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#+TITLE: blog-rekahsoft-ca TODO's
#+AUTHOR: Collin J. Doering
* DONE Remove the use of application cache now that most major browsers are pulling support
CLOSED: [2021-11-28 Sun 10:43]
- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2021-11-28 Sun 10:43]
* TODO The image full screen features does not work on initial page loads and requires going to at least one other page :bug:
- [[file:js/default.js::// Add fullscreen functionality to inline-images and figures][Fullscreen image onclik functionality is added in the router upon content loading, which doesn't occur on the intial page load]]
* TODO Completely replace all references to stack
* TODO Fix analytics (pywiki is no longer in use, find and use something else)
* TODO Modernize javascript in [[file:js/default.js][js/default.js]]
* TODO Allow posts (and pages?) to be written in org-mode
* TODO Fix rendering of mathjax
* TODO Use javascript/css sources from guix packages instead of vendoring them or using them from the internet
- [ ] jQuery
- [ ] mathjax
- [ ] skeleton
* TODO Setup automated deployment from ci
* TODO Use separate file for terraform backend
Used to be: +Add missing terraform backend files to repository+, however this was not true.
The backend is just embedded in [[./infra/][infra/]].
* TODO Figure out fast workflow for modifying haskell sources without rebuilding guix package
*** TODO [[./clay][clay sources]]
*** TODO [[./src][hakell sources]]
* TODO Allow external code files to be included in pages and blog entries
* TODO Ensure [[./blog-rekahsoft-ca.cabal][blog-rekahsoft-ca.cabal]] is usable with cabal and has the correct dependencies
* TODO Build the site as a guix package output of ~blog-rekahsoft-ca~
* TODO Invalid page urls load as the home page
Eg. will show the home page, and
retain this url. However, it should show a page not found page.