--- title: Church Encoding in JS author: Collin J. Doering date: Jun 19, 2015 description: Encoding various types using only variables and functions tags: general --- TODO TODO ``` {.javascript .code-term .numberLines} /** * (C) Copyright Collin J. Doering 2015 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * File: church.js * Author: Collin J. Doering * Date: Feb 2, 2015 */ var church = (function () { var spec, t = function (x) { var ret = function (y) { return x; }; return ret; }, f = function (x) { var ret = function (y) { return y; }; return ret; }, church_zero = function (f) { var ret = function (x) { return x; }; return ret; }, nil; // ------------------------------ // Church Boolean implementation // ------------------------------ function make_bool (b) { // b ? return t : return f if (b) { return t; } else { return f; } } function unchurch_bool (b) { return b(true)(false); } function and (x) { var ret = function (y) { return x(y)(x); }; return ret; } function or (x) { var ret = function (y) { return x(x)(y); }; return ret; } function not (x) { var ret = function (y) { var aret = function (z) { return x(z)(y); }; return aret; }; return ret; } function xor (x) { var ret = function (y) { return x(not(y))(y); }; return ret; } function church_if (p) { var ret = function (a) { var aret = function (b) { return p(a)(b); }; return aret; }; return ret; } // ----------------------- // Church natural numbers // ----------------------- function succ (n) { var ret = function (f) { var aret = function (x) { return f(n(f)(x)); }; return aret; }; return ret; } function add (n) { var ret = function (m) { var aret = function (f) { var bret = function (x) { return n(f)(m(f)(x)); }; return bret; }; return aret; }; return ret; } function mult (n) { var ret = function (m) { var aret = function (f) { var bret = function (x) { return n(m(f))(x); }; return bret; }; return aret; }; return ret; } function expt (n) { var ret = function (m) { var aret = function (f) { var bret = function (x) { return (m(n))(f)(x); }; return bret; }; return aret; }; return ret; } function isZero (n) { var ret = n(function (x) { return f; })(t); return ret; } function make_nat (n) { var i, ret = church_zero.bind({}); for (i = 0; i < n; i += 1) { ret = succ(ret); } return ret; } function unchurch_nat (n) { var ret = function (i) { var aret = function (m) { i += 1; return i; }; return aret; }, i = 0; return n(ret(i))(0); } // ------------- // Church Pairs // ------------- function make_pair (a) { var ret = function (b) { var aret = function (f) { return f(a)(b); }; return aret; }; return ret; } function fst (p) { return p(t); } function snd (p) { return p(f); } function unchurch_pair (p) { return [fst(p), snd(p)]; } // ------------- // Church Lists // ------------- function make_list () {} function unchurch_list (xs) {} nil = make_pair(t)(t); isNil = fst; function cons (h) { var ret = function (t) { return make_pair(f)(make_pair(h)(t)); }; return ret; } function head (l) { return fst(snd(l)); } function tail (l) { return snd(snd(l)); } // ----------------- // The Y Combinator // ----------------- // * This doesn't work as javascript is strictly evaluated // ----------------- function fix (g) { var f = function (x) { return g(x(x)); }; return f(f); } // Setup specification object spec = { "if": church_if, fix: fix, bool: { make: make_bool, toNative: unchurch_bool, t: t, f: f, not: not, and: and, or: or, xor: xor }, nat: { make: make_nat, toNative: unchurch_nat, zero: church_zero, succ: succ, add: add, mult: mult, expt: expt, isZero: isZero }, pair: { make: make_pair, toNative: unchurch_pair, fst: fst, snd: snd }, list: { make: make_list, toNative: unchurch_list, nil: nil, isNil: isNil, cons: cons, head: head, tail: tail } }; return spec; })(); // ------------------------- function unchurch_church_nat_test (lim) { var i, lim = lim || 12; for (i = 0; i <= lim; i += 1) { if (i !== church.nat.toNative(church.nat.make(i))) { console.log('Failed church.nat.toNative(church.nat.make(' + i + '))'); return false; } } console.log('Created church nats from 1 to ' + lim + ' successfully.'); return true; } function uncurry (f) { var ret = function (x, y) { return f(x)(y); }; return ret; } function matrix_test (f, g, n, tp) { var i, j, t = tp || 100, name = n || "unnamed"; for (i = 0; i <= t; i += 1) { for (j = 0; j <= t; j += 1) { if (f(i,j) !== g(i,j)) { console.log('Failed matrix test for ' + name + ' with inputs ' + i + ' and ' + j + '.'); return false; } } } console.log('Successfully completed test for ' + name + '.'); return true; } unchurch_church_nat_test(100); matrix_test(function (a, b) { return a + b; }, function (a, b) { return church.nat.toNative(church.nat.add(church.nat.make(a))(church.nat.make(b))); }, "Church addition"); // matrix_test(function (a, b) { // return a - b; // }, function (a, b) { // return church.nat.toNative(minus(church.nat.make(a))(church.nat.make(b))); // }); matrix_test(function (a, b) { return a * b; }, function (a, b) { return church.nat.toNative(church.nat.mult(church.nat.make(a))(church.nat.make(b))); }, "Church multiplication"); // very slow for some reason? (not that this implementation will ever be fast) matrix_test(function (a, b) { return Math.pow(a, b); }, function (a, b) { return church.nat.toNative(church.nat.expt(church.nat.make(a))(church.nat.make(b))); }, "Church exponentiation", 7); // ------------------------------------------------------- // Factorial function written similar to how the y-combinator works function factorial (x) { var g = function (h) { var f = function (n) { if (n < 2) { return 1; } else { return n * h(h)(n - 1); } }; return f; }; return g(g)(x); } var i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) { console.log(factorial(i)); } ```