Cleanup xbindkeysrc

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
This commit is contained in:
Collin J. Doering 2014-11-28 01:39:26 -05:00 committed by Collin J. Doering
parent d5738197d7
commit e83452d35f
1 changed files with 6 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -13,87 +13,70 @@
## Multimedia keys (top of keyboard)
# play/pause key = toggle play pause
#"cmus-remote --pause"
"mpc -h patchMeIn@localhost toggle"
m:0x10 + c:172
#"cmus-remote --pause"
"mpc -h patchMeIn@localhost toggle"
m:0x58 + c:33
Alt+Mod2+Mod4 + p
# next key = next song
#"cmus-remote --next"
"mpc -h patchMeIn@localhost next"
m:0x10 + c:171
#"cmus-remote --next"
"mpc -h patchMeIn@localhost next"
m:0x58 + c:60
Alt+Mod2+Mod4 + period
# prev key = previous song
#"cmus-remote --prev"
"mpc -h patchMeIn@localhost prev"
m:0x10 + c:173
#"cmus-remote --prev"
"mpc -h patchMeIn@localhost prev"
m:0x58 + c:59
Alt+Mod2+Mod4 + comma
# volume up key = Master volume up 1
#"amixer set Master 1+"
# volume up key = Master volume up
"ponymix increase 3"
m:0x10 + c:123
#"amixer set Master 1+"
"ponymix increase 3"
m:0x58 + c:30
Alt+Mod2+Mod4 + u
# volume down key = Master volume down 1
#"amixer set Master 1-"
"ponymix decrease 3"
m:0x10 + c:122
#"amixer set Master 1-"
"ponymix decrease 3"
m:0x58 + c:40
Alt+Mod2+Mod4 + d
# mute volume key = mute alsa Master channel
#"amixer set Master toggle"
"ponymix toggle"
m:0x10 + c:121
#"amixer set Master toggle"
"ponymix toggle"
m:0x58 + c:58
Alt+Mod2+Mod4 + m
## End of Multimedia keys
## Random keys (F* line of keys)
# Super + Calculator = (speed crunch)
m:0x10 + c:148
# m:0x10 + c:148
# XF86Calculator
# Super + Calculator = mathematica
m:0x50 + c:148
# m:0x50 + c:148
# XF86Calculator
# Sleep key = lock screen with xscreensaver
"xscreensaver-command -lock"
m:0x10 + c:150
## End of F* line of keys
## Left side of keyboard
# WWW key
m:0x10 + c:158
@ -110,18 +93,3 @@
#m:0x10 + c:214
# Roatate windows key
m:0x10 + c:162
# End of left side of keyboard
## Bottom right keys
# VOIP end call
#m:0x10 + c:231
## End of Bottom right keys