Collin J. Doering ce38a50ee7 Fixed module name in comment
Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <collin.doering@rekahsoft.ca>
2015-07-06 03:38:30 -04:00

290 lines
11 KiB

-- (C) Copyright Collin J. Doering 2015
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-- File: Parser.hs
-- Author: Collin J. Doering <collin.doering@rekahsoft.ca>
-- Date: Jun 16, 2015
Module : RekahSoft.HackAsm.Parser
Description : Parse hack assembly into its machine language representation
Copyright : (c) Collin J. Doering, 2015
License : GPL-3
Maintainer : collin.doering@rekahsoft.ca
Stability : stable
Portability : POSIX
TODO: describe the assemblers operation in more detail
module RekahSoft.HackAsm.Parser (parseHackAsm, parseHackAsmFile) where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Prim (modifyState)
import Text.Parsec.Char (endOfLine)
import System.IO
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Exception hiding (try)
import Numeric (showIntAtBase)
import Data.Char (intToDigit)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- | TODO: Documentation
type Label = String
-- | TODO: Documentation
type SymbolTable = Map.Map Label Int
-- | TODO: Documentation
data Instruction = AInstr Int
| CInstr String String String
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
-- | TODO: Documentation
aInstrAddr :: GenParser Char st Instruction
aInstrAddr = AInstr . read <$> many1 digit
-- | TODO: Documentation
aInstrSym :: GenParser Char (Int, SymbolTable) Instruction
aInstrSym = do
var <- symbol
(curMem, symTbl) <- getState
case Map.lookup var symTbl of
Nothing -> do
setState (curMem + 1, Map.insert var curMem symTbl)
return $ AInstr curMem
Just varCurMem -> return $ AInstr varCurMem
-- | TODO: Documentation
aInstr :: GenParser Char (Int, SymbolTable) Instruction
aInstr = do
char '@'
aInstrAddr <|> aInstrSym
-- | TODO: Documentation
cInstrDest :: GenParser Char st (Label, String)
cInstrDest = choice [ try (string "AMD") >> return ("AMD", "111")
, try (string "AD") >> return ("AD", "110")
, try (string "AM") >> return ("AM", "101")
, try (string "MD") >> return ("MD", "011")
, char 'A' >> return ("A", "100")
, char 'D' >> return ("D", "010")
, char 'M' >> return ("M", "001") ]
-- | TODO: Documentation
cInstrJump :: GenParser Char st (Label, String)
cInstrJump = char 'J' >>
choice [ string "MP" >> return ("JMP", "111")
, try (string "LE") >> return ("JLE", "110")
, string "LT" >> return ("JLT", "100")
, string "NE" >> return ("JNE", "101")
, string "EQ" >> return ("JEQ", "010")
, try (string "GE") >> return ("JGE", "011")
, string "GT" >> return ("JGT", "001") ]
-- | TODO: Documentation
cInstrAluOps :: GenParser Char st (Label, String)
cInstrAluOps = choice [ char '0' >> return ("0", "0101010")
, char '1' >> return ("1", "0111111")
, try (string "-1") >> return ("-1", "0111010")
, try (string "-D") >> return ("-D", "0001111")
, try (string "-A") >> return ("-A", "0110011")
, string "-M" >> return ("-M", "1110011")
, try (string "D+1") >> return ("D+1", "0011111")
, try (string "D-1") >> return ("D-1", "0001110")
, try (string "D+A") >> return ("D+A", "0000010")
, try (string "D-A") >> return ("D-A", "0010011")
, try (string "D&A") >> return ("D&A", "0000000")
, try (string "D|A") >> return ("D|A", "0010101")
, try (string "D+M") >> return ("D+M", "1000010")
, try (string "D-M") >> return ("D-M", "1010011")
, try (string "D&M") >> return ("D&M", "1000000")
, try (string "D|M") >> return ("D|M", "1010101")
, char 'D' >> return ("D", "0001100")
, try (string "!D") >> return ("!D", "0001101")
, try (string "!A") >> return ("!A", "0110001")
, string "!M" >> return ("!M", "1110001")
, try (string "A+1") >> return ("A+1", "0110111")
, try (string "A-1") >> return ("A-1", "0110010")
, try (string "A-D") >> return ("A-D", "0000111")
, char 'A' >> return ("A", "0110000")
, try (string "M+1") >> return ("M+1", "1110111")
, try (string "M-1") >> return ("M-1", "1110010")
, try (string "M-D") >> return ("M-D", "1000111")
, char 'M' >> return ("M", "1110000") ]
-- | TODO: Documentation
cInstrNoJump :: GenParser Char st Instruction
