. "_Markdown sources_" refers to all files that are written in the [Markdown Language](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) including those that use [Pandoc Extensions](http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html#pandocs-markdown) 3. Content is "_delimited as source-code_" when the item (text) in question is: 1. Contained within a html element with class sourceCode (html) 2. Contained within a code block (markdown) or fenced code block (pandoc markdown extension) See More -------- For more information see: - [GPLv3][] - [Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License][] - [Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License][] $endsection$ $section$ [Hakyll]: http://jaspervdj.be/hakyll/ [Clay]: http://fvisser.nl/clay/ [Skeleton]: http://www.getskeleton.com/ [JQuery]: http://jquery.com [JQuery-address]: https://github.com/asual/jquery-address [MathJax]: http://www.mathjax.org/ [Inkscape]: http://inkscape.org/ [Gimp]: http://www.gimp.org/ [Gnu Emacs]: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ [Gnu Free Fonts]: http://www.gnu.org/software/freefont/ [GPLv3]: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html [Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License]: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ [Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License]: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ $endsection$