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-- (C) Copyright Collin Doering 2014
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- File: Matrix.hs
-- Author: Collin J. Doering <>
-- Date: Feb 5, 2014
-- Inspired by Coursera class "Coding the Matrix"
-- | This modules represents a Matrix
module Matrix where
import Vector
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe,fromJust)
-- | A data structure that represents a Matrix
data Matrix a = Matrix { unmatrix :: M.Map Integer (Vector a) }
instance Show a => Show (Matrix a) where
show (Matrix m) = M.foldr (\x y -> drop 7 (show x) ++ "\n" ++ y) "" m
instance Functor Matrix where
fmap f (Matrix m) = Matrix $ M.foldrWithKey (\k v y -> M.insert k (fmap f v) y) M.empty m
-- |
matrixFromList :: Num a => [[a]] -> Matrix a
matrixFromList xs = Matrix $ foldr (\(k,v) y -> if length v == dim then
M.insert k (fromList v) y
else error "Error! The rows of the matrix must be the same length.") M.empty $ zip [1..] xs
where dim = length . head $ xs
-- |
matrixElemAt :: Num a => Integer -> Integer -> Matrix a -> Maybe a
matrixElemAt i j (Matrix m)
| i >= 1 &&
j >= 1 &&
i <= toInteger (M.size m) = M.lookup j (unvector $ fromJust $ M.lookup i m)
| otherwise = Nothing
-- |
-- columnVector :: Num a => Integer -> Matrix a -> Vector a
columnVector j m@(Matrix m')
| j <= snd (matrixSize m) = Vector $ M.foldrWithKey (\k x y -> M.insert k (fromJust $ M.lookup j (unvector x)) y) M.empty m'
| otherwise = error "Internal Error"
-- matrixSize :: Num a => Matrix a -> (Integer,Integer)
matrixSize (Matrix m) = (toInteger $ M.size m, toInteger $ M.size $ unvector $ fromJust $ M.lookup 1 m)
-- |
-- binOpMatrix :: Num a => ((Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> a) -> Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
binOpMatrix p e f (Matrix m1) (Matrix m2)
| p (fromMaybe (error "Internal Error") $ M.lookup 1 m1, M.size m1)
(fromMaybe (error "Internal Error") $ M.lookup 1 m2, M.size m2) = undefined
| otherwise = error e
-- |
transposeMatrix :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a
-- transposeMatrix m@(Matrix m1) = Matrix $ M.foldrWithKey (\k _ y -> M.insert k (columnVector k m) y) M.empty m1
transposeMatrix m@(Matrix m') = let (_,j) = matrixSize m
in Matrix $ foldr (\k y -> M.insert k (columnVector k m) y) M.empty [1..j]
-- |
scalarMultMatrix :: Num a => a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
scalarMultMatrix a m = fmap (scalarMultVector a) m
-- |
-- multMatrix :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
multMatrix (Matrix m1) n@(Matrix m2)
| (M.size . unvector $
fromMaybe (error "Error! Cannot multiply matrices with given dimension.") $
M.lookup 1 m1) == M.size m2 = Matrix $
M.foldrWithKey (\k x y -> M.insert k (Vector $
M.foldrWithKey (\k' x' y' -> M.insert k' (dotVector x x') y') M.empty (unmatrix $ transposeMatrix n)) y) M.empty m1
| otherwise = error "Internal Error"
-- multMatrix m@(Matrix m') n@(Matrix n') = let mSize = matrixSize m
-- nSize = matrixSize m
-- canMult (_,a) (b,_) = a == b
-- multMatrix = binOpMatrix (\(_,a) (b,_) -> a == b) (\(Matri
-- |
crossProductMatrix :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
crossProductMatrix = undefined
-- |
addMatrix :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
addMatrix = undefined
-- addMatrix = binOpMatrix (\(a,b) (c,d) -> a == c && b == d) "Error! Cannot add matrices with different dimensions." (+)
(<+>) :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
(<+>) = addMatrix
-- |
subMatrix :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
subMatrix = undefined
(<->) :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
(<->) = subMatrix
-- |
rowEchelonForm :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a
rowEchelonForm = undefined
-- |
reducedRowEchelonForm :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a
reducedRowEchelonForm = undefined