Commit Graph

7 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Collin J. Doering bc065dda7a Numerous changes and a restructure of .xinitrc to allow .vnc/xstartup to piggy back off of it
and offer a window manager selection dialog for remote/nested sessions

  * runs pekwm and a xdialog to choose a wm; then runs "$HOME/.xinitrc wm-name remote" where
    wm-name is a lower-case window manager name (corresponding to a exectuable in $PATH)
  * see TODO at the head of the document for things to be completed
  * ISSUE: xmonad is a binary executable so there is no way to pass it a special configuration
    for a single monitor setup (for a remote session). Instead there should be a single-head
    xmonad compiled to run on remote sessions; the question is how?
  * massively restructured and now has a slightly different usage (see head of document)
  * still supports being run without command-line parameters and by slim (passed one cl parameter
    being the window manager (again in lower case and corresponding to a executable in $PATH)
  * added a new manage hook for opennx
  * added a new floating manage hook doMaxFloat (thanks to OODavo) which can float windows
    that request a size smaller then the area their widgets span

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00
Collin J. Doering bd0592baac Various day-to-day changes made summarized as follows:
   * added better support for mime-type handling (pdf, ps, torrent, ...)
   * added PKGBUILD mode
   * disabled hs-org/minor-mode because of it not playing well with auto-complete-mode and flyspell
   * disabled yasnippet for the time being (look into auto-complete-mode and flyspell issues)
   * disabled elget (not functioning plus there is the ELPA so whats the point?)
   * set default account to (previously was only able to send through collin.doering (SMTP) and recieve mail through rekahsoft (IMAP))
   * using encrypted autoinfo files now
   * TODO: get multiple IMAP/SMTP accounts working
   * disabled ncmpcpp screen (no longer using mpd sadly due to pulseaudio issues
   * disabled nvlc screen
   * disabled trayer (no apps use it so whats the point) (still need to modify .xmobar to leave no gap on the right side of the screen)
   * beginning utilization of a few new modules from XMonad.Contrib including:
     - XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
     - XMonad.Layout.Sublayouts
     - XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation
     - XMonad.Layout.BoringWindows
   Note: many of the added extensions above are not being used; just being prepared to be integrated into the environment (commented out)
         a few other extensions are being considered as well including: CycleWS, XMonad.Actions.TopicSpace and DynamicWorkspaces
   * disabled transmission-gtk scratchpad in preference of transmission-remote cli
   * new tab completion generated by compinstall (much nicer then previous)

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00
Collin J. Doering aac41c0395 Made several minor changes/tweaks as follows:
  * changed pdf application to zathura
  * added a bunch of webjumps (see source)
  * made duckduckgo default search engine
  * switched to emacs24 from bzr
  * enabled flyspell-mode
  * depreciated emacs-color-theme (use built-in theming in emacs24)
  * added magit init code with the intent of playing with magit someday instead of using cl
  * setup auto-complete extension
  * added keybinding C-x 4 s which opens up a elisp scratch buffer
  * added keybinding C-x 4 e which opens up a eshell buffer
  * added a eshell clear function
  * added .conkerorrc, .xmobarrc, .screenrc, and .stumpwmrc to auto-mode-alist
  * modified all audio controls to utilize cmus-remote instead of mpc
  * using nouveau instead of nvidia driver so naturually switched from twinview to xrandr
  * disabled pulseaudio from starting because it is automatically started by settings in /etc/pulse/client.conf
  * modified trayers parameters due to the new xrandr setup
  * added foreword comments
  * removed volume script from bar (only supported alsa)
  * added emacs scratchpad (keybinding Mod-Control-Escape)
  * added mc scratchpad (keybinding Mod-Control-3)
  * added transmission scratchpad (replacing deluge) with keybinding Mod-Control-4
  * imported XMonad.Layout.ToggleLayouts in hopes to find a nice fullscreen solution;
    disabled (but not uncommented) keybinding Mod-Control-Space. *TODO*

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00
Collin J. Doering bd34674049 Did a variety of small fixes including:
* fixed a typo in .emacs relating to the haskell template used
  * automatic work done on .mc/ini by mc it self
  * added nvlc to the list of programs to run in screen
  * added a new alias "skreen" = "screen -c /dev/null" to both .bashrc and .zshrc
  * changed both .xinitrc and .xmonad/xmonad.hs to support urxvt daemon/client shared terminal

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00
Collin J. Doering ea4bbc3385 Did some minor changes to .xinitrc making trayer sized more aligned with xmobars
Added clojure support to emacs (requires aur/emacs-clojure-mode-git, clojure, aur/clojure-contrib-git, aur/swank-clojure-git, maven)
Added path for maven (required for building clojure-contrib-git from the aur)

Starting to refine use of git..Now have seperate projects for each system and a generic git tree to start from
2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00
Collin J. Doering fb48c4320d Simply changed old # Rekahsoft $ tags to the generic config tags 2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00
Collin J. Doering fd9702a05e Initial commit for config project.
The main goal is to keep a generic git project that can be modified locally on a per user/host basis
and then backuped using git clone and kept to date with git pull/fetch (on a per user/host basis with possible generic additions and upgrades
gooing into the public git repo (still setting up the url) and the gitweb is here:
2011-06-03 13:44:54 -04:00