
1.5 KiB

Implementation of Hack computer architecture in VHDL


  • Follows a similar structure to the implementation describe by the nand to tetris book
  • Uses open-source tools wherever possible


The creation of this software was made possible by the following open source tools and libraries, and most notably, Noam Nisan, and Shimon Schocken who created the Nand to tetris course and accompanying book "The Elements of Computing Systems, Building a Modern Computer from First Principe's".

  • Gnu Emacs, because there is no place like home; and no greater editor!
  • GHDL, for VHDL compilation/simulation.


This project is licensed under the GPLv3. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.


$ cd src
$ ghdl -i --workdir=work *.vhdl
$ ghdl -m --workdir=work <testbench> # simulate test bench of your choosing (eg. cpu_tb)


Currently the chips called ROM, Screen, Keyboard, Memory and Computer in the Nand to Tetris book are not implemented. The ROM chip is simply a RAM16k chip with no write capability (the interface doesn't require a load bit). Computer and Memory are simply compositions of chips, leaving the hard work left to implementing the screen and keyboard. I aim to complete this via vga for the screen and PS2 for the keyboard, though I'm still in the process of research.