cInstrNoJump = do
(_, dest) <- cInstrDest
char '='
(_, aluOp) <- cInstrAluOps
return $ CInstr aluOp dest "000"
-- | TODO: Documentation
cInstrNoDest :: GenParser Char st Instruction
cInstrNoDest = do
(_, aluOp) <- cInstrAluOps
char ';'
(_, jump) <- cInstrJump
return $ CInstr aluOp "000" jump
-- | TODO: Documentation
cInstrDestJump :: GenParser Char st Instruction
cInstrDestJump = do
(_, dest) <- cInstrDest
char '='
(_, aluOp) <- cInstrAluOps
char ';'
(_, jump) <- cInstrJump
return $ CInstr aluOp dest jump
-- | TODO: Documentation
cInstr :: GenParser Char st Instruction
cInstr = try cInstrDestJump <|> try cInstrNoDest <|> cInstrNoJump
-- | TODO: Documentation
instr :: GenParser Char (Int, SymbolTable) Instruction
instr = aInstr <|> cInstr
-- | TODO: Documentation
symbol :: GenParser Char st String
symbol = many1 (alphaNum <|> oneOf "_.$:")
-- | TODO: Documentation
comment :: GenParser Char st String
comment = do
string "//" >> manyTill anyChar (lookAhead endOfLine)
return ""
-- | TODO: Documentation
labelLine :: GenParser Char (a, Map.Map Label a) String
labelLine= do
lbl <- between (char '(') (char ')') symbol
optional lineSpaces
optional comment
(lineNum, symTbl) <- getState
case Map.lookup lbl symTbl of
Nothing -> setState (lineNum, Map.insert lbl lineNum symTbl)
Just _ -> error $ "Aleady used label \"" ++ lbl ++ "\""
return ""
-- | TODO: Documentation
instrLine :: GenParser Char (Int, a) String
instrLine = do
ret <- aInstr' <|> cInstr'
optional lineSpaces
optional comment
modifyState $ \(l, tbl) -> (l + 1, tbl)
return ret
where aInstr' = do
char '@'
str <- many1 digit <|> symbol
return $ "@" ++ str
cInstr' = do
dest <- optionMaybe $ try $ do
(d, _) <- cInstrDest
char '='
return d
(op, _) <- cInstrAluOps
jump <- optionMaybe $ try $ do
char ';'
(j, _) <- cInstrJump
return j
case (dest, jump) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> error "Must specify either dest or jump"
(Just dest', Nothing) -> return $ dest' ++ "=" ++ op
(Nothing, Just jump') -> return $ op ++ ";" ++ jump'
(Just dest', Just jump') -> return $ dest' ++ "=" ++ op ++ ";" ++ jump'
-- | TODO: Documentation
emptyLine :: GenParser Char st String
emptyLine = manyTill space (lookAhead endOfLine)
-- | TODO: Documentation
lineSpaces :: GenParser Char st String
lineSpaces = many $ oneOf " \t"
-- | TODO: Documentation
firstPass :: GenParser Char (Int, SymbolTable) (String, SymbolTable)
firstPass = do
str <- liftM (unlines . filter (not . null)) $ (flip sepEndBy) endOfLine $ do
optional lineSpaces
comment <|> emptyLine <|> labelLine <|> instrLine
(_, symTbl) <- getState
return (str, symTbl)
-- | TODO: Documentation
secondPass :: GenParser Char (Int, SymbolTable) [Instruction]
secondPass = sepEndBy instr endOfLine
-- | @parseHackAsm s@ parses @s@ and returns its hack machine language equivalent
parseHackAsm :: Monad m => String -> m String
parseHackAsm str = case runParser firstPass (0, varSymbols) "" str of
Left err -> throw . userError $ show err
Right (str', symTbl) -> case runParser secondPass (16, symTbl) "" str' of
Left err -> throw . userError $ show err
Right out -> return $ genHackML out
where varSymbols = Map.fromList [ ("R0", 0), ("SP", 0)
, ("R1", 1), ("LCL", 1)
, ("R2", 2), ("ARG", 2)
, ("R3", 3), ("THIS", 3)
, ("R4", 4), ("THAT", 4)
, ("R5", 5)
, ("R6", 6)
, ("R7", 7)
, ("R8", 8)
, ("R9", 9)
, ("R10", 10)
, ("R11", 11)
, ("R12", 12)
, ("R13", 13)
, ("R14", 14)
, ("R15", 15)
, ("SCREEN", 16384)
, ("KBD", 24576) ]
-- | The expression @parseHackAsmFile f@ will parse the file given by @f@
-- and output the resulting hack machine language to stdout
parseHackAsmFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
parseHackAsmFile f = withFile f ReadMode $ \h -> do
hGetContents h >>= parseHackAsm >>= putStr
-- | Given a list of @Instructions@ returns its hack machine language equivalent
genHackML :: [Instruction] -> String
genHackML xs = unlines $ map instrToML xs
where instrToML (AInstr n) = leftPad 16 '0' $ showIntAtBase 2 intToDigit n ""
instrToML (CInstr op dest jump) = "111" ++ op ++ dest ++ jump
leftPad n a ys = replicate (n - (length ys)) a ++ ys