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3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
cff91a9110 Pass environment variables from shell to systemd
Instead of having the systemd user units in .config/systemd/user/ who's
programs require access to a environment variable to define them
explicitly using "Environment = 'VAR=value'". Instead from .bashrc and
.zshrc we can import all environment variables using "systemctl --user
import-environment" or import variables individually like so "systemctl
--user import-environment VAR_NAME".

Here I import (using the method above) both $PATH and $SMLNJ_HOME so
that they can be used by emacs (and maybe some other
program/systemd-user-unit I have forgotten).

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
ecedc2d93f Various changes to systemd files
Updated PATH in emacs.service putting paths with the form ~/* first so
the binary's located there have higher priority

Added DISPLAY environment variable to the following service files:
 + unclutter
 + xbindkeys
 + xcompmgr
 + xscreensaver

This was an attempt to fix an CURRENTLY UNRESOLVED ISSUE. That is the
above service files don't start when you initially log in. But once X is
loaded can be started successfully by "systemctl --user restart <unit>".

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
28602aa7ed Some major revisions as i have recently replaced my desktop. Namely:
* switched to systemd for user level daemons and startup programs originally run from .xinitrc
 * beefed up the logout menu implemented by .bin/ to support pretty well all
   windows-managers (with some minor modification) and now with support for suspend and hibernate

  * did a little rearrangement to make things pretty
  * added the clipboard extension
  * encrypted authinfo files for gnus (emacs)
  * now checks if ~/.bashrc is a file and then executes it instead of just assuming
  * added a few new aliases
  * modified path to include ~/.bin
  * now supports pretty well any window manager with minor modification (just edit the
    actionNames and actionExecs arrays respective elements)
  * now brings up a dmenu options menu to select one of cancel, logout, suspend, hybrid-sleep,
    hibernate, or shutdown
  * uses xdotool to send a hidden 'kill switch' to xmonad upon 'logout'
  * uses systemctl to suspend, hybrid-sleep and hibernate
  * uses the classic shutdown command for shutdown
  * moved the config files from .mc
  * all user instance systemd service files go here
   * contains a symbolic link to all the currently enabled service files

   * starts the emacs daemon
   * starts a user level instance of mpd using the config ~/.mpdconf
   * starts udiskie (a user level daemon for automounted media using udisk)
   * starts the urxvt daemon
   * starts the uncluttered program
   * starts trayer using the options:
      --monitor 1 --edge top --align right --expand true --width 4 --height 2 --transparent true --tint 0x000000
   * starts xbindkeys
   * starts xcompmgr
   * starts xscreensaver
  * added support for magit
  * added support for ipython
  * dropped in ELPA version of swank-clojure in place of the AUR version
  * preparing to use babel (part of org more for use with code)
  * upgraded yas to the most recent version from ELPA; need to smooth out some minor issues
  * python-mode is currently commented out in config but working; dropped in ELPA version in
    place of the AUR version i had previous
  * disabled gieser (in the process of dropping in the ELPA version..just ran into some hitch)
  * add a template for ruby to .emacs.d/templates
  * user instance mpd config
  * re-enabled ncmpcpp in place of cmus as i'm using mpd now
  * disable mc in screen because it doesn't start correctly; mc is available through my xmonad
    scratchpad "mc"
  * enabled syntax highlighting
  * switched music keybindings from cmus-remote commands to there respective mpc commands
  * switched www key to conkeror in place of firefox
  * use systemd --user to run a user instance of systemd to run startup programs generally
    run from this script. The programs i have written unit files are specified above and left
    as comments in this file.
  * my ethernet interface is now called 'eno1' not 'eth0'
  * TODO: need to setup wireless status xmobar widget for 'wlp7s0'
  * added keybinding for auto-umounting any disk auto-mounted by udiskie (Mod+shift+control u)
  * now using new .bin/ to kill session in a few different ways (Mod+shift q)
  * added a keybinding to toggle the status bar (xmobar) using (Mod b)
  * added better support for some full screen games: supertux2, doom3, steam and hl2
  * set opacity on all emacs and gvim windows to 13/16 (btw this is done for urxvt using a
    property in .Xdefaults
  * an auto-generated file by xscreensaver-demo; may consider removing in the future as it can
    always be auto-generated but its nice to have all my screensavers saved and ready
  * not currently using since i use slim but here for compatibility with gdm,kdm and other de's
  * some auto-generated changes thanks to compinstall
  * added a few new aliases
  * modified path to include ~/.bin

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00