Commit Graph

61 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Collin J. Doering d5738197d7 Switch from pulseaudio-ctl to ponymix
For cli pulseaudio volume control.

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:44 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 605241fd11 Switched back to xinitrc for X applications
Due to issues with X applications being started as systemd user
services, temporarily switch back to using .xinitrc to run them.

Note: in the future when it becomes possible to safely start my entire
      user session under a systemd users instance it will be adapted.


Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:44 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 9e9410bb4e Add pavucontrol scratchpad to emacs on Mod4+C+5
Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:44 -05:00
Collin J. Doering ca0ffdc4d5 Allow X emacs frames to be scratchpads in xmonad
Cannot have X11 emacs/emacsclient window as scratchpad in xmonad
- State "KNOWNCAUSE" from "BUG"        [2014-11-07 Fri 02:53] \\
  This is due to the fact that in xmonad I am unable to locate a particular emacs frame (X11
  window). This is because emacs' frames change there names dynamically and all have the same
  resource name, thus there's no way to locate them.
- State "BUG"        from "REPORT"     [2014-11-07 Fri 02:52] \\
  This is an issue. Emacs in terminal is nice but it's preferred to use a X11 instance when possible.

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:44 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 5f3173ff64 Fix tmux keybindings
- rebind clock-mode to "<prefix> T" to free up "<prefix> t"
- bind "<prefix> t" to send-prefix so that <prefix> can be sent to
  underlying applications

As a reminder, the current prefix remains C-t

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:44 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 11eaff99d3 Add link-conf program to project itself
link-conf is a little shell script I wrote to recursively hard-link and
make directories following the structure of a "config directory". This
allows me to have a "clean" working git repository but edit config files
as usual ignoring the fact they are part of a git project and located in
another place.

Use " --help" to see how the program is called. If you are
unsure you can always use the "-d -v" options together to see what the
program would propose to link, create, and safely remove. There is an
option "-f" that will force removal of files while it recursively
links. This is in the case where the config dir and the target exist as
files and the target file is not referenced by any hard-link and thus if
removed will be gone forever. Do not use "-f" or "--force" if you don't
know what you're doing.

This program could be cleaned up a bit and it would be nice if it was
run after every commit (use a git hook in .git/hooks/).

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:44 -05:00
Collin J. Doering a8582a7d4e Modularize emacs config
Approximately coincides with the release of emacs 24.4, Though some
changes for the emacs 24.4 upgrade are not yet completed; specifically:
 * replace w3m with the now built in eww
 * no need to enable electric-indent-mode since it is now enabled by
 * other things that I don't know about yet ...

Now the main changes are as follows:
 * Use .emacs.d/init.el for emacs start-up file instead of .emacs; this
   new init file is much shorter in summary does the following:
    - auto-loads packages installed using package.el using the
      package-initialize function
    - adds .emacs.d/site-lisp-extra to the load-path
    - sets a few variables and functions and then recursively loads all
      .el files in .emacs.d/config
    - contains all variables set by customize at the end of the file
 * All other configuration is written to files with appropriate names in
   .emacs.d/config; currently the concatenation of these files is the same
   as the .emacs in the last commit not including the sexp's that went
   into .emacs.d/init.el

Things that remain the same but are no less important to mention in
regards to the setup of this emacs configuration:
 * custom themes are stored in .emacs.d/themes
 * custom yasnippets are stored in .emacs.d/snippets
 * templates (used by .emacs.d/config/insert-templates.el to insert a
   comment at the beginning of certain files using auto-insert-mode) are
   located at .emacs.d/templates
   Note: I've been considering depreciating the use of auto-insert-mode
         to insert content into new files and instead use yasnippets.
         Further though is required.

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:44 -05:00
Collin J. Doering a9d362f8db Use emacs for IRC in place of weechat
Wanted to switch to emacs for irc as it requires a lot of text typing
and manipulation. Anyways after trying ERC and rcirc I decided to go
with rcirc as I was having issues with ERC connecting to a username for
no reason on freenode (username "codeblock"). Anyways there is still
some residual elisp (commented) out for setting up ERC which is no
longer needed and will be cleaned up in a later commit.

In .tmux.conf start emacs instead of weechat.
Note: it would be nice to be able to have emacs open to a particular
buffer if its open or maybe have emacs remember a window layout for irc

In .emacs.d/themes/manoj-transparent.el make ERC fit my mode-line theme.
This isn't really needed but won't hurt to stay if I ever choose to
switch to ERC for whatever reason.


Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:44 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 220c1bea7d Minor changes to emacs configuration
* enabled auto-complete in latex-mode
* bumped yasnippet version
* items added by customize

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:44 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 7fb2742958 Minor fixes on ibuffer (emacs)
Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:44 -05:00
Collin J. Doering f46277891f Add new new-file templates for emacs
Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:44 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 9f62ab154e Depreciate ido-mode in favor of helm in emacs
This includes a few new packages that are set up (to complement helm):
 * helm
 * helm-swoop
 * helm-ls-git

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:44 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 009e1dec7f Give more descriptive names to scheme define yasnippet
Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:44 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 6e6c574abc Fix EDITOR environment variable issue for emacs
Have programs using the $EDITOR environment variable use emacsclient if
a daemon is running but otherwise fallback to plain emacs.


Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:44 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 7c8f081678 Remove commandlinefu webjump from comkeror
Commandlinefu webjump broke upon update of conkeror-git (from AUR) and
since I don't use it I'll remove it.

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering bc4a808fc3 Add new page modes to conkeror
Add the following new page modes:
 * google_search *broken*
 * google_maps
 * stackexchange
 * gmail
 * facebook
 * github

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering cff91a9110 Pass environment variables from shell to systemd
Instead of having the systemd user units in .config/systemd/user/ who's
programs require access to a environment variable to define them
explicitly using "Environment = 'VAR=value'". Instead from .bashrc and
.zshrc we can import all environment variables using "systemctl --user
import-environment" or import variables individually like so "systemctl
--user import-environment VAR_NAME".

Here I import (using the method above) both $PATH and $SMLNJ_HOME so
that they can be used by emacs (and maybe some other
program/systemd-user-unit I have forgotten).

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering d1b7db0a70 Change font size in urxvt
Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering b3b095701f Various minor changes and missed fixes
Missed adding authinfo for mbsync along with .bin/ which uses
gpg to decrypt the mbsync authinfo file and return the password for a
given account. This new authinfo is required because it uses a slightly
different format then the one use for gnus and offlineimap (both of
which are now depreciated and will soon be removed).
Also missed adding mbsync configuration (.mbsyncrc).

Missed adding emacs bookmark file .emacs.d/bookmarks

Added .local/share/applications/transmission-remote.desktop so it can be
set as the default application for torrents and magnet links when using xdg-open

Fixed key binding for url-picker (Urxvt) in .Xresources where there was
a missing colon

Added support for 256 color mimicry in tmux (which doesn't support true
256 colors) (in .xmonad/xmonad.hs when opening emacs-scratch and .tmux.conf)

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering a09010409f Various changes to emacs configuration
Some highlights include:
- Modified theme to better emphasize mode-line
- Add .emacs.d/site-lisp-extra to load-path for various emacs-lisp snippets
- Add custom yasnippet directory under .emacs.d/snippets
- Use flyspell in more non-code modes (eg. various markup languages and mu4e)
- Added new sorting rules/categories for ibuffer
- Setup Auctex for smooth latex editing
- Pimp out editing of lispy langs including:
  - highlight current sexp at point with hightlight-sexp
  - enable mode for racket scribble (in .emacs.d/site-lisp-extra/)
  - add guile to geiser scheme implementations list
- Disabled highlight-current-line
- Enable bookmarks+
- Update auto-insert templates to use variables "author" and "email" correctly.
  Note: I am considering removing use of auto-insert for templates and
  instead switching to yasnippet for templates and starting with a empty
  file. Then a snippet like 'gpl3' could be expanded to be the license
  or the license header for the file. Also the little info block I have
  on all of my current templates could also simply be another snippet.
- Switched from gnus to mu4e for email; this requires the external tools
  mbsync and mu. Gnus can still be used but is now depreciated in
  preference of mu4e (which is much faster and better suited when used
  in combination with mbsync)
- Fixed annoying issue where when quack-mode was enabled C-x C-f was
  overridden to quack-find-file which didn't have ido-completion
- Setup gpg-agent so environment variables are correct (*TODO* this
  still isn't working 100% as I've noticed miss matches; it could be
  that somehow GPG_AGENT_INFO changes outside of emacs and because I
  only fix its value during the evaluation of .emacs it could result in
  a miss match.)
- Add exit confirmation in the mini-buffer

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering c88096c0b6 Add gpg-agent configuration
Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 939dfe0d54 Various changes to conkeror
- switched to conkeror-git from the AUR
- changed font-size for mini-buffer and tabs
- enabled adblock extension
- added functions for browsing using a proxy

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 0e970add95 Various (mostly self-documented) minor changes
Setup the following in .zshrc and bashrc:
 - update path putting paths with form ~/* before others to make them
   higher priority
 - setup gpg agent
 - disabled keychain

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 26a3cf13f3 Minor changes to Urxvt configuration
- changed key binding for url-picker from M-u to C-M-g
- fix scrolling; see:

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering ecedc2d93f Various changes to systemd files
Updated PATH in emacs.service putting paths with the form ~/* first so
the binary's located there have higher priority

Added DISPLAY environment variable to the following service files:
 + unclutter
 + xbindkeys
 + xcompmgr
 + xscreensaver

This was an attempt to fix an CURRENTLY UNRESOLVED ISSUE. That is the
above service files don't start when you initially log in. But once X is
loaded can be started successfully by "systemctl --user restart <unit>".

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering d261ff7704 Add confirm quit interactive menu for conkeror
Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 17d50aba45 Various minimal changes
- have zathura open one page per row by default
- add .gitignore to ignore *~ files
- add xmonad key binding for opening tab-less instance of
  urxvtc (Mod+Control+Enter, the old xterm key binding)
- move xmonad key binding for xterm to Mod+Backspace

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 1ea820f238 Pimp out and cleanup conkeror config
- enabled new-tabs.js
- custom theme for conkeror
  + favicon support in the mode-line
  + custom dark theme for mini-buffer and new-tabs
  + enabled the following pages-modes:
    - reddit
    - xkcd
    - duckduckgo
    - youtube
- Enabled clearlooks gtk theme and thinned out the width of the scrollbars

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering fd85b1f2ef Upgrade to conkeror-git from AUR (fixed lyrics)
Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering a4e9141ecb Merged missed files (due to not being hard linked)
When creating new files that will become part of this repo, if there are
created in ~/ and the copied to ~/.rkd-conf there will not be a hard
link and the files will become out of sync. Either manually hardlinking
them or running the helper program (located elsewhere

Emacs configuration at .emacs occasionally falls out of sync
somehow (the hardlink is removed). This needs to be investigated but
happens quite rarely.

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering b87306c354 Aesthetic fixes and maintenance
  - use smyck color scheme
  - add key bindings for switching between the number of pages-per-row
.mpdconf && .ncmpcpp/config
  - switched location of music
  - scroll lock key toggles keymap between US and dvorak
  - change border colors
  - add spacing around windows

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering bbb41c023c Various minor changes
* renamed .Xdefaults to .Xresources
* replaced screen with tmux
* added a darken function to .conkerorrc
* added some new eshell alias'
* added some new templates for emacs
* cleaned up .xinitrc
* .xmonad/
  * added circle layout
  * added convince key binding Mod-grave which is the same thing as
  * made emacs-scratch open in tmux session

