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# Source Code for **[#! λ Slang](**
* [Features](#features)
* [Tools](#tools)
* [License](#license)
* [Building](#building)
* [Running Tests](#running-tests)
* [Issues](#issues)
[#! λ Slang]( is the personal technical blog of *Collin Doering*,
built using software that [respects our freedoms](
## Features <a name="features"></a>
* [Single Page Application (SPA)](
* Utilizes CSS 3
* Uses HTML5 Application Cache for offline viewing of website
## Tools <a name="tools"></a>
The creation of this website was made possible by the following open source tools and libraries:
* [Hakyll][] is used to generate site from static files
* [Clay][] is used for CSS pre-processing
* [Skeleton][] is used for CSS boilerplate
* [MathJax][] is used for rendering mathematics
* [Inkscape][] and the [Gimp][] were used to create various images/artwork
* [Selenium][] is used for automated testing using real browsers
* [Gnu Free Fonts][], specifically *FreeMono* is used as main font
* [Gnu Emacs][], because there is no place like home; and no greater editor!
## License <a name="license"></a>
Simply put, you're welcome to use the code used to generate this site though there are a few restrictions:
* Any images and artwork that embody the likeness of "#! λ Slang" are not to be distributed or
used and are strictly copyright
* The content of pages and posts can be used with attribution, providing you aren't making money off of it
Various licenses ([GPLv3][], [Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License][], and
[Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License][]) are deployed dependent on which part of the site is in
question. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.
## Building <a name="building"></a>
All that is needed to build this site is cabal and a way to fetch required packages (whether
directly via the internet or by using the ```fetch``` argument to cabal).
$ cabal sandbox init # optional but recommended
$ cabal configure
$ cabal install --only-dependencies
$ cabal build
$ ./site build # build site
$ ./site server # view site at http://localhost:3000
## Running Tests <a name="running-tests"></a>
To the run the tests that accompany this site, one must have [Selenium][] installed and an
instances running on port 4444. Then one must run the following:`
$ cabal configure --enable-tests
$ cabal install --only-dependencies
$ cabal test
## Issues <a name="issues"></a>
Unfortunately, when trying to install the test-suite dependencies, `webdriver 0.6.1` fails to
install when using GHC 7.10 (*Jun 24, 2015*). This is due to a missing language pragma
`FlexibleContexts` in `src/Test/WebDriver/Commands.hs` (see
[bug ticket]( To get around this
problem you can download `webdriver` from hackage using `cabal get webdriver` and then fix the
problem yourself by adding the language pragma to the file `src/Test/WebDriver/Commands.hs`.
This issue has also been fixed upstream so you can use git to get the latest sources. Once the
working sources for `webdriver-0.6.1` are in place, run the following:
$ cd webdriver-0.6.1
$ cabal sandbox init
$ cabal configure
$ cabal install --only-dependencies
$ cabal build
$ cabal install
$ cd ..
$ cabal sandbox init --sandbox webdriver-0.6.1/.cabal-sandbox
This will share the cabal sandbox which we used to build and install our fixed version of
webdriver, with this project. Now the test-suite can be run once its dependencies are installed
(see [Running Tests](#running-tests)).
[Gnu Emacs]:
[Gnu Free Fonts]:
[Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License]:
[Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License]: