# OpenBox Menu Generator Schema file # Each (non-empty or non-comment) line of this file must be in the form: # 'type:options' # # 'type' could be one of the following values: # 'item', 'submenu', 'sep', 'cat', 'raw', 'file' # # Posible values for each of this types are: # For 'item': 'terminal', 'filemanager', 'webbrowser', 'instantmessaging', 'editor', 'runcommand', 'lock', 'exit' # For 'submenu': 'windowsanddesktops', 'openbox' # For 'sep': A string representing the LABEL for the separator or none # For 'cat': Any of the posible categories. See obmenugen --help # For 'raw': A hardcoded XML line in the OpenBox's menu.xml file format # Example: raw:lbreakout2 # For file: The name of a file with a chunk of XML in the OpenBox's menu.xml file format. # The file must be in ~/.config/obmenugen/ # Example: file:extras.xml # # Comments are lines begining with a # character, to the end of the line. item:terminal item:filemanager item:webbrowser item:instantmessaging item:editor item:runcommand submenu:windowsanddesktops sep:Applications cat:accesories cat:graphics cat:audiovideo cat:education cat:office cat:games cat:network cat:development cat:settings cat:system submenu:openbox sep: item:lock item:exit