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 224f475a46 A variety of accumulated changes/fixes
Notable changes include:
  * .Xdefaults:
    - added comments
    - switched from url-select to url-picker (for urxvt)
  * .bashrc: added some alias' and changed PATH
  * .bin/ *depreciated*
  * .bin/ added experimental timed-action support
  * .config/dunst/dunstrc:
    - changed transparency to 15%
    - issue with getting "follow = v" to work; where v = mouse or keyboard
  * .config/systemd/user/emacs.service:
     - added a Environment property because it is required with a recent(ish?) update of systemd
  * .config/systemd/user/xbindkeys.service:
    - added Environment property
    - made ExecStart more specific
  * .conkerorrc:
    - added support for magnet urls
    - added firebug-lite support
  * .emacs:
    - disabled tabs
    - enabled column-number-mode
  * .ghci: added ghci config file
  * .gnus: Many changes to make gnus more usable as a email client (multiple
email support)
  * .mpdconf: added password for admin and control access
  * .ncmpcpp/config: use new mpd password
  * .screenrc: use weechat in place of irssi
  * .xbindkeysrc:
    - use new mpd password
    - pulseaudio_ctl merged with pulseaudio-ctl in AUR. Now using the new version *BROKEN*
  * .xinitrc: running "systemd --user" is depreciated (automatically run by logind)
  * .xmobarrc: use DynNetwork in place of Network
  * .xmonad/xmonad.hs: code clean-up
  * .zshrc:
    - added new function 'disable_unit_run' which can be used to run a program temporarily
      disabling a systemd user unit file
    - added alias'
    - changed PATH
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering e3fb51fd6e Did a variety of changes documented by file below;
Key changes include:
  * finally have multiple smtp accounts working with gnu/emacs!
  * using dunst (a notification-daemon)
  * fixes to mpd's service files mpd.{service,socket} to allow for socket
    activation via dbus/systemd

  * now holds the information for all my email accounts
  * set LANG and LC_MESSAGE variables
  * added support for restart which was missed but trivial to implement
  * slightly modified version of skeletal dunstrc provided by the dunst package
  * automatic changes made by mc
  * deleted; no need to keep this in the git repo since it is modified automatically
    by mc to save the panel's state/s
  * a service file to manage dunst - a customizable and lightweight notification-daemon
  * now uses socket activation to allow mpd to be used over the network (via mpd.socket)
  * a socket file denoting what port/s to open when mpd.service is run
  * disable pastebin extension because pastebin is a insane and the api has changed
  * set the mail function to smtpmain-send-it
  * fixed minor error caused by using "nill" in place of nil
  * change the marked text background color from blue to gray19
  * set default name
  * set some fancy colors
  * finally now supports multiple smtp accounts!
  * some minor cleanup
  * disabled gnus daemon until i spend some time looking into its uses
  * set the background of the currently selected file to gray in place of
    default (transparent) so that in transparent terminals the currently selected
    file is noticeably highlighted
  * no real changes; comments
  * added support for notification using notify-send (libnotify and dunst)
  * set 256 bit color for urxvt
  * set GENERAL_SCREEN instead of exporting it
  * shrink the case expression responsible for determining which wm to launch
  * doMaxFloat pavucontrol instead of doFullFloat
  * set LANG and LC_MESSAGE variables
  * added support to temporarily disable unclutter when running a command
  * now the alias 'qemu' disables unclutter before running qemu with kvm enabled
  * TODO: find commonalities between .bashrc and .zshrc and create a second shell
    	  script that does the common tasks; then the new shell script can be
	  sourced from either .bashrc or .zshrc

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 5dd46f860c Cosmetic interface changes dealing primarily with transparency affecting emacs and mc. Changes
are as follows:
  * changed the skin to a custom version of gotar now located at .local/share/mc/skins/gotar-mod.ini
  * automatic changes made by MC
  * utilize user custom theme folder .emacs.d/themes
  * changed theme to manoj-transparent (a transparent mod of theme manoj-dark)
  * added hook to 'after-make-frame-functions to check whether emacs is running in
    a tty or a XWindow. If the later is the case then change the frames background to
    black to make things look pretty and have both XWidows and tty instances of emacs
    utilize transparency
  * a modified manoj-dark with support for transparency
  * enables transparency and a nicer color scheme based on gotar
  * start mc-scratch and emacs-scratch
  * remove extra mention of supertux2 in manageHook
  * add support for automatically centering/floating mc-scratch and emacs-scratch
  * enable transparency of the urxvtc instances started for mc-scratch and emacs-scratch

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 0d9ac35254 Minor changes across a few config files and a revamp of mc
  * added some new alias'
  * started keeping track of a luakit config as a backup browser to conkeror
  * currently this is just the defaults
  * updated the config files for mc (from skel /etc/mc)
  * below are the files that have been modified in some way; all others are exactly from skel
    * emacs mc keymap (from skel /etc/mc/mc.keymap.emacs)
    * replaced 'bindings'
    * ported over support for many programming languages from old 'bindings' file
    * enabled 'emacsclient -nw' as default editor
  * enable spell checking (not enabled by default)
  * cleaned up file a little and denoted a few more TODO's at the head of the file
  * enabled python-mode and ipython-mode (ELPA)
  * enabled geiser (ELPA)
  * enabled sml-mode (ELPA)
  * enabled quack (ELPA)

