# Juno's Universal ortholinear 4x12 Layout created by Juno Nguyen ## Features: * **Minimal changes from the default keymap**: to minimize re-adaptation. * **Top corner Esc**: swapped with Tab. * **Double function ShiftEnter**: hold for Right Shift; tap for Enter. * **Removed infrequently used keys**: Euro-specific keys. * **Custom Fn layer**: inspired by Pok3r and refined over time. * **SpaceFn**: the ultimate way to Fn. * **Double arrow clusters**: both Fn + WASD and Fn + IJKL are simultaneously usable for maximum comfort. * **Gaming-specific layer**: T-inverted arrow cluster shape; swapped Raise and Lower for easy access to numeric keys (for switching weapons in action games); standard-positioned bottom modifiers. * **LED indicator**: lighting up when Fn or Gaming layer is activated. * **Audio indicators**: Caps Lock and gaming layer. Refined since September 2017.