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2 Commits

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a09010409f Various changes to emacs configuration
Some highlights include:
- Modified theme to better emphasize mode-line
- Add .emacs.d/site-lisp-extra to load-path for various emacs-lisp snippets
- Add custom yasnippet directory under .emacs.d/snippets
- Use flyspell in more non-code modes (eg. various markup languages and mu4e)
- Added new sorting rules/categories for ibuffer
- Setup Auctex for smooth latex editing
- Pimp out editing of lispy langs including:
  - highlight current sexp at point with hightlight-sexp
  - enable mode for racket scribble (in .emacs.d/site-lisp-extra/)
  - add guile to geiser scheme implementations list
- Disabled highlight-current-line
- Enable bookmarks+
- Update auto-insert templates to use variables "author" and "email" correctly.
  Note: I am considering removing use of auto-insert for templates and
  instead switching to yasnippet for templates and starting with a empty
  file. Then a snippet like 'gpl3' could be expanded to be the license
  or the license header for the file. Also the little info block I have
  on all of my current templates could also simply be another snippet.
- Switched from gnus to mu4e for email; this requires the external tools
  mbsync and mu. Gnus can still be used but is now depreciated in
  preference of mu4e (which is much faster and better suited when used
  in combination with mbsync)
- Fixed annoying issue where when quack-mode was enabled C-x C-f was
  overridden to quack-find-file which didn't have ido-completion
- Setup gpg-agent so environment variables are correct (*TODO* this
  still isn't working 100% as I've noticed miss matches; it could be
  that somehow GPG_AGENT_INFO changes outside of emacs and because I
  only fix its value during the evaluation of .emacs it could result in
  a miss match.)
- Add exit confirmation in the mini-buffer

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
28602aa7ed Some major revisions as i have recently replaced my desktop. Namely:
* switched to systemd for user level daemons and startup programs originally run from .xinitrc
 * beefed up the logout menu implemented by .bin/ to support pretty well all
   windows-managers (with some minor modification) and now with support for suspend and hibernate

  * did a little rearrangement to make things pretty
  * added the clipboard extension
  * encrypted authinfo files for gnus (emacs)
  * now checks if ~/.bashrc is a file and then executes it instead of just assuming
  * added a few new aliases
  * modified path to include ~/.bin
  * now supports pretty well any window manager with minor modification (just edit the
    actionNames and actionExecs arrays respective elements)
  * now brings up a dmenu options menu to select one of cancel, logout, suspend, hybrid-sleep,
    hibernate, or shutdown
  * uses xdotool to send a hidden 'kill switch' to xmonad upon 'logout'
  * uses systemctl to suspend, hybrid-sleep and hibernate
  * uses the classic shutdown command for shutdown
  * moved the config files from .mc
  * all user instance systemd service files go here
   * contains a symbolic link to all the currently enabled service files

   * starts the emacs daemon
   * starts a user level instance of mpd using the config ~/.mpdconf
   * starts udiskie (a user level daemon for automounted media using udisk)
   * starts the urxvt daemon
   * starts the uncluttered program
   * starts trayer using the options:
      --monitor 1 --edge top --align right --expand true --width 4 --height 2 --transparent true --tint 0x000000
   * starts xbindkeys
   * starts xcompmgr
   * starts xscreensaver
  * added support for magit
  * added support for ipython
  * dropped in ELPA version of swank-clojure in place of the AUR version
  * preparing to use babel (part of org more for use with code)
  * upgraded yas to the most recent version from ELPA; need to smooth out some minor issues
  * python-mode is currently commented out in config but working; dropped in ELPA version in
    place of the AUR version i had previous
  * disabled gieser (in the process of dropping in the ELPA version..just ran into some hitch)
  * add a template for ruby to .emacs.d/templates
  * user instance mpd config
  * re-enabled ncmpcpp in place of cmus as i'm using mpd now
  * disable mc in screen because it doesn't start correctly; mc is available through my xmonad
    scratchpad "mc"
  * enabled syntax highlighting
  * switched music keybindings from cmus-remote commands to there respective mpc commands
  * switched www key to conkeror in place of firefox
  * use systemd --user to run a user instance of systemd to run startup programs generally
    run from this script. The programs i have written unit files are specified above and left
    as comments in this file.
  * my ethernet interface is now called 'eno1' not 'eth0'
  * TODO: need to setup wireless status xmobar widget for 'wlp7s0'
  * added keybinding for auto-umounting any disk auto-mounted by udiskie (Mod+shift+control u)
  * now using new .bin/ to kill session in a few different ways (Mod+shift q)
  * added a keybinding to toggle the status bar (xmobar) using (Mod b)
  * added better support for some full screen games: supertux2, doom3, steam and hl2
  * set opacity on all emacs and gvim windows to 13/16 (btw this is done for urxvt using a
    property in .Xdefaults
  * an auto-generated file by xscreensaver-demo; may consider removing in the future as it can
    always be auto-generated but its nice to have all my screensavers saved and ready
  * not currently using since i use slim but here for compatibility with gdm,kdm and other de's
  * some auto-generated changes thanks to compinstall
  * added a few new aliases
  * modified path to include ~/.bin

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00