* added better support for mime-type handling (pdf, ps, torrent, ...)
* added PKGBUILD mode
* disabled hs-org/minor-mode because of it not playing well with auto-complete-mode and flyspell
* disabled yasnippet for the time being (look into auto-complete-mode and flyspell issues)
* disabled elget (not functioning plus there is the ELPA so whats the point?)
* set default account to rekahsoft@gmail.com (previously was only able to send through collin.doering (SMTP) and recieve mail through rekahsoft (IMAP))
* using encrypted autoinfo files now
* TODO: get multiple IMAP/SMTP accounts working
* disabled ncmpcpp screen (no longer using mpd sadly due to pulseaudio issues
* disabled nvlc screen
* disabled trayer (no apps use it so whats the point) (still need to modify .xmobar to leave no gap on the right side of the screen)
* beginning utilization of a few new modules from XMonad.Contrib including:
- XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
- XMonad.Layout.Sublayouts
- XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation
- XMonad.Layout.BoringWindows
Note: many of the added extensions above are not being used; just being prepared to be integrated into the environment (commented out)
a few other extensions are being considered as well including: CycleWS, XMonad.Actions.TopicSpace and DynamicWorkspaces
* disabled transmission-gtk scratchpad in preference of transmission-remote cli
* new tab completion generated by compinstall (much nicer then previous)
Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <rekahsoft@gmail.com>
* added a key/val pair to set emacs font to terminus 12 point
* did some rearranging..
.zshrc: (same as .bashrc)
* added a alias to transmission-remote as it is now my primary torrent client
* added ~/.cabal/bin to #PATH
* set default homepage to duckduckgo
* set emacs font to terminus 12 point in the pursuit of a consistent UI
* disabled pretty lambdas; neeeds to be re-enabled seeing as the issue noted
in emacs24 was unrelated and solved by setting the font (both in ~/.emacs
and ~/.Xdefaults. Though pretty lambdas can only be used for lisp-like languages.
* added clojure-mode-hook to the list of mode-hooks called 'code-modes'
* noticed paredit's binding C-j interfered with eval-print-last-sexp in the scratch buffer.
To rectify this added a global binding. Need to make this a local binding *TODO*
* set eshell-visual-commands to a list of commands for eshell to execute in a ansi term
* created a eshell/ff function for looking up files using eshell's build in globbing. Issue
is that it does not take into consideration relative paths *TODO*
.screenrc: changed default binding prefix C-a to C-t
.xmobarrc: added modules Weather, Uptime and Swap
* added the WindowBringer module
* made dmenu fit more naturally into the UI theme
* added toggle dullscreen support (Mod+Control+Space)
Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <rekahsoft@gmail.com>
* changed pdf application to zathura
* added a bunch of webjumps (see source)
* made duckduckgo default search engine
* switched to emacs24 from bzr
* enabled flyspell-mode
* depreciated emacs-color-theme (use built-in theming in emacs24)
* added magit init code with the intent of playing with magit someday instead of using cl
* setup auto-complete extension
* added keybinding C-x 4 s which opens up a elisp scratch buffer
* added keybinding C-x 4 e which opens up a eshell buffer
* added a eshell clear function
* added .conkerorrc, .xmobarrc, .screenrc, and .stumpwmrc to auto-mode-alist
* modified all audio controls to utilize cmus-remote instead of mpc
* using nouveau instead of nvidia driver so naturually switched from twinview to xrandr
* disabled pulseaudio from starting because it is automatically started by settings in /etc/pulse/client.conf
* modified trayers parameters due to the new xrandr setup
* added foreword comments
* removed volume script from bar (only supported alsa)
* added emacs scratchpad (keybinding Mod-Control-Escape)
* added mc scratchpad (keybinding Mod-Control-3)
* added transmission scratchpad (replacing deluge) with keybinding Mod-Control-4
* imported XMonad.Layout.ToggleLayouts in hopes to find a nice fullscreen solution;
disabled (but not uncommented) keybinding Mod-Control-Space. *TODO*
Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <rekahsoft@gmail.com>
added password management system implemented by XUL Runner (still needs to be tested)
added use of new extension "pastebin.el" (not available from arch repos & AUR)
added elisp template for automatic insertion on new files that end in '.el'
added the function 'open-scratch-buffer' which either switches to the current scratch buffer
or if one doesn't exist creates one, inserts the normal scratch message at the top and enables lisp-interaction-mode
added the new function 'toggle-window-split' curtiousy of http://www.emacswiki.org which toggles the orientation of window
splitting between two adjacent windows (either horizontal and verticle)
bound the function 'toggle-window-split' to "C-x 4 t"
stop the annoying startup screen from being displayed
new file added to config used to control ncmpcpp's settings
simply fixed a formatting error not relating to syntax..removed empty space at the end of a line
Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <rekahsoft@gmail.com>
set default executable for run-haskell
added a few keybindings mainly relating to window groups
added a few more workspaces and logical keys to bind them to
Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <rekahsoft@gmail.com>
Cleaned up comments in .bashrc and .zshrc
Added file .ghci for use of ghci; all it does currently is change the prompt
MC automatic made changes to .mc/ini
Re-added .pentadactylrc..for some reason i removed it..i still use firefox + pentadactyl as my backup browser (second to conkeror)
Added quiet a few new features to .stumpwmrc including:
* use of swank (so i can connect to the stumpwm lisp process using slime (M-x slime-connect) port 5005
* some nice keybindings to make life easier..
Changed the border width used by xmonad as well as added the use of GridView (.xmonad/xmonad.hs)
Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <rekahsoft@gmail.com>
* conkeror configuration fil (long past due)
* a lisp template to autoinsert in .emacs for .lisp files
* a ratpoison wm config file
* a not-really-started stumpwm config
* vim config file for those odd times out of emacs :S
Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <rekahsoft@gmail.com>
* fixed a typo in .emacs relating to the haskell template used
* automatic work done on .mc/ini by mc it self
* added nvlc to the list of programs to run in screen
* added a new alias "skreen" = "screen -c /dev/null" to both .bashrc and .zshrc
* changed both .xinitrc and .xmonad/xmonad.hs to support urxvt daemon/client shared terminal
Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <rekahsoft@gmail.com>
in both .emacs and .emacs.d/templates/scheme-template.scm
Also since the rkd-conf project now expects your config to diverge projects
are now handeled per host with the possibility to still pull from the generic
(although this is not clean); still looking into a way to diff between diverged git projects
One way is to simply keep an updated copy of the rkd-conf generic so you can diff your
diverged config against it like so:
diff ~/path/to/you/conf/dir/target_diff_file path/to/rkd-conf/generic/target_diff_file
..you could make this a little nicer by writting a little script that does:
cdiff <file> => diff ~/path/to/you/conf/dir/<file> path/to/rkd-conf/generic/<file>
where cdiff is the name of the script in this case. Sorry for the long commit message.
Added clojure support to emacs (requires aur/emacs-clojure-mode-git, clojure, aur/clojure-contrib-git, aur/swank-clojure-git, maven)
Added path for maven (required for building clojure-contrib-git from the aur)
Starting to refine use of git..Now have seperate projects for each system and a generic git tree to start from
Main changes are just some alias' to easily access rekahsoft-mini thorugh port-knocking + ssh
As well as a xbindkeys configuration setup for most generic keyboards and the HHKB2
The main goal is to keep a generic git project that can be modified locally on a per user/host basis
and then backuped using git clone and kept to date with git pull/fetch (on a per user/host basis with possible generic additions and upgrades
gooing into the public git repo (still setting up the url) and the gitweb is here: http://rekahsoft.homelinux.org/gitweb