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#lang racket
;; (C) Copyright Collin J. Doering 2014
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;; File: DFA.rkt
;; Author: Collin J. Doering <>
;; Date: Aug 27, 2014
;; Description: an implementation of Determinalistic Finite Autamata
(require (for-syntax syntax/parse))
;; A structure to represent a dfa state
(struct dfaState (name trans end? dead?))
;; A structure representing a dfa
(struct dfa (alpha start states))
;; A structure to represent a nfa state
;; A structure representing a nfa
;; Given a dfa and a list of inputs returns 'accept when the dfa completes in a end success
;; state and 'reject otherwise
(define (compute-dfa m xs)
(define/match (run-dfa state ys)
[((dfaState _ _ #t _) '()) 'accept]
[(_ '()) 'reject]
[((dfaState _ _ #f #t) _) 'reject]
[((dfaState _ f _ _) (cons z zs)) (run-dfa (f z) zs)])
(run-dfa (dfa-start m) xs))
;; Macro for defining dfa structures in a syntactically clean way
(define-syntax (define-dfa stx)
(define-syntax-class transition
#:description "dfa state transition"
(pattern (in (~optional ->) out:id)))
(define-splicing-syntax-class state
#:description "dfa state"
;; (pattern (name:id (~or (~optional (~and #:dead deader?))
;; (~optional (~and #:end ender?))) ...)
;; #:with dead? #'(if deader? #'#t #'#f)
;; #:with end? #'(if ender? #'#t #'#f)
;; #:with (in ...) #'(_)
;; #:with (out ...) #'(name))
(pattern (name:id #:end trans:transition ...+)
#:with end? #'#t
#:with (in ...) #'( ...)
#:with (out ...) #'(trans.out ...))
(pattern (name:id trans:transition ...+)
#:with end? #'#f
#:with (in ...) #'( ...)
#:with (out ...) #'(trans.out ...)))
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ name:id alpha:expr start:state rests:state ...)
#:fail-when (check-duplicate-identifier
#'( ...)))
"duplicate state names"
#`(define name
(letrec ([
(dfaState '
(match-lambda [ start.out] ...)
#f ;start.dead?
(dfaState '
(match-lambda [ rests.out] ...)
#f ;rests.dead?
)] ...)
(dfa alpha `(, , ...))))]))
;; TODO: implement conversion of nfa to dfa using the powerset construction
(define (nfa->dfa n)
(define (dfa-reverse d)
(letrec ([states (dfa-states d)]
[end-states (map dfaState-name (filter dfaState-end? states))]
[dfa-trans-tbl (foldr (lambda (s acc)
(hash-set acc
(dfaState-name s)
(foldr (lambda (i a)
(hash-set a i (dfaState-name ((dfaState-trans s) i))))
(dfa-alpha d))))
(dfa-states d))]
[gen-nfa-trans-tbl (lambda (seen tbl)
(for ([(s h) (in-hash dfa-trans-tbl)])
(for ([(a t) (in-hash h)])
(set! tbl (hash-set tbl t (hash-set (hash-ref tbl t) a
(set-add (hash-ref (hash-ref tbl t) a) s))))
(when (not (equal? s t))
(set! seen (set-add seen s)))))
(for ([s (in-set (set-subtract (list->set (map dfaState-name states)) seen))])
(set! tbl (hash-remove tbl s)))
[nfa-trans-tbl->nfa (lambda (tbl)
(list->set end-states)
(let* ([o (foldr (lambda (i acc)
(hash-set acc i (set))) (hash) (dfa-alpha d))]
[h (foldr (lambda (s acc)
(hash-set acc (dfaState-name s) o)) (hash) states)])
(if (<= (length end-states) 1)
(hash-set h (gensym) (hash 'epsilon (list->set end-states)))))))))
;; (list->vector (dfa-states d))
;; (define (dfa-reverse d)
;; (letrec ([alpha (dfa-alpha d)]
;; [start (dfa-start d)]
;; [ends (filter dfaState-end? (dfa-states d))]
;; [s0 (nfaState (match-lambda (['epsilon ends])) #f)]
