Fix minor issues in theme (background of hl-line-mode and others)

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
Este commit está contenido en:
Collin J. Doering 2014-11-28 02:34:20 -05:00 cometido por Collin J. Doering
padre a6e3027be3
commit 3a89d9c045
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 6 adiciones y 10 borrados

Ver fichero

@ -467,8 +467,8 @@ jarring angry fruit salad look to reduce eye fatigue.")
'(fringe ((t (:background "grey30" :foreground "Wheat"))))
'(header-line ((t (:box (:line-width -1 :color "grey20" :style released-button) :background "grey20" :foreground "grey90" :height 0.9))))
'(help-argument-name ((t (:italic t :slant italic))))
'(highlight ((t (:background "gray10" :foreground "Old Lace"))))
'(hl-line ((t (:background "grey10" :foreground "Old Lace"))))
'(highlight ((t (:background "gray10" :foreground nil))))
'(hl-line ((t (:background "grey10" :foreground nil))))
'(gnus-mouse-face ((t (:background "darkseagreen2" :foreground "blue"))))
'(erc-button-mouse-face ((t (:background "darkseagreen2" :foreground "blue"))))
'(align-highlight-change-face ((t (:background "darkseagreen2" :foreground "blue"))))
@ -539,17 +539,14 @@ jarring angry fruit salad look to reduce eye fatigue.")
'(man-xref ((t (:underline t))))
'(match ((t (:background "RoyalBlue3"))))
'(minibuffer-prompt ((t (:foreground "cyan"))))
'(mode-line ((t (:background "grey20" :foreground "#00afff"
:box '(:line-width -1 :style released-button)
:height 0.9))))
'(mode-line ((t (:background "grey20" :foreground "#00afff" :box '(:line-width -1 :style released-button) :foundry "xos4" :family "Terminus"))))
'(mode-line-inactive ((t (:inherit mode-line :background "grey5" :foreground "grey80" :box '(:line-width -1 :style released-button) :foundry "xos4" :family "Terminus"))))
'(mode-line-buffer-id ((t (:background "grey15" :foreground "OrangeRed"
:bold t :weight bold :height 0.9))))
'(mode-line-emphasis ((t (:bold t :weight bold))))
'(mode-line-highlight ((t (:box (:line-width 2 :color "grey40"
:style released-button :height 0.9)))))
'(mode-line-inactive ((t (:background "grey5" :foreground "grey80"
:box '(:line-width -1 :color "grey40")
:weight light :height 0.9))))
'(mouse ((t (:background "OrangeRed"))))
'(next-error ((t (:background "blue3"))))
@ -574,8 +571,7 @@ jarring angry fruit salad look to reduce eye fatigue.")
'(sgml-sgml-face ((t (:foreground "yellow"))))
'(sgml-start-tag-face ((t (:foreground "mediumspringgreen"))))
'(shadow ((t (:foreground "grey70"))))
'(show-paren-match ((t (:background "steelblue3"))))
'(show-paren-match ((t (:background "dark violet"))))
'(show-paren-match-face ((t (:background "steelblue3"))))
'(show-paren-mismatch ((t (:background "purple" :foreground "white"))))
'(smerge-base ((t (:foreground "orange"))))