"""QMK Python Doctor Check up for QMK environment. """ import os import platform import shutil import subprocess from glob import glob from milc import cli @cli.entrypoint('Basic QMK environment checks') def main(cli): """Basic QMK environment checks. This is currently very simple, it just checks that all the expected binaries are on your system. TODO(unclaimed): * [ ] Compile a trivial program with each compiler * [ ] Check for udev entries on linux """ binaries = ['dfu-programmer', 'avrdude', 'dfu-util', 'avr-gcc', 'arm-none-eabi-gcc'] binaries += glob('bin/qmk-*') cli.log.info('QMK Doctor is checking your environment') ok = True for binary in binaries: res = shutil.which(binary) if res is None: cli.log.error("{fg_red}QMK can't find %s in your path", binary) ok = False else: try: subprocess.run([binary, '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=5, check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: cli.log.error("{fg_red}Can't run `%s --version`", binary) ok = False OS = platform.system() if OS == "Darwin": cli.log.info("Detected {fg_cyan}macOS") elif OS == "Linux": cli.log.info("Detected {fg_cyan}linux") if shutil.which('systemctl'): test = 'systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled | grep -i ModemManager' if os.system(test) == 0: cli.log.warn("{bg_yellow}Detected modem manager. Please disable it if you are using Pro Micros") else: cli.log.warn("Can't find systemctl to check for ModemManager.") else: cli.log.info("Assuming {fg_cyan}Windows") if ok: cli.log.info('{fg_green}QMK is ready to go') else: cli.log.info('{fg_yellow}Problems detected, please fix these problems before proceeding.') # FIXME(skullydazed): Link to a document about troubleshooting, or discord or something