;; [dfa-rev (match-lambda* (s n)
;; [((dfaState f e d) n-prime) 'undefined])])
;; (nfa alpha s0 (dfa-rev ends nnnnnn))
;; (dfa-rev start nnnnn)))
(define (minimize-dfa d)
(nfa->dfa (dfa-reverse (nfa->dfa (dfa-reverse d)))))
;; Todo:
;; - error when 'in' pattern in the transition syntax class is not an element of alpha
;; - error when given no end state
;; - add keyword #:dead to create a dead state: (define-dfa n (0 1) (s0 #:dead))
;; - check to ensure all transitions goto a valid state name; fail otherwise
;; - check to ensure all transitions 'come from' a valid input; fail otherwise
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Odd binary dfa expansion
(define odd-dfa-expansion
(letrec ([s0 (dfaState 's0
(match-lambda [0 s2]
[1 s1])
#f #f)]
[s1 (dfaState 's1
(match-lambda [0 s2]
[1 s1])
#t #f)]
[s2 (dfaState 's2
(match-lambda [0 s2]
[1 s1])
#f #f)])
(dfa '(0 1) s0 '(s0 s1 s2))))
;; Even binary dfa expansion
(define even-dfa-expansion
(letrec ([s0 (dfaState 's0
(match-lambda [0 s1]
[1 s2])
#f #f)]
[s1 (dfaState 's1
(match-lambda [0 s1]
[1 s2])
#t #f)]
[s2 (dfaState 's2
(match-lambda [0 s1]
[1 s2])
#f #f)])
(dfa '(0 1) s0 '(s0 s1 s2))))
;; Even binary DFA
(define-dfa even-dfa '(0 1)
[s0 (0 -> s1)
(1 -> s2)]
[s1 #:end
(0 -> s1)
(1 -> s2)]
[s2 (0 -> s1)
(1 -> s2)])
;; Odd binary DFA
(define-dfa odd-dfa '(0 1)
[s0 (0 -> s2)
(1 -> s1)]
[s1 #:end
(0 -> s2)
(1 -> s1)]
[s2 (0 -> s2)
(1 -> s1)])
(define-dfa divisible-by-four-dfa '(0 1)
[s0 (0 -> s3)
(1 -> s1)]
[s1 (0 -> s2)
(1 -> s1)]
[s2 (0 -> s3)
(1 -> s1)]
[s3 #:end
(0 -> s3)
(1 -> s1)])
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; This section shows two features that would be nice to have added to the define-dfa macro
;; Specifically:
;; - Add transition to dead state using #:dead keyword; dfa transition of form (in:id (~optional ->) #:dead)
(define-dfa text-file-dfa (string->list "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhJjLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwRrXxYyZz1234567890-=\\`!@#$%^&*()_+|~[];',./{}:\"<>?")
[s0 (#\. -> s1)
(_ -> s0)]
[s1 (#\t -> s2)
(#\. -> s1)
(_ -> s0)]
[s2 (#\x -> s3)
(_ -> s0)]
[s3 (#\t -> s4)
(#\. -> s1)
(_ -> s0)]
[s4 #:end
(#\. -> s1)
(_ -> s0)])
;; (define-dfa text-file-dfa (#\A #\a #\B #\b #\C #\c #\D #\d #\E #\e #\F #\f #\G #\g #\H #\h #\I #\i #\J #\j #\K #\k #\L #\l #\M #\m #\N #\n #\O #\o #\P #\p #\Q #\q #\R #\r #\S #\s #\T #\t #\U #\u #\V #\v #\W #\w #\X #\x #\Y #\y #\Z #\z #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)
;; [s0 (#\. -> s1)
;; (_ -> s0)]
;; [s1 (#\t -> s2)
;; (_ -> #:dead)]
;; [s2 (#\x -> s3)
;; (_ -> #:dead)]
;; [s3 (#\t -> s4)
;; (_ -> #:dead)]
;; [s4 #:end
;; (_ -> #:dead)])
;; (define-dfa empty-dfa ()
;; [s0 #:end
;; (_ -> dead)]
;; [dead (_ -> dead)])
;; (define-dfa empty-dfa ()
;; [s0 #:end (_ -> #:dead)])
;; (define-dfa empty-dfa ()
;; [s0 #:dead #:end])
;;(define-dfa binary-empty-dfa (0 1)
;; [s0 #:dead #:end])
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Some simple tests
(define (integer->binary-list n)
(define (ibl n acc)
(cond [(zero? n) acc]
[else (ibl (quotient n 2) (cons (modulo n 2) acc))]))
(if (zero? n) '(0) (ibl n '())))
(for ([i 1000])
(displayln (compute-dfa even-dfa (integer->binary-list i)))
(displayln (compute-dfa odd-dfa (integer->binary-list i)))