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#lang racket
;; File: rdm.rkt
;; Date: Oct 25, 2010
;; Author: Collin J. Doering <
;; Description: Random source file to experiment while learning racket (plt scheme)
;; factorial int[>=0] -> int[>=0]
;; Purpose: returns the factorial of the given positive (or zero) integer
;; Examples/Tests:
(define (factorial n)
(define (factorial-helper n acc)
(cond [(<= n 1) acc]
[else (factorial-helper (- n 1) (* acc n))]))
(if (integer? n)
(factorial-helper n 1)
(error "Expects argument to be an integer!")))
(define factorial!
(letrec ([fact-helper (lambda (n acc)
(if (<= n 1) acc (fact-helper (- n 1) (* acc n))))]
[fact! (lambda (n)
(fact-helper n 1))])
(define (factorial-close [n 0])
(letrec ([acc 1]
[x 1]
[fac-c (lambda ()
(cond [(> x n) (set! n (+ n 1)) acc]
[else (set! acc (* x acc))
(set! x (+ x 1))
(define (sum-digits n [base 10])
(letrec ([sum-digits-helper
(lambda (n acc)
(cond [(zero? (floor (/ n base))) (+ acc (remainder n base))]
[else (sum-digits-helper (floor (/ n base)) (+ acc (remainder n base)))]))])
(sum-digits-helper n 0)))
;; fibinocci sequences
;; Very slow...big-O anaylsis of O(2^n) (not 100% sure tho)
(define (fib n)
(cond [(<= n 0) 0]
[(= n 1) 1]
[else (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))]))
;; fibinocci sequence...but implemented smart ;) haven't looked at the big-O analysis yet
(define (fast-fib n)
(letrec ([fib-lst empty]
[gen-fib (lambda (n x)
(cond [(> x n) (first fib-lst)]
[(= x 0) (set! fib-lst (cons 0 empty))
(gen-fib n (+ x 1))]
[(= x 1) (set! fib-lst (cons 1 fib-lst))
(gen-fib n (+ x 1))]
[else (let ([fibx (+ (first fib-lst) (second fib-lst))])
(set! fib-lst (cons fibx fib-lst))
(gen-fib n (+ x 1)))]))])
(gen-fib n 0)))
;; another fibinocci sequence function but with significantly improved memory performance :D (TODO: big-O analysis)
(define (fast-mem-fib n)
(letrec ([fib-dot-lst empty]
[gen-fib (lambda (n x)
(cond [(> x n) (car fib-dot-lst)]
[(= x 0) (set! fib-dot-lst (cons 0 empty))
(gen-fib n (+ x 1))]
[(= x 1) (set! fib-dot-lst (cons 1 0))
(gen-fib n (+ x 1))]
[else (let* ([fst (car fib-dot-lst)]
[scd (cdr fib-dot-lst)]
[fibx (+ fst scd)])
(set! fib-dot-lst (cons fibx fst))
(gen-fib n (+ x 1)))]))])
(gen-fib n 0)))
;; fibinocci closure..pretty much the same as fast-mem-fib but returns a gen-fib like function that takes
;; no paramters but instead encapsulates the values for n and x thus creating a fibinocci closure starting at n
(define (fibc [n 0])
(letrec ([fib-dot-lst empty]
[x 0]
[gen-fib-c (lambda ()
(cond [(> x n) (set! n (+ n 1))
(car fib-dot-lst)]
[(= x 0) (set! fib-dot-lst (cons 0 empty))
(set! x (+ x 1))
[(= x 1) (set! fib-dot-lst (cons 1 0))
(set! x (+ x 1))
[else (let* ([fst (car fib-dot-lst)]
[scd (cdr fib-dot-lst)]
[fibx (+ fst scd)])
(set! fib-dot-lst (cons fibx fst))
(set! x (+ x 1))
;; pow num num -> num
;; Purpose: given two real numbers x and n returns x^n
;; Examples/Tests:
(define (pow x n)
(define (pow-helper x n acc)
(cond [(= n 0) acc]
[(> n 0) (pow-helper x (- n 1) (* acc x))]
[(< n 0) (pow-helper x (+ n 1) (* acc (/ 1 x)))]))
(pow-helper x n 1))
;; Expandtion of the below macro:
;; (define (natural-number? n)
;; (if (and (interger? n) (>= n 0) #t #f)))
(define natural-number?
(lambda (n)
(if (and (integer? n) (>= n 0)) #t #f)))
(define average-num
(lambda lst
(/ (apply + lst) (length lst))))
(define (average-list lst)
(define (sum-list lst acc)
(cond [(empty? lst) acc]
[else (sum-list (rest lst) (+ acc (first lst)))]))
(/ (sum-list lst 0) (length lst)))
;; increasing common interval
(define (icd-interval i j d)
(define (icd-interval-helper i j d acc)
(cond [(> i j) acc]
[else (icd-interval-helper (+ i d) j d (cons i acc))]))
(if (> i j)
(error "i > j for a increasing common interval list to be generated!")
