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blog-rekahsoft-ca TODO's

DONE Remove the use of application cache now that most major browsers are pulling support

CLOSED: [2021-11-28 Sun 10:43]

  • State "DONE" from "TODO" [2021-11-28 Sun 10:43]

TODO The image full screen features does not work on initial page loads and requires going to at least one other page   bug

TODO Completely replace all references to stack

TODO Fix analytics (pywiki is no longer in use, find and use something else)

TODO Modernize javascript in js/default.js

TODO Fix rendering of mathjax

TODO Use javascript/css sources from guix packages instead of vendoring them or using them from the internet

  • jQuery
  • mathjax
  • skeleton

TODO Setup automated deployment from ci

TODO Use separate file for terraform backend

Used to be: Add missing terraform backend files to repository, however this was not true. The backend is just embedded in infra/

TODO Figure out fast workflow for modifying haskell sources without rebuilding guix package

TODO Allow external code files to be included in pages and blog entries

TODO Ensure blog-rekahsoft-ca.cabal is usable with cabal and has the correct dependencies

TODO Build the site as a guix package output of blog-rekahsoft-ca