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Various changes to emacs configuration Some highlights include: - Modified theme to better emphasize mode-line - Add .emacs.d/site-lisp-extra to load-path for various emacs-lisp snippets - Add custom yasnippet directory under .emacs.d/snippets - Use flyspell in more non-code modes (eg. various markup languages and mu4e) - Added new sorting rules/categories for ibuffer - Setup Auctex for smooth latex editing - Pimp out editing of lispy langs including: - highlight current sexp at point with hightlight-sexp - enable mode for racket scribble (in .emacs.d/site-lisp-extra/) - add guile to geiser scheme implementations list - Disabled highlight-current-line - Enable bookmarks+ See: - Update auto-insert templates to use variables "author" and "email" correctly. Note: I am considering removing use of auto-insert for templates and instead switching to yasnippet for templates and starting with a empty file. Then a snippet like 'gpl3' could be expanded to be the license or the license header for the file. Also the little info block I have on all of my current templates could also simply be another snippet. - Switched from gnus to mu4e for email; this requires the external tools mbsync and mu. Gnus can still be used but is now depreciated in preference of mu4e (which is much faster and better suited when used in combination with mbsync) - Fixed annoying issue where when quack-mode was enabled C-x C-f was overridden to quack-find-file which didn't have ido-completion - Setup gpg-agent so environment variables are correct (*TODO* this still isn't working 100% as I've noticed miss matches; it could be that somehow GPG_AGENT_INFO changes outside of emacs and because I only fix its value during the evaluation of .emacs it could result in a miss match.) - Add exit confirmation in the mini-buffer Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2014-09-07 03:42:04 +00:00
;;;; Emacs Bookmark Format Version 1 ;;;;
;;; This format is meant to be slightly human-readable;
;;; nevertheless, you probably don't want to edit it.
;;; -*- End Of Bookmark File Format Version Stamp -*-
(#1=(#("Blog" 0 4
(bmkp-full-record #1#))
(buffer-name . #3="~/.code/my-projects/www/blog-rekahsoft-ca/")
(front-context-string . "blog-rekahsoft-c")
(rear-context-string . "69 Sep 1 05:37 ")
(visits . 0)
(time . #2=(21516 10507 539531 351000))
(created . #2#)
(position . 256)
(filename . #3#)
(dired-directory . "~/.code/my-projects/www/blog-rekahsoft-ca/")
(dired-switches . "-al")
(handler . bmkp-jump-dired))
#1=(#(".racketrc" 0 9
(bmkp-full-record #1#))
(tags "racket" "config")
(filename . "~/.racketrc")
(buffer-name . ".racketrc")
(front-context-string . ";; Racket config")
(visits . 0)
(time . #2=(21515 52488 191887 274000))
(created . #2#)
(position . 1))
#1=(#(".conkerorrc" 0 11
(bmkp-full-record #1#))
(tags "config")
(filename . "~/.conkerorrc")
(buffer-name . ".conkerorrc")
(front-context-string . "// File: ~/.conk")
(visits . 0)
(time . #2=(21515 52458 692233 554000))
(created . #2#)
(position . 1))
#1=(#("rkd-conf" 0 8
(bmkp-full-record #1#))
(tags "config")
(buffer-name . #2="~/.rkd-conf/")
(front-context-string . ".\n drwx--x--- 9")
(rear-context-string . "96 Sep 6 01:48 ")
(visits . 1)
(time 21515 58758 189800 941000)
(created 21515 52448 522407 938000)
(position . 125)
(filename . #2#)
(dired-directory . "~/.rkd-conf/")
(dired-switches . "-al")
(handler . bmkp-jump-dired))
#1=(#("snippets" 0 8
(bmkp-full-record #1#))
(tags "emacs" "config")
(buffer-name . "snippets")
(front-context-string . ".\n drwxr-xr-x 1")
(rear-context-string . "96 Aug 21 05:50 ")
(visits . 1)
(time 21515 59003 434991 931000)
(created 21515 52423 153453 836000)
(position . 131)
(filename . "/home/collin/.emacs.d/snippets/")
(dired-directory . "~/.emacs.d/snippets/")
(dired-switches . "-al")
(handler . bmkp-jump-dired))
#1=(#(".emacs" 0 6
(bmkp-full-record #1#))
(tags "emacs" "config")
(filename . "~/.emacs")
(buffer-name . ".emacs")
(front-context-string . ";; Date: Aug 19,")
(visits . 0)
(time 21515 51744 740365 99000)
(created 21515 51744 740365 99000)
(position . 1))
#1=(#("Notes" 0 5
(bmkp-full-record #1#))
(time 21515 58453 186826 365000)
(visits . 0)
(filename . "~/.org/")
(front-context-string . "*** Go get the c")
(rear-context-string . "n emacs further\n")
(position . 151))