Signed-off-by: Collin J. Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 73f9682d0e Oops..also forgot to remove .config/systemd/user/; this is remade automatically
by systemctl --user when enabling/disabling services. Also this would interfere with my hard-linking
approach to managing my home config with git

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 274a13a658 Forgot to remove olf .mc/ini config; now moved to .config/mc/ini
Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 28602aa7ed Some major revisions as i have recently replaced my desktop. Namely:
* switched to systemd for user level daemons and startup programs originally run from .xinitrc
 * beefed up the logout menu implemented by .bin/ to support pretty well all
   windows-managers (with some minor modification) and now with support for suspend and hibernate

  * did a little rearrangement to make things pretty
  * added the clipboard extension
  * encrypted authinfo files for gnus (emacs)
  * now checks if ~/.bashrc is a file and then executes it instead of just assuming
  * added a few new aliases
  * modified path to include ~/.bin
  * now supports pretty well any window manager with minor modification (just edit the
    actionNames and actionExecs arrays respective elements)
  * now brings up a dmenu options menu to select one of cancel, logout, suspend, hybrid-sleep,
    hibernate, or shutdown
  * uses xdotool to send a hidden 'kill switch' to xmonad upon 'logout'
  * uses systemctl to suspend, hybrid-sleep and hibernate
  * uses the classic shutdown command for shutdown
  * moved the config files from .mc
  * all user instance systemd service files go here
   * contains a symbolic link to all the currently enabled service files

   * starts the emacs daemon
   * starts a user level instance of mpd using the config ~/.mpdconf
   * starts udiskie (a user level daemon for automounted media using udisk)
   * starts the urxvt daemon
   * starts the uncluttered program
   * starts trayer using the options:
      --monitor 1 --edge top --align right --expand true --width 4 --height 2 --transparent true --tint 0x000000
   * starts xbindkeys
   * starts xcompmgr
   * starts xscreensaver
  * added support for magit
  * added support for ipython
  * dropped in ELPA version of swank-clojure in place of the AUR version
  * preparing to use babel (part of org more for use with code)
  * upgraded yas to the most recent version from ELPA; need to smooth out some minor issues
  * python-mode is currently commented out in config but working; dropped in ELPA version in
    place of the AUR version i had previous
  * disabled gieser (in the process of dropping in the ELPA version..just ran into some hitch)
  * add a template for ruby to .emacs.d/templates
  * user instance mpd config
  * re-enabled ncmpcpp in place of cmus as i'm using mpd now
  * disable mc in screen because it doesn't start correctly; mc is available through my xmonad
    scratchpad "mc"
  * enabled syntax highlighting
  * switched music keybindings from cmus-remote commands to there respective mpc commands
  * switched www key to conkeror in place of firefox
  * use systemd --user to run a user instance of systemd to run startup programs generally
    run from this script. The programs i have written unit files are specified above and left
    as comments in this file.
  * my ethernet interface is now called 'eno1' not 'eth0'
  * TODO: need to setup wireless status xmobar widget for 'wlp7s0'
  * added keybinding for auto-umounting any disk auto-mounted by udiskie (Mod+shift+control u)
  * now using new .bin/ to kill session in a few different ways (Mod+shift q)
  * added a keybinding to toggle the status bar (xmobar) using (Mod b)
  * added better support for some full screen games: supertux2, doom3, steam and hl2
  * set opacity on all emacs and gvim windows to 13/16 (btw this is done for urxvt using a
    property in .Xdefaults
  * an auto-generated file by xscreensaver-demo; may consider removing in the future as it can
    always be auto-generated but its nice to have all my screensavers saved and ready
  * not currently using since i use slim but here for compatibility with gdm,kdm and other de's
  * some auto-generated changes thanks to compinstall
  * added a few new aliases
  * modified path to include ~/.bin

