
74 lines
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# Display time
# Don't display username
# Do not truncate path in repos
SPACESHIP_KUBECONTEXT_SYMBOL="☸️ " # Two spaces are used instead of one in prompt; this forces use of only one
time # Time stamps section
user # Username section
dir # Current directory section
host # Hostname section
git # Git section (git_branch + git_status)
hg # Mercurial section (hg_branch + hg_status)
package # Package version
node # Node.js section
bun # Bun section
deno # Deno section
ruby # Ruby section
python # Python section
elm # Elm section
elixir # Elixir section
xcode # Xcode section
swift # Swift section
golang # Go section
perl # Perl section
php # PHP section
rust # Rust section
haskell # Haskell Stack section
scala # Scala section
kotlin # Kotlin section
java # Java section
lua # Lua section
dart # Dart section
julia # Julia section
crystal # Crystal section
docker # Docker section
docker_compose # Docker section
aws # Amazon Web Services section
gcloud # Google Cloud Platform section
azure # Azure section
venv # virtualenv section
conda # conda virtualenv section
dotnet # .NET section
ocaml # OCaml section
vlang # V section
zig # Zig section
purescript # PureScript section
erlang # Erlang section
kubectl # Kubectl context section
ansible # Ansible section
terraform # Terraform workspace section
pulumi # Pulumi stack section
ibmcloud # IBM Cloud section
nix_shell # Nix shell
gnu_screen # GNU Screen section
exec_time # Execution time
async # Async jobs indicator
line_sep # Line break
battery # Battery level and status
jobs # Background jobs indicator
exit_code # Exit code section
sudo # Sudo indicator
char # Prompt character