In order to ease distribution of the various machine configurations defined within this
repository, make this repository an authenticated Guix channel.
* .guix-authorizations: Add a single authorized key to start
* .guix-channel: Set various channel details
* news.txt: Provide an initial news item
* .gitignore: Ignore files used by 'guix deploy'
* .guix/guix-na/config/balg02.scm: Initial balg02 guix configuration (sans cuirass)
* .pubkeys/ Public key of Collin Doering
* .pubkeys/ Public key used for 'guix deploy' usage
* Various updates to how balg02 (guix-north-america) is setup
* .gitignore: Ignore emacs backup files
* Add preliminary plan, with a few more details
* balg02.scm: Placeholder file that will become guix operating-system configuration for balg02