# A minivan keymap based off the Vertex Core ## Main differences * There are only 3 keys on the bottom right, so menu was dropped * There are only 3 keys on the bottom left, so Pn was dropped because there is no programmable layer. * There are only 12 keys in the first row, so the delete key (along with scroll lock) has been dropped. * The F1-F12 keys have been shifted by 1 so they all fit in the first row of layer 2. * Moved the grave/tilde to layer 1 (because in layer 2 it's now taken up by F1). * Keys relating to speed have been removed * The `L_Win + L_Alt + R_spacebar = R_Shift, R_Alt, Menu and R_Ctrl as arrow keys` as mentioned in the manual does not work. * The layer 2 plus shift should have support for symbols in the first row (where the F1-F12 keys are) but this has not been implemented, so you need to use the second row (where the numbers are).