
2.2 KiB

Flexible character LCD library for AVR Microcontrollers


  • Supports both 8-bit and 4-bit modes of LCD's
  • Configurable, so it should work on most devices, albeit with some tweaking
  • Read/Write the character LCD
  • Control the display using ANSI and ASCII escapes
  • Read/Write custom characters to memory and/or the LCD display (not fully implemented)


This project wouldn't be possible without the following great open source tools:

  • AVR-GCC, AVR-libc, and AVR-binutils which form the compiler toolchain that makes open source development for AVR microcontrollers possible.
  • avrdude to do in system programming of the AVR microcontrollers
  • doxygen to generate documentation.
  • Gnu Emacs, because how else would I enter text?


Code licensed under GPLv3. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.


Clone this repository and modify lcdLibConfig.h to your needs. See the documentation for more details.

git clone http://git.rekahsoft.ca/lcdLib.git
doxygen doxygen.conf # If you want to generate offline documentation


  • No interface is given to read/write custom characters, though it can be done manually using the lower level plumbing function writeLCDInstr.
  • No examples of using the library are currently given but do exist in the git history. They have been split out into their own repository's and soon will be re-added as git submodules. Util that time look into the git history.

Road Map

  • Add support for reading/writing custom characters to memory/display
  • Add examples projects utilizing lcdLib as git submodules
  • Finish documenting functions
  • Put the doxygen generated documentation for this library online