- use smyck color scheme
- add key bindings for switching between the number of pages-per-row
.mpdconf && .ncmpcpp/config
- switched location of music
- scroll lock key toggles keymap between US and dvorak
- change border colors
- add spacing around windows
Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <rekahsoft@gmail.com>
* renamed .Xdefaults to .Xresources
* replaced screen with tmux
* added a darken function to .conkerorrc
* added some new eshell alias'
* added some new templates for emacs
* cleaned up .xinitrc
* .xmonad/
* added circle layout
* added convince key binding Mod-grave which is the same thing as
* made emacs-scratch open in tmux session
Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <rekahsoft@gmail.com>