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#lang racket
;; (C) Copyright Collin J. Doering 2014
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;; File: avl-tree.rkt
;; Author: Collin J. Doering <>
;; Date: Sep 2, 2014
(require "comparable.rkt")
;; Structure representing a Binary Search Tree
(struct bst ())
(struct bst-empty bst () #:transparent)
(struct bst-node bst (val left right) #:transparent)
;; Make a leaf in a binary tree
(define (bst-make-leaf i)
(bst-node i (bst-empty) (bst-empty)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
;; First a naive approach to binary search trees
;; Specifically these functions do not maintain any balance
;; of the bst and thus are inefficient in many cases
;; Naive bst insert (not balanced)
(define/match (bst-insert-naive t i)
[((bst-empty) _) (bst-node i (bst-empty) (bst-empty))]
[((bst-node v (bst-empty) (bst-empty)) _)
(if (gte i v)
(bst-node v (bst-empty) (bst-make-leaf i))
(bst-node v (bst-make-leaf i) (bst-empty)))]
[((bst-node v l r) _) #:when (gte i v)
(bst-node v l (bst-insert-naive r i))]
[((bst-node v l r) _) #:when (lt i v)
(bst-node v (bst-insert-naive l i) l)])
;; Naive bst delete (not balanced)
;; (define (bst-delete-naive t i)
;; (match t
;; [(bst-empty) t]
;; [(bst-node v l r) #:when (> i v)
;; (bst-node v l (bst-delete-naive r i))]
;; [(bst-node v l r) #:when (lt i v)
;; (bst-node v (bst-delete-naive l i) r)]
;; [(bst-node v l r) #:when (= i v)
;; (match* (l r)
;; [((bst-empty) (bst-empty)) (bst-empty)]
;; [((bst-node v1 l1 r1) (bst-empty)) ???]
;; [((bst-empty) (bst-node v1 l1 r1)) ???]
;; [((bst-node v1 l1 r1) (bst-node v2 l2 r2)) ???])]))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Below is a more effiecient implementation of BST's; specifically using
;; the AVL binary seach tree algorithm.
;; See:
;; Calculate AVL score for a particular node
(define/match (avl-score t)
[((bst-empty)) 0]
[((bst-node v l r)) (- (bst-height l) (bst-height r))])
;; Rotate a bst
(define/match (bst-rotate dir t)
[((quote left-right) _) (bst-rotate 'left (bst-rotate 'right t))]
[((quote right-left) _) (bst-rotate 'right (bst-rotate 'left t))]
[((quote left) (bst-node v1 l1 (bst-node v2 l2 r2)))
(bst-node v2 (bst-node v1 l1 l2) r2)]
[((quote right) (bst-node v1 (bst-node v2 l2 r2) r1))
(bst-node v2 l2 (bst-node v1 r2 r1))])
;; Balance AVL binary tree
(define (avl-balance t)
(let ([score (avl-score t)])
(match t
[(bst-node v l r) #:when (= score 2)
(cond [(< (avl-score l) 0) (bst-rotate 'right-left t)]
[else (bst-rotate 'right t)])]
[(bst-node v l r) #:when (= score -2)
(cond [(> (avl-score r) 0) (bst-rotate 'left-right t)]
[else (bst-rotate 'left t)])]
[_ t])))
;; Insert into AVL binary tree
(define (bst-insert t i)
(match t
[(bst-empty) (bst-make-leaf i)]
[(bst-node v l r) #:when (eql i v) t]
[(bst-node v l r) #:when (gte i v)
(let* ([r-not (bst-insert r i)]
[rt (bst-node v l r-not)])
(avl-balance rt))]
[(bst-node v l r) #:when (lt i v)
(let* ([l-not (bst-insert l i)]
[rt (bst-node v l-not r)])
(avl-balance rt))]))
;; Delete item from AVL binary tree
(define (bst-delete t i)
(define (bst-search t i)
(match t
[(bst-empty) #f]
[(bst-node v _ _) #:when (eql i v) #t]
[(bst-node v _ r) #:when (gt i v) (bst-search r i)]
[(bst-node v l _) #:when (lt i v) (bst-search l i)]))
(define (bst-flatten t)
(match t
[(bst-empty) '()]
[(bst-node v l r) `(,@(bst-flatten l) ,v ,@(bst-flatten r))]))
(define (bst-height t)
(match t
[(bst-empty) 0]
[(bst-node _ l (bst-empty)) (+ 1 (bst-height l))]
[(bst-node _ (bst-empty) r) (+ 1 (bst-height r))]
[(bst-node _ l r) (+ 1 (max (bst-height l) (bst-height r)))]))
(define (list->bst xs)
(foldr (lambda (x acc)
(bst-insert acc x))
(bst-empty) xs))
(define (bst-sort xs)
(bst-flatten (list->bst xs)))