" {{{ anrxc's vimperator configuration with Emacs bindings " " Bindings " * http://sysphere.org/~anrxc/j/articles/vimperator/index.html " Todo " * C-n and C-p in "INSERT (menu)" mode " * http://code.google.com/p/vimperator-labs/issues/detail?id=36 " License " * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0 " }}} " {{{ Options " " User styles as colorschemes in Vimperator 2 *BROKEN* " colorscheme zenburn " Window title set titlestring=Firefox " No toolbar and scrollbars by default "set go=rb " Editor, C-i invokes it in text fields set editor=emacsclient " Command line and search patterns history set history=10000 " Show pattern matches as you type "set incsearch " Hilight previous search pattern matches "set hlsearch " Override ignorecase if pattern has uppercase chars "set smartcase " Show the tab bar only if more then one tab is open set showtabline=never " Focus content after a page has loaded *DISALED* - does not work with pentadactyl "set focuscontent " Show destination links in 1=status line, 2=command line set showstatuslinks=command " Show completions and use AwesomeBar (+search plugins) set complete=sl " *DISABLED* - does not work with pentadactyl "set wildoptions=auto " Ex commands output in a new tab by default (prefs, addons...) set newtab=all " Internal default search engine is ignored, plugins are used "set ds=yubnub " }}} " {{{ Key bindings " - Emacs GTK key-theme and FF already provide bindings for input fields " " M-x enters command mode noremap : noremap :! " Emacs navigation in command line and insert mode cmap cmap cmap cmap cmap noremap inoremap inoremap inoremap inoremap inoremap " Use C-f and C-b for tab browsing noremap noremap " Use C-a and C-e to jump to first/last tab "noremap g0 "noremap g$ " " Or use them to go to the absolute left/right of the document noremap 0 noremap $ " Use C-p and C-n for up/down noremap 2k noremap 2j " Use C-v and M-v for jump scrolling noremap noremap " Goto the top of the document with M-< noremap gg " Goto the end of the document with M-> noremap > G " Use C-s and C-r for searching (n/N for next/prev as in less) noremap / noremap ? " Copy the current URL to the clipboard with M-w noremap y " " Copy selected text to the clipboard with C-w noremap Y " Paste the current clipboard selection to a new buffer with C-y noremap P " Use current URL as a start for a new location with C-x C-v noremap O " C-g as cancel (C-q is stop) cmap imap noremap " Avoid Find dialog when canceling a started command, C-x C-g noremap " " Avoid quit on C-q, and it's more suitable for Stop here noremap :stop " Kill the buffer with C-x k noremap k d " Undo close tab with C-_ (also with C-Shift-t, as C-t is new tab) noremap u " Exit and save the session with C-x C-c noremap ZZ " Buffer lists with C-x b and C-x C-b noremap b b noremap B " Open a link in a new tab with C-x t " Open a link in the current tab with C-x l noremap t :t noremap l :o " Open hints in new tab by default (switch roles of f and F) "noremap f F "noremap F f " Switch hints to letter "j", for right hand usage noremap j f noremap J F " " Extended hint mode with M-j " ; - focus link, a - save, y - copy link, O - :open query, T - for :tabopen ... noremap ; " We can now also use F for Shift+b/f as back/forward noremap F L noremap B H " Back with Backspace as well map H " Use C-h i to start help noremap i :help " Record a key sequence into a macro with C-x ( noremap ( q " Play a macro with C-x e noremap e @ " Set a mark at the cursor with C-x r m noremap rm m " Jump to the mark in the current buffer with C-x r b noremap rb ' " C-v was pass-next, remap to bind with default keys noremap " " C-x C-f starts the "Open File" dialog (C-x C-s is Save) map " {{{ Javascript functions " " Show the Feed and Bookmark buttons on the statusbar javascript <