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Minor tweaks to user-manifest

This commit is contained in:
Collin J. Doering 2020-08-02 17:24:02 -04:00
parent 204a37a226
commit 4d4e5bd5cb
1 changed files with 23 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
'("emacs" "emacs-magit" "emacs-auctex" "emacs-geiser" "emacs-slime"
"emacs-use-package" "emacs-neotree" "emacs-paredit" "emacs-ivy"
"emacs-helm" "emacs-helm-gtags" "emacs-helm-tramp" "emacs-helm-swoop"
"emacs-helm-descbinds" "emacs-helm-ls-git" "emacs-helm-unicode" "emacs-helm-exwm"
"emacs-ag" "emacs-yasnippet" "emacs-yasnippet-snippets" "emacs-helm-c-yasnippet"
"emacs-auto-yasnippet" "emacs-undo-tree"
@ -17,24 +20,26 @@
;; TODO: Package hash mismatch
;; Packages that are not yet upstream
"sh-z" "fzf" "spaceship-prompt" "zsh-autosuggestions"
"emacs-doom-themes" "emacs-doom-modeline" "emacs-rebox2"
;; "emacs-ac-geiser"
;; "emacs-ac-geiser" ;; <- hash mismatch; possible non-determinism
"emacs-vterm" "emacs-multi-term" "emacs-highlight-indent-guides"
"emacs-ibuffer-vc" "emacs-highlight-parentheses" "emacs-intel-hex-mode"
"emacs-quack" "emacs-mu4e-maildirs-extension"
"aspell" "aspell-dict-en"
@ -55,14 +60,12 @@
"nmap" "bmon"
"beets" "youtube-dl" "ncmpcpp"
"beets" "youtube-dl"
"ncmpcpp" ;; <- This can be replaced by emacs-emms
"git" "openssh" "direnv"
"kitty" "dunst"
"icecat" "mpv"
@ -75,11 +78,23 @@
;; ;; Xorg
;; Xorg
"xinit" "xorg-server" "xf86-input-libinput" "xf86-video-fbdev"
"xrandr" "xsetroot" "setxkbmap" "xrdb" "xlsfonts"
"xkbcomp" "xkeyboard-config" "mesa"
;; X programms
"unclutter" "feh" "redshift" "xautolock"
"kitty" ;; <- May not need this and instead will use emacs-vterm
"dunst" ;; <- May not need this; use something in emacs
"rofi" ;; <- Look into replacing in emacs
"rofi-pass" ;; <- This should be replacable in emacs with helm-pass
;; "xbindkeys" <- should be able to depricate this
;; "compton" <- this historyically caused issues with screen locking
;; Guix