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:43 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 5cd2b23713 Various minor changes; see details below.
  * added awesome configuration (currently default)
  * added obmenygen configuration (menu generator for openbox from the AUR)
  * added openbox configuration
  * noticed .emacs was out of date and unlinked (see link-conf/confmgr)
  * switched to ELPA packages over AUR or pacman (distro) packages (where possible)
  * code cleanup
  * added pekwm configuration (currently default)
  * extended the bar because trayer is no longer being used from .xinitrc
  * fixed a typo

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00
Collin J. Doering bc065dda7a Numerous changes and a restructure of .xinitrc to allow .vnc/xstartup to piggy back off of it
and offer a window manager selection dialog for remote/nested sessions

  * runs pekwm and a xdialog to choose a wm; then runs "$HOME/.xinitrc wm-name remote" where
    wm-name is a lower-case window manager name (corresponding to a exectuable in $PATH)
  * see TODO at the head of the document for things to be completed
  * ISSUE: xmonad is a binary executable so there is no way to pass it a special configuration
    for a single monitor setup (for a remote session). Instead there should be a single-head
    xmonad compiled to run on remote sessions; the question is how?
  * massively restructured and now has a slightly different usage (see head of document)
  * still supports being run without command-line parameters and by slim (passed one cl parameter
    being the window manager (again in lower case and corresponding to a executable in $PATH)
  * added a new manage hook for opennx
  * added a new floating manage hook doMaxFloat (thanks to OODavo) which can float windows
    that request a size smaller then the area their widgets span

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00
Collin J. Doering bd0592baac Various day-to-day changes made summarized as follows:
   * added better support for mime-type handling (pdf, ps, torrent, ...)
   * added PKGBUILD mode
   * disabled hs-org/minor-mode because of it not playing well with auto-complete-mode and flyspell
   * disabled yasnippet for the time being (look into auto-complete-mode and flyspell issues)
   * disabled elget (not functioning plus there is the ELPA so whats the point?)
   * set default account to (previously was only able to send through collin.doering (SMTP) and recieve mail through rekahsoft (IMAP))
   * using encrypted autoinfo files now
   * TODO: get multiple IMAP/SMTP accounts working
   * disabled ncmpcpp screen (no longer using mpd sadly due to pulseaudio issues
   * disabled nvlc screen
   * disabled trayer (no apps use it so whats the point) (still need to modify .xmobar to leave no gap on the right side of the screen)
   * beginning utilization of a few new modules from XMonad.Contrib including:
     - XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
     - XMonad.Layout.Sublayouts
     - XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation
     - XMonad.Layout.BoringWindows
   Note: many of the added extensions above are not being used; just being prepared to be integrated into the environment (commented out)
         a few other extensions are being considered as well including: CycleWS, XMonad.Actions.TopicSpace and DynamicWorkspaces
   * disabled transmission-gtk scratchpad in preference of transmission-remote cli
   * new tab completion generated by compinstall (much nicer then previous)

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 0b231dbbcc Various changes made, many in providing a more continuous LAF.
  * added a key/val pair to set emacs font to terminus 12 point
  * did some rearranging..
.zshrc: (same as .bashrc)
  * added a alias to transmission-remote as it is now my primary torrent client
  * added ~/.cabal/bin to #PATH
  * set default homepage to duckduckgo
  * set emacs font to terminus 12 point in the pursuit of a consistent UI
  * disabled pretty lambdas; neeeds to be re-enabled seeing as the issue noted
    in emacs24 was unrelated and solved by setting the font (both in ~/.emacs
    and ~/.Xdefaults. Though pretty lambdas can only be used for lisp-like languages.
  * added clojure-mode-hook to the list of mode-hooks called 'code-modes'
  * noticed paredit's binding C-j interfered with eval-print-last-sexp in the scratch buffer.
    To rectify this added a global binding. Need to make this a local binding *TODO*
  * set eshell-visual-commands to a list of commands for  eshell to execute in a ansi term
  * created a eshell/ff function for looking up files using eshell's build in globbing. Issue
    is that it does not take into consideration relative paths *TODO*
.screenrc: changed default binding prefix C-a to C-t
.xmobarrc: added modules Weather, Uptime and Swap
  * added the WindowBringer module
  * made dmenu fit more naturally into the UI theme
  * added toggle dullscreen support (Mod+Control+Space)