(reverse (icd-interval-helper i j d empty))))
;; interval num num -> listof(num)
;; Purpose: Given two
(define (interval i j)
(define (interval-helper i j acc)
(cond [(> i j) acc]
[else (interval-helper (+ i 1) j (cons i acc))]))
(reverse (interval-helper i j empty)))
;; common poduct interval
(define (cp-interval i j m)
(map (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) x (* m x))) (interval i j)))
;; letrec is cool :P
;; (letrec [(fact! (lambda (n) (if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (fact! (- n 1))))))]
;; (fact! 5))
;; take a looksi at racket/tcp and racket/ssl
(define (client)
(let-values ([(s-in s-out) (tcp-connect "localhost" 1342)])
(let ([read-and-display
(lambda (in-port)
(let ([responce (read in-port)])
(display responce)
(read-and-display s-in)
(write (read-line (current-input-port) 'return-linefeed) s-out)
(close-output-port s-out)
(read-and-display s-in)
(close-input-port s-in))))
;; server
(define listener (tcp-listen 1342))
(let echo-server ()
(define-values (in out) (tcp-accept listener))
(thread (lambda ()
(copy-port in out)
(close-output-port out)))
;; server (Version 2)
(define listener (tcp-listen 1342))
(define (server)
(let-values ([(in out) (tcp-accept listener)])
(thread (lambda ()
(copy-port in out)
(close-output-port out))))
(define (read-it-all f-in [acc ""])
(let ([line (read-line f-in)])
(if (eof-object? line) (begin acc (close-input-port f-in)) (read-it-all f-in (string-append acc line "\n")))))
;; takes a lowercase char and returns it shifted by 13 characters
(define (rot-char char)
(cond [(or (char-symbolic? char) (char-numeric? char) (char-whitespace? char)) char]
[(< (char->integer char) 109) (integer->char (modulo (+ (char->integer char) 13) 122))]
[else (integer->char (+ 96 (modulo (+ (char->integer char) 13) 122)))]))
(define (rot13 str)
(letrec ([rot13-helper (lambda (lst acc)
(cond [(empty? lst) acc]
[(char-upper-case? (first lst)) (rot13-helper (rest lst) (cons (char-upcase (rot-char (char-downcase (first lst)))) acc))]
[else (rot13-helper (rest lst) (cons (rot-char (first lst)) acc))]))])
(list->string (reverse (rot13-helper (string->list str) empty)))))
;; a much better written rot13 which takes advantage of testing intervals
(define (best-rot13 str)
;; add-to-char char int -> char
;; Purpose: takes the unicode value of the given char and adds n evauluating to the char the additions represents
([add-to-char (lambda (char n)
(integer->char (+ n (char->integer char))))]
;; best-rot listof(char) (or listof(char) acc) -> listof(char)
;; Purpose: Given a list of characters returns the rot13 representation
(lambda (lst acc)
(cond [(empty? lst) acc]
[(<= 65 (char->integer (first lst)) 77) (best-rot (rest lst) (cons (add-to-char (first lst) 13) acc))]
[(<= 78 (char->integer (first lst)) 90) (best-rot (rest lst) (cons (add-to-char (first lst) -13) acc))]
[(<= 97 (char->integer (first lst)) 109) (best-rot (rest lst) (cons (add-to-char (first lst) 13) acc))]
[(<= 110 (char->integer (first lst)) 122) (best-rot (rest lst) (cons (add-to-char (first lst) -13) acc))]
[else (best-rot (rest lst) (cons (first lst) acc))]))])
(list->string (reverse (best-rot (string->list str) empty)))))
;; map defined in terms of foldr
(define (foldr-map fn lst)
(foldr (lambda (x y) (cons (fn x) y)) empty lst))
(define (foldr-copy lst)
(foldr cons empty lst))
(define (compose fn1 fn2)
(lambda (x) (fn1 (fn2 x))))
(define (foldr-append lst1 lst2)
(foldr cons lst2 lst1))
(define (foldr-length lst)
(foldr (lambda (x y) (+ y 1)) 0 lst))
(define (foldr-sum lst)
(foldr + 0 lst))
;; broken..needs to know the number of digits of the number n
(define (nth-digit n i)
(let ([f (/ n (expt 10 (+ i 1)))])
(floor (* 10 (- f (floor f))))))
(define (merge xs ys)
(cond [(and (empty? xs) (empty? ys)) empty]
[(empty? xs) ys]
[(empty? ys) xs]
[(< (first xs) (first ys)) (cons (first xs) (merge (rest xs) ys))]
[(equal? (first xs) (first ys))
(cons (first xs) (cons (first ys) (merge (rest xs) (rest ys))))]
[else (cons (first ys) (merge xs (rest ys)))]))
(define (merge-sort xs)
(cond [(empty? xs) empty]
[(empty? (rest xs)) xs]
[else (merge (merge-sort (take xs (quotient (length xs) 2)))
(merge-sort (drop xs (quotient (length xs) 2))))]))
(define (append-all a b)
(cond [(and (list? a) (list? b)) (append a b)]
[(list? a) (append a (list b))]
[(list? b) (cons a b)]
[else (list a b)]))
(define (my-append xs ys)
(cond [(empty? xs) ys]
[else (cons (first xs) (my-append (rest xs) ys))]))
(define (my-append2 xs ys)
(define (my-append2-h sx acc)
(cond [(empty? sx) acc]
[else (my-append2-h (rest sx) (cons (first sx) acc))]))
(my-append2-h (reverse xs) ys))
(define (my-append3 xs ys)
(foldr cons ys xs))
;; TODO: do the big-oh analysis of the flatten functions below
(define (my-flatten xs)
(cond [(empty? xs) '()]
[(list? (first xs)) (append (my-flatten (first xs)) (my-flatten (rest xs)))]
[else (cons (first xs) (my-flatten (rest xs)))]))
(define (my-flatten2 xs)
(define (my-flatten2-h xs acc)
(cond [(empty? xs) acc]
[(list? (first xs))
(my-flatten2-h (rest xs) (append (my-flatten2-h (first xs) '()) acc))]
[else (my-flatten2-h (rest xs) (cons (first xs) acc))]))
(reverse (my-flatten2-h xs '())))