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#+TITLE: Source Code for [[][#! Lambda Slang]]
2021-11-26 02:56:38 +00:00
#+AUTHOR: Collin J. Doering
<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Build Status"></a></p>
2021-11-26 02:56:38 +00:00
[[][#! Lambda Slang]] is the personal technical blog of *Collin Doering*, built using software that
[[][respects our freedoms]].
* Features
- [[][Single Page Application (SPA)]]
- Write blog posts and pages in markdown
- Support for math markup via MathJax
- RSS/Atom feed
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* Tools
The creation of this website was made possible by the following open source tools and
- [[][Hakyll]] is used to generate site from static files
- [[][Clay]] is used for CSS pre-processing
- [[][Skeleton]] is used for CSS boilerplate
- [[][MathJax]] is used for rendering mathematics
- [[][JQuery]] and [[][JQuery-address]] are used for various DOM manipulations
- [[][Gnu Guix]] is used to manage development environments and packaging
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- [[][Inkscape]] and the [[][Gimp]] were used to create various images/artwork
- [[][Gnu Free Fonts]], specifically *FreeMono* is used as main font
- [[][Gnu Emacs]] because there is no place like home; and no greater editor!
* License
Simply put, you're welcome to use the code used to generate this site though there are a few
- Any images and artwork that embody the likeness of "#! Lambda Slang" are not to be distributed or
used and are strictly copyright
- The content of pages and posts can be used with attribution, providing you aren't making money off of it
Various licenses ([[][GPLv3]], [[][Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License]], and [[][Creative Commons BY-NC-ND
License]]) are deployed dependent on which part of the site is in question. Please see the
[[./LICENSE][LICENSE]] file for full details.
2021-11-26 06:46:49 +00:00
* TODO Guix Development Environment
:header-args: :session *vterm blog-rekahsoft-ca* :results none
2021-11-26 06:46:49 +00:00
[[][Gnu Guix]] is used to package this project and manage its dependencies, as well as to provide
reproducible development environments.
A simple wrapper script [[./site][site]] is provided that wraps the hakyll powered site builder to
offer some additional functionality.
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** Start Development Environment
The development environment is defined by the following files:
- [[./channels.scm][channels.scm]] :: Specifically defines a set of available software, their versions and their build recipe.
- [[./guix.scm][guix.scm]] :: Defines the package for this site, ~blog-rekahsoft-ca~.
To start a development environment, run the following:
#+begin_src sh
guix time-machine -C channels.scm -- shell -CN -E '^LANG$' -E '^TERM$' -E '^PS1$' -f guix.scm -Df guix.scm
2021-11-26 06:46:49 +00:00
This uses the [[info:guix#Invoking guix time-machine][guix time-machine]] feature to ensure the development environment is reproducible
by supplying a set of guix channels, effectively pinning all software versions used. The [[info:guix#Invoking guix shell][guix
shell]] command is used within the time-machine to start a development environment in a
container (~-C~), which shares the hosts network namespace (~-N~). The environment variable
~LANG~ is passed into the container to ensure locales work as expected; without this, site
building will fail! Additionally, the environment variable ~TERM~ is passed into the
container to ensure the development shell behaves correctly. Finally, ~-f guix.scm~ loads the
~blog-rekahsoft-ca~ package, and ~-Df guix.scm~ indicates that development dependencies of
the ~blog-rekahsoft-ca~ package should be included in the environment.
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*** Deployment Development Environment
[[][Gnu Guix]] is used, similar to in the [[*Start Development Environment][previous section]], to create environments with all tools
necessary for deployments, with a notable difference being a ~guix.scm~ file is not provided
or needed, as the deployment environment is used solely for its side effects.
- [[./infra/channels.scm][infra/channels.scm]] :: Symlink to [[./channels.scm][../channels.scm]] to make the guix cli workflow nicer when
in the ~infra~ directory. Technically this doesn't need to be a symlink, and could be a
different set of channels or version of channels compared to the channels file at the
top-level of the repository, however this would complicate [[*Composing Site Development and Deployment Environments][Composing Site Development and
Deployment Environments]], so its preferred that all guix environments for the project,
including the development and deployment environment use the same set of Guix channels.
- [[./infra/manifest.scm][infra/manifest.scm]] :: Defines packages required for deployment of this site
To start a deployment development environment, run the following:
#+begin_src sh
cd infra
guix time-machine -C channels.scm -- shell -CN -E '^LANG$' -E '^TERM$' -E '^PS1$' -E '^AWS.*$'
*** Composing Site Development and Deployment Environments
#+begin_src sh
guix time-machine -C channels.scm -- shell -CN -E '^LANG$' -E '^TERM$' -E '^PS1$' -E '^AWS.*$' -f guix.scm -Df guix.scm -m infra/manifest.scm
** Build Site
#+begin_src sh
site build
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** Clean Site
2021-11-26 02:56:38 +00:00
#+begin_src sh
site clean
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** Watch
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#+begin_src sh
site watch
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** Deploy Site
Terraform is used to deploy this site. Its configuration files are located in ~./infra~.
Under normal conditions, all deployments occur from my internal ci/cd system. This ensures
that the deployment process is reliable, repeatable and quick. However, in the case of both
development and emergency deployments, clear documentation surrounding the deployment process
is necessary.
*** TODO ~site deploy~ command
#+begin_src sh
site deploy
*** Start [[*Deployment Development Environment][Deployment Development Environment]]
*** Setup a Particular Environment
Three environments (terraform workspaces) are currently available, including:
- default :: unused default terraform workspace
- staging ::
- production ::
#+begin_src sh
make setup ENV=<env>
From this point onward, any ~make~ target run will operate on the selected environment,
unless its switched with the ~workspace~ or ~setup~ targets, or manually with ~terraform~.
*** See What Infrastructure Will Change
Run a terraform plan to see how the selected environments infrastructure will change.
#+begin_src sh
make plan
*** Deploy the Site
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Run a terraform apply to deploy to the selected environment.
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#+begin_src sh
make deploy
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*** Working with Terraform Directly
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Within a development environment, ~terraform~, its providers and all other dependencies are
available. As such, its possible to directly leverage ~terraform~ and its various operations.
This is particularly useful when debugging or adding make targets.
** Clean up Guix Store
#+begin_src sh
guix gc --list-dead | grep -e '^/gnu/store/.*-blog-rekahsoft-ca-.*' | xargs guix gc -D
* Building a Release
The software built that itself builds this blog is released as a Guix package. It is
currently not, and is not ever expected to be distributed via a channel, as it provides
little benefit to anyone except myself, and is meant to operate along with stateful data,
including the site templates, content, pages, posts, etc..
To build a release, run the following command:
#+begin_src sh
guix time-machine -C channels.scm -- build -f guix.scm
This will produce a guix package with the following three outputs:
- ~out~ :: The ~blog-rekahsoft-ca~ site builder and ~gencss~ css generator binaries, as well
as ~site~ user script
- ~site~ :: A build of the website made with the site builder, etc.. in the ~out~ output of
this package, using the content at the same version
- ~static~ :: License file and any other file that should be distributed (eg manual)
** TODO What is done with the release?
* Writing a Blog Post
#+begin_src sh
guix time-machine -C channels.scm -- shell -CN -E LANG -E TERM -E PS1 -f guix.scm -- site watch
2021-11-26 02:56:38 +00:00
* Known Issues
If you have an issue while browsing [[][my blog]] please file a issue in the [[][blog-rekahsoft-ca]]
issue tracker.
To see a list of already known issues, see [[./][]].