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00
Collin J. Doering aac41c0395 Made several minor changes/tweaks as follows:
  * changed pdf application to zathura
  * added a bunch of webjumps (see source)
  * made duckduckgo default search engine
  * switched to emacs24 from bzr
  * enabled flyspell-mode
  * depreciated emacs-color-theme (use built-in theming in emacs24)
  * added magit init code with the intent of playing with magit someday instead of using cl
  * setup auto-complete extension
  * added keybinding C-x 4 s which opens up a elisp scratch buffer
  * added keybinding C-x 4 e which opens up a eshell buffer
  * added a eshell clear function
  * added .conkerorrc, .xmobarrc, .screenrc, and .stumpwmrc to auto-mode-alist
  * modified all audio controls to utilize cmus-remote instead of mpc
  * using nouveau instead of nvidia driver so naturually switched from twinview to xrandr
  * disabled pulseaudio from starting because it is automatically started by settings in /etc/pulse/client.conf
  * modified trayers parameters due to the new xrandr setup
  * added foreword comments
  * removed volume script from bar (only supported alsa)
  * added emacs scratchpad (keybinding Mod-Control-Escape)
  * added mc scratchpad (keybinding Mod-Control-3)
  * added transmission scratchpad (replacing deluge) with keybinding Mod-Control-4
  * imported XMonad.Layout.ToggleLayouts in hopes to find a nice fullscreen solution;
    disabled (but not uncommented) keybinding Mod-Control-Space. *TODO*

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 56b467b3cb Did a few minor changes; here is a short explanation:
  added password management system implemented by XUL Runner (still needs to be tested)
  added use of new extension "pastebin.el" (not available from arch repos & AUR)
  added elisp template for automatic insertion on new files that end in '.el'
  added the function 'open-scratch-buffer' which either switches to the current scratch buffer
   or if one doesn't exist creates one, inserts the normal scratch message at the top and enables lisp-interaction-mode
  added the new function 'toggle-window-split' curtiousy of which toggles the orientation of window
   splitting between two adjacent windows (either horizontal and verticle)
  bound the function 'toggle-window-split' to "C-x 4 t"
  stop the annoying startup screen from being displayed
  new file added to config used to control ncmpcpp's settings
  simply fixed a formatting error not relating to syntax..removed empty space at the end of a line

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00
Collin J. Doering d4bc512e30 .emacs
set default executable for run-haskell
  added a few keybindings mainly relating to window groups
  added a few more workspaces and logical keys to bind them to

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00
Collin J. Doering ea52337f5b Added syntax-highlighting to less output using source-highlight (in both .bashrc and .zshrc)
Cleaned up comments in .bashrc and .zshrc
Added file .ghci for use of ghci; all it does currently is change the prompt
MC automatic made changes to .mc/ini
Re-added .pentadactylrc..for some reason i removed it..i still use firefox + pentadactyl as my backup browser (second to conkeror)
Added quiet a few new features to .stumpwmrc including:
  * use of swank (so i can connect to the stumpwm lisp process using slime (M-x slime-connect) port 5005
  * some nice keybindings to make life easier..
Changed the border width used by xmonad as well as added the use of GridView (.xmonad/xmonad.hs)

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 5a83b71e52 Added a variety of things including:
* conkeror configuration fil (long past due)
  * a lisp template to autoinsert in .emacs for .lisp files
  * a ratpoison wm config file
  * a not-really-started stumpwm config
  * vim config file for those odd times out of emacs :S

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00
Collin J. Doering bd34674049 Did a variety of small fixes including:
* fixed a typo in .emacs relating to the haskell template used
  * automatic work done on .mc/ini by mc it self
  * added nvlc to the list of programs to run in screen
  * added a new alias "skreen" = "screen -c /dev/null" to both .bashrc and .zshrc
  * changed both .xinitrc and .xmonad/xmonad.hs to support urxvt daemon/client shared terminal

Signed-off-by: Collin Doering <>
2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00
Collin J. Doering 8eadf74221 Changed browsers again..back to conkeror from luakit..this implies changes to .Xdefaults and .xmonad/xmonad.hs
Did some tweaking of mc from mc's preferences
2015-01-14 05:12:42 -05:00