Commit Graph

3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
bbb41c023c Various minor changes
* renamed .Xdefaults to .Xresources
* replaced screen with tmux
* added a darken function to .conkerorrc
* added some new eshell alias'
* added some new templates for emacs
* cleaned up .xinitrc
* .xmonad/
  * added circle layout
  * added convince key binding Mod-grave which is the same thing as
  * made emacs-scratch open in tmux session

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
224f475a46 A variety of accumulated changes/fixes
Notable changes include:
  * .Xdefaults:
    - added comments
    - switched from url-select to url-picker (for urxvt)
  * .bashrc: added some alias' and changed PATH
  * .bin/ *depreciated*
  * .bin/ added experimental timed-action support
  * .config/dunst/dunstrc:
    - changed transparency to 15%
    - issue with getting "follow = v" to work; where v = mouse or keyboard
  * .config/systemd/user/emacs.service:
     - added a Environment property because it is required with a recent(ish?) update of systemd
  * .config/systemd/user/xbindkeys.service:
    - added Environment property
    - made ExecStart more specific
  * .conkerorrc:
    - added support for magnet urls
    - added firebug-lite support
  * .emacs:
    - disabled tabs
    - enabled column-number-mode
  * .ghci: added ghci config file
  * .gnus: Many changes to make gnus more usable as a email client (multiple
email support)
  * .mpdconf: added password for admin and control access
  * .ncmpcpp/config: use new mpd password
  * .screenrc: use weechat in place of irssi
  * .xbindkeysrc:
    - use new mpd password
    - pulseaudio_ctl merged with pulseaudio-ctl in AUR. Now using the new version *BROKEN*
  * .xinitrc: running "systemd --user" is depreciated (automatically run by logind)
  * .xmobarrc: use DynNetwork in place of Network
  * .xmonad/xmonad.hs: code clean-up
  * .zshrc:
    - added new function 'disable_unit_run' which can be used to run a program temporarily
      disabling a systemd user unit file
    - added alias'
    - changed PATH
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
e3fb51fd6e Did a variety of changes documented by file below;
Key changes include:
  * finally have multiple smtp accounts working with gnu/emacs!
  * using dunst (a notification-daemon)
  * fixes to mpd's service files mpd.{service,socket} to allow for socket
    activation via dbus/systemd

  * now holds the information for all my email accounts
  * set LANG and LC_MESSAGE variables
  * added support for restart which was missed but trivial to implement
  * slightly modified version of skeletal dunstrc provided by the dunst package
  * automatic changes made by mc
  * deleted; no need to keep this in the git repo since it is modified automatically
    by mc to save the panel's state/s
  * a service file to manage dunst - a customizable and lightweight notification-daemon
  * now uses socket activation to allow mpd to be used over the network (via mpd.socket)
  * a socket file denoting what port/s to open when mpd.service is run
  * disable pastebin extension because pastebin is a insane and the api has changed
  * set the mail function to smtpmain-send-it
  * fixed minor error caused by using "nill" in place of nil
  * change the marked text background color from blue to gray19
  * set default name
  * set some fancy colors
  * finally now supports multiple smtp accounts!
  * some minor cleanup
  * disabled gnus daemon until i spend some time looking into its uses
  * set the background of the currently selected file to gray in place of
    default (transparent) so that in transparent terminals the currently selected
    file is noticeably highlighted
  * no real changes; comments
  * added support for notification using notify-send (libnotify and dunst)
  * set 256 bit color for urxvt
  * set GENERAL_SCREEN instead of exporting it
  * shrink the case expression responsible for determining which wm to launch
  * doMaxFloat pavucontrol instead of doFullFloat
  * set LANG and LC_MESSAGE variables
  * added support to temporarily disable unclutter when running a command
  * now the alias 'qemu' disables unclutter before running qemu with kvm enabled
  * TODO: find commonalities between .bashrc and .zshrc and create a second shell
    	  script that does the common tasks; then the new shell script can be
	  sourced from either .bashrc or .zshrc

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00