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Common Lisp
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;; File: rdm.lisp
;; Date: 28/08/2010
;; Author: Collin J. Doering <
;; Description: Random source file to experiment while learning common lisp
(defun factorial (x &optional (acc 1))
(cond ((<= x 1) acc)
(T (factorial (- x 1) (* acc x)))))
;; perhaps a nicer factorial function which instead of having
;; the accumulator as a optional variable accessable by the user
;; hides it internally using labels
(defun factorial1 (x)
(labels ((factorial1-helper (n acc)
(if (<= n 0)
(factorial1-helper (- n 1) (* acc n)))))
(factorial1-helper x 1)))
;; Old version of pow depreciated becauseit failed to hide the accumulator
;; (defun pow (x n &optional (acc 1))
;; (cond ((= n 0) acc)
;; ((> n 0) (pow x (- n 1) (* acc x)))
;; ((< n 0) (pow x (+ n 1) (* acc (/ 1 x))))))
(defun pow (x n)
(labels ((pow-helper (x n acc)
(cond ((= n 0) acc)
((> n 0) (pow-helper x (- n 1) (* acc x)))
((< n 0) (pow-helper x (+ n 1) (* acc (/ 1 x)))))))
(pow-helper x n 1)))
(defun bad-factorial (x)
(cond ((<= x 0) 1)
(T (* x (bad-factorial (- x 1))))))
(defun fib (n)
(let ((fib-dot-lst nil))
(labels ((gen-fib (n x)
(cond ((> x n) (car fib-dot-lst))
((= x 0) (setf fib-dot-lst (cons 0 nil))
(gen-fib n (+ x 1)))
((= x 1) (setf fib-dot-lst (cons 1 0))
(gen-fib n (+ x 1)))
(t (let* ((fst (car fib-dot-lst))
(scd (cdr fib-dot-lst))
(fibx (+ fst scd)))
(setf fib-dot-lst (cons fibx fst))
(gen-fib n (+ x 1)))))))
(gen-fib n 0))))
(defun my-cat (pathd)
(with-open-file (pathd-in pathd)
(loop for line = (read-line pathd-in nil)
while line do (format t "~a~%" line))))
(defun average-list (lst &optional (acc 0) (len 0))
(cond ((null lst) (if (> len 0) (/ acc len)))
(T (average-list (rest lst) (+ acc (first lst)) (1+ len)))))
(defun interval (a b)
(labels ((interval-helper (a b &optional (acc nil))
(if (< b a) acc (interval-helper (+ a 1) b (cons a acc)))))
(reverse (interval-helper a b))))
;; broken.. needs complete rewrite
;; (defun prime-seive (a b primes)
;; (let ((a-to-b (interval a b)))
;; (labels ((prime-seive-helper (inter primes &optional (acc nil))
;; (if inter
;; (loop for p in primes
;; if (divides p (car inter))
;; do (format t "~a -|- ~a~%" p (car inter))
;; finally (prime-seive-helper (cdr inter) primes (cons (car inter) acc)))
;; acc)))
;; (prime-seive-helper a-to-b primes))))