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-- (C) Copyright Collin J. Doering 2015
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-- File: Asmblr.hs
-- Author: Collin J. Doering <collin.doering@rekahsoft.ca>
-- Date: Jun 5, 2015
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Prim (modifyState)
import Text.Parsec.Char (endOfLine)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.IO
import Numeric (showHex, showIntAtBase)
import Data.Char (intToDigit)
type SymbolTable = Map.Map String Int
type Label = String
data Instruction = AInstr Int
| CInstr String String String
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
aInstrAddr :: GenParser Char st Instruction
aInstrAddr = AInstr . read <$> many1 digit
aInstrSym :: GenParser Char (Int, SymbolTable) Instruction
aInstrSym = do
var <- many1 (alphaNum <|> oneOf "-_")
(curMem, symTbl) <- getState
case Map.lookup var symTbl of
Nothing -> do
setState (curMem + 1, Map.insert var curMem symTbl)
return $ AInstr curMem
Just varCurMem -> return $ AInstr varCurMem
aInstr :: GenParser Char (Int, SymbolTable) Instruction
aInstr = do
char '@'
aInstrAddr <|> aInstrSym
cInstrDest :: GenParser Char st (String, String)
cInstrDest = do
dest <- choice [ try (string "AMD") >> return ("AMD", "111")
, try (string "AD") >> return ("AD", "110")
, try (string "AM") >> return ("AM", "101")
, char 'A' >> return ("A", "100")
, try (string "MD") >> return ("MD", "011")
, char 'D' >> return ("D", "010")
, char 'M' >> return ("M", "001") ]
return dest
cInstrJump :: GenParser Char st (String, String)
cInstrJump = do
jump <- char 'J' >>
choice [ try (string "MP") >> return ("JMP", "111")
, try (string "LE") >> return ("JLE", "110")
, try (string "NE") >> return ("JNE", "101")
, try (string "LT") >> return ("JLT", "100")
, try (string "GE") >> return ("JGE", "011")
, try (string "EQ") >> return ("JEQ", "010")
, try (string "GT") >> return ("JGT", "001") ]
return jump
cInstrAluOps :: GenParser Char st (String, String)
cInstrAluOps = choice [ try (char '0') >> return ("0", "0101010")
, try (char '1') >> return ("1", "0111111")
, try (string "-1") >> return ("-1", "0111010")
, try (string "-D") >> return ("-D", "0001111")
, try (string "-A") >> return ("-A", "0110011")
, try (string "-M") >> return ("-M", "1110011")
, try (string "D+1") >> return ("D+1", "0011111")
, try (string "D-1") >> return ("D-1", "0001110")
, try (string "D+A") >> return ("D+A", "0000010")
, try (string "D-A") >> return ("D-A", "0010011")
, try (string "D&A") >> return ("D&A", "0000000")
, try (string "D|A") >> return ("D|A", "0010101")
, try (string "D+M") >> return ("D+M", "1000010")
, try (string "D-M") >> return ("D-M", "1010011")
, try (string "D&M") >> return ("D&M", "1000000")
, try (string "D|M") >> return ("D|M", "1010101")
, try (char 'D') >> return ("D", "0001100")
, try (string "!D") >> return ("!D", "0001101")
, try (string "!A") >> return ("!A", "0110001")
, try (string "!M") >> return ("!M", "1110001")
, try (string "A+1") >> return ("A+1", "0110111")
, try (string "A-1") >> return ("A-1", "0110010")
, try (string "A-D") >> return ("A-D", "0000111")
, try (char 'A') >> return ("A", "0110000")
, try (string "M+1") >> return ("M+1", "1110111")
, try (string "M-1") >> return ("M-1", "1110010")
, try (string "M-D") >> return ("M-D", "1000111")
, try (char 'M') >> return ("M", "1110000") ]
cInstrNoJump :: GenParser Char st Instruction
cInstrNoJump = do
(_, dest) <- cInstrDest
char '='
(_, aluOp) <- cInstrAluOps
return $ CInstr aluOp dest "000"
cInstrNoDest :: GenParser Char st Instruction
cInstrNoDest = do
(_, aluOp) <- cInstrAluOps
char ';'
(_, jump) <- cInstrJump
return $ CInstr aluOp "000" jump
cInstrDestJump :: GenParser Char st Instruction
cInstrDestJump = do
(_, dest) <- cInstrDest
char '='
(_, aluOp) <- cInstrAluOps
char ';'
(_, jump) <- cInstrJump
return $ CInstr aluOp dest jump
cInstr :: GenParser Char st Instruction
cInstr = try cInstrDestJump <|> try cInstrNoDest <|> cInstrNoJump
instr :: GenParser Char (Int, SymbolTable) Instruction
instr = aInstr <|> cInstr
symbol = many1 (alphaNum <|> oneOf "_.$:")
--comment :: GenParser Char st [Char]
comment = do
optional $ many $ oneOf " \t"
string "//" >> manyTill anyChar (lookAhead endOfLine)
return ""
--aLabel:: GenParser Char st String
labelLine= do
optional $ many $ oneOf " \t"
lbl <- between (char '(') (char ')') symbol
optional comment
(lineNum, symTbl) <- getState
case Map.lookup lbl symTbl of
Nothing -> setState (lineNum, Map.insert lbl lineNum symTbl)
Just _ -> error $ "Aleady used label \"" ++ lbl ++ "\""
return ""
--instrLine :: GenParser Char st String
instrLine = do
optional $ many $ oneOf " \t"
ret <- aInstr' <|> cInstr'
optional comment
modifyState $ \(l, tbl) -> (l + 1, tbl)
return ret
where aInstr' = do
char '@'
str <- many1 digit <|> symbol
return $ "@" ++ str
cInstr' = do
dest <- optionMaybe $ try $ do
(d, _) <- cInstrDest
char '='
return d
(op, _) <- cInstrAluOps
jump <- optionMaybe $ try $ do
char ';'
(j, _) <- cInstrJump
return j
case (dest, jump) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> error "Must specify either dest or jump"
(Just dest', Nothing) -> return $ dest' ++ "=" ++ op
(Nothing, Just jump') -> return $ op ++ ";" ++ jump'
(Just dest', Just jump') -> return $ dest' ++ "=" ++ op ++ ";" ++ jump'
emptyLine = manyTill space (lookAhead endOfLine)
firstPass :: GenParser Char (Int, SymbolTable) (String, SymbolTable)
firstPass = do
str <- liftM (unlines . filter (not . null)) $ sepEndBy (try comment <|> try emptyLine <|> try labelLine <|> instrLine) endOfLine
(_, symTbl) <- getState
return (str, symTbl)
-- str <- liftM (unlines . filter (not . null)) $ many $ do
-- aLabel <|> comment <|> do
-- i <- manyTill anyChar (lookAhead endOfLine)
-- endOfLine
-- (lineNum, symTbl) <- getState
-- setState (lineNum + 1, symTbl)
-- return i
-- (_, symTbl) <- getState
-- return (str, symTbl)
-- optional comment
-- spaces
-- i <- aInstr <|> cInstr
-- optional comment
-- endOfLine
-- return i
secondPass :: GenParser Char (Int, SymbolTable) [Instruction]
secondPass = sepEndBy instr endOfLine
parseHackAsm str = case runParser firstPass (0, Map.empty) "" str of
Left err -> return $ show err
Right (str', symTbl) -> case runParser secondPass (16, symTbl) "" str' of
Left err -> return $ show err
Right out -> return $ genHackML out
genHackML :: [Instruction] -> String
genHackML xs = unlines $ map instrToML xs
where instrToML (AInstr n) = leftPad 16 '0' $ showIntAtBase 2 intToDigit n ""
instrToML (CInstr op dest jump) = "111" ++ op ++ dest ++ jump
leftPad n a xs = replicate (n - (length xs)) a ++ xs
parseHackAsmFile f = withFile f ReadMode $ \h -> do
hGetContents h >>= parseHackAsm >>= putStr
-- main :: IO ()
-- main = do
-- -- parse cli arguments
-- filename <- liftM fst $ getArgs
-- let outFilename = drop 4 filename
-- writeFile outFilename $ parseHackAsm filename >>= uncurry genHackML