"""List the keymaps for a specific keyboard """ import os import re import glob from bs4 import UnicodeDammit from milc import cli def unicode_text(filename): """Returns the contents of filename as a UTF-8 string. Tries to DTRT when it comes to encoding. """ with open(filename, "rb") as fd: text = UnicodeDammit(fd.read()) if text.contains_replacement_characters: log_warning("%s: Could not determine file encoding, some characters were replaced." % (filename,)) return text.unicode_markup or "" def unicode_lines(filename): """Returns the contents of filename as a UTF-8 string. Tries to DTRT when it comes to encoding. """ return unicode_text(filename).split("\n") def parse_rules_mk(keyboard, revision = ""): base_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "keyboards", keyboard) + os.path.sep rules_mk_path_wildcard = os.path.join(base_path, "**", "rules.mk") rules_mk_regex = re.compile(r"^" + base_path + "(?:" + revision + os.path.sep + ")?rules.mk") paths = [path for path in glob.iglob(rules_mk_path_wildcard, recursive = True) if rules_mk_regex.search(path)] rules_mk = dict() config_regex = re.compile(r"^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*((?:\s*\S+)+)") for file_path in paths: rules_mk_content = unicode_lines(file_path) parsed_file = dict() for line in rules_mk_content: found = config_regex.search(line) if found: parsed_file[found.group(1)] = found.group(2) version = file_path.replace(base_path, "").replace(os.path.sep, "").replace("rules.mk", "") rules_mk[version if version else "base"] = parsed_file return rules_mk def find_keymaps(base_path, revision = "", community = False): path_wildcard = os.path.join(base_path, "**", "keymap.c") if community: path_regex = re.compile(r"^" + re.escape(base_path) + "(\S+)" + os.path.sep + "keymap\.c") names = [revision + os.path.sep + path_regex.sub(lambda name: name.group(1), path) for path in glob.iglob(path_wildcard, recursive = True)] else: path_regex = re.compile(r"^" + re.escape(base_path) + "(?:" + re.escape(revision) + os.path.sep + ")?keymaps" + os.path.sep + "(\S+)" + os.path.sep + "keymap\.c") names = [revision + os.path.sep + path_regex.sub(lambda name: name.group(1), path) if revision else path_regex.sub(lambda name: name.group(1), path) for path in glob.iglob(path_wildcard, recursive = True) if path_regex.search(path)] return names @cli.argument("-kb", "--keyboard", help="Specify keyboard name. Example: 1upkeyboards/1up60hse") @cli.argument("-rv", "--revision", help="Specify the revison name. Example: rev6") @cli.subcommand("List the keymaps for a specific keyboard") def list_keymaps(cli): """List the keymaps for a specific keyboard """ # ask for user input if keyboard was not provided in the command line keyboard = cli.config.list_keymaps.keyboard if cli.config.list_keymaps.keyboard else input("Keyboard Name: ") revision = cli.config.list_keymaps.revision if cli.config.list_keymaps.revision else "" # get all the rules.mk files for the keyboard rules_mk = parse_rules_mk(keyboard, revision) if "base" in rules_mk or revision: keyboard_name = keyboard + os.path.sep + revision kb_base_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "keyboards", keyboard) + os.path.sep names = find_keymaps(kb_base_path, revision) else: names = list() for rev, data in rules_mk.items(): if "LAYOUTS" in data: for layout in data["LAYOUTS"].split(): cl_base_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "layouts", "community", layout) + os.path.sep names = names + find_keymaps(cl_base_path, rev, community = True) names.sort() for name in names: # We echo instead of cli.log.info to allow easier piping of this output cli.echo(keyboard + os.path